
NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

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Old 09-01-2016, 02:31 PM   #121
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Originally Posted by eko718
Thank you for all the details Mike. I like others here like to play a more sim brand of basketball and given the new mechanics have some concern about becoming so efficient with the shot stick, that I might overperform with certain players/teams. Is there a slider available to us that could adjust the boost that we receive from using the shot stick?
There's no explicit slider for the Aim boost specifically. That's a good idea though. I'll put that on the list for 2K18, along with a shot timing impact slider in place of Real FG%.

For now, your best bet would be to just decrease the main shooting sliders to compensate for being too good on the sticks and overperforming with the wrong guys.
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Old 09-01-2016, 02:35 PM   #122
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Originally Posted by NINJAK2
My favorite nuggets of info from that great read:

And one word of advice about the new body ups, don’t try barreling toward the basket in a straight line through the defense. It’s almost guaranteed to be a charge, lost ball, or picked up dribble. You have to take proper driving angles when going 1-on-1 in NBA 2K17.
Last note on physicality, we decided to re-design our fatigue and injury models to better replicate the rigors of playing in the NBA. This year, we’ve added a new short-term fatigue system that represents being winded when doing things that require a lot of physical exertion. Both the short term and long term fatigue levels are represented in the meter on the top side of the player indicator. A number of events will cause the meter to “jump” down or drain more quickly, such as: blocks, taking heavy contact, sprinting, dunking, etc. When your energy bottoms out, your long term fatigue starts to drain at a higher rate, you take a significant hit to several attributes and you lose the ability to sprint at full speed. Long term fatigue also works as a ceiling for short term fatigue, so the lower your long term fatigue level is, the less short term fatigue you have to work with. Additionally, the likelihood of injury increases if you consistently wear your player down so it’s important this year to pace yourself and not overwork your guys.

  • Choose from seven specific playing styles: Slasher (all positions), Shot Creator (PG/SG/SF), Sharpshooter (all positions), Playmaker (PG/SG/SF), Lockdown Defender (all positions), Glass Cleaner (SF/PF/C), Post Scorer (SF/PF/C)
  • Each archetype has its own unique badges (including an exclusive Hall of Fame badge), skill sets and specializations.
  • The goal behind the new archetypes was to force gamers to make a choice when creating their characters. We’re really trying to individualize players in our online modes so not everyone ends up being the same 2 or 3 types of guys. So a lot of effort went into balancing and tuning all of the various archetype/position/height/weight/wingspan combinations (not an easy task). At the end of the day, though, we feel like each of the archetypes (and the multitude of iterations you can dream up) make for very compelling gameplay experiences, with totally different pros and cons, and each can add a unique value to the makeup of a team.

I've been begging for more physicality(especially advocating for more forced dribble pickups) and a more diverse fatigue system and I'm really happy about this. I also was in favor of specific play styles in mycareer/mypark. There was so much great info in that blog I will make this the day officially the day for 2k16's trade in..lol

Mike--Did you happen to add the ability to clear out after rebounds like we could back in the old days of 2k?
We didn't add an elbow swing clearout a la NBA Jam that you control. There are a lot of sharp elbows baked into the new rebound animations though. Also, bigs will chin the ball instead of go into a low triple threat stance after rebounds.
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Old 09-01-2016, 02:36 PM   #123
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Hello Mike will there be a blog on the rumored commentary team(s) and arena sound this year? Will there be new classic teams (Excluding dream team)? Are you at liberty to drop a tib bit on those subjects?

Nonetheless, I will continue to support 2k sports with my annual 2 purchases a year since 2k11 and the fortune of purchasing every NBA 2K game ever released. Thanks to you and your team for greatness each year
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Old 09-01-2016, 02:36 PM   #124
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Originally Posted by Beluba
This is really the main thing I'm going to be monitoring post release. Out of the box, I can confidently say it'll be nowhere near Patch 4 2K15, but there's a chance I will have to tweak the system a bit to accommodate for some of the guys who do nothing but play 2K 10 hours a day.
One of the biggest challenges of early feedback for 2k is that both player skill and player ratings(in most competitive modes and MyCareer) don't represent the endgame. People complain about shot success with -80 OVR players and a lack of mastery on offense, not to mention a lack of mastery on defensive contest windows.

Like in real life, people are always gonna cry when they miss a shot, or when they played good D and they felt the opponent made a lucky shot. Hopefully early tunings don't overreact to the predictably unjustified crying.
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Old 09-01-2016, 02:37 PM   #125
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Originally Posted by stillfeelme

Layup controls

  • Are strong totally in your control for example you can do a strong left hand layup and right by pressing up and to the right or left?
  • Evasive layups are Left and Right on the Pro stick
Northeast = Strong right
Northwest = Strong left
East = Evade right
West = Evade left
South = Floater
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Old 09-01-2016, 02:38 PM   #126
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NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Can you explain in detail the advances the team made in transition defense?

Will the last defender actually play the deep 3rd to prevent passes getting behind him in transition?

Will the transition defense recognize and pick up the trailing big so that stretch 4/5' don't always get wide open jumpers at or just past the 3pt line?
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Old 09-01-2016, 02:38 PM   #127
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Originally Posted by Beluba
This is really the main thing I'm going to be monitoring post release. Out of the box, I can confidently say it'll be nowhere near Patch 4 2K15, but there's a chance I will have to tweak the system a bit to accommodate for some of the guys who do nothing but play 2K 10 hours a day.
Thank you for the clarification, Mike. That one was really bugging me as I thought about it more and more.
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Old 09-01-2016, 02:40 PM   #128
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Originally Posted by juicey79
Hello Mike will there be a blog on the rumored commentary team(s) and arena sound this year? Will there be new classic teams (Excluding dream team)? Are you at liberty to drop a tib bit on those subjects?

Nonetheless, I will continue to support 2k sports with my annual 2 purchases a year since 2k11 and the fortune of purchasing every NBA 2K game ever released. Thanks to you and your team for greatness each year
I don't think LD would be happy if I spoil the marketing plan. There's some interesting stuff coming out next week though.
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