
Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

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Old 09-05-2016, 01:47 PM   #377
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by Dangerous10K
Im on PS4 But I've never really used a big I've always been a PG or SG since the days of NBA2K0 Always liked the hookshot though And ready to learn how to play the Bigman game So your saying I should be able to be 6'10" or 11 and it wont screw up the Arc of the shot of so nice

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Yup homie. My dude is 6 ft 8 and he hits "Kareem Sky Hooks" perfectly. So unless 2k is completely different than its been in the last 17 years... (it is but its NOT THAT MUCH DIFFERENT)... But aye I WILL ADMIT I could be wrong. Here is where I could be wrong, they might have gotten rid of the Sky Hook Animation altogether but I doubt it.
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Old 09-05-2016, 01:50 PM   #378
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by KingKoopaKnicca
Nice Sneak diss.. lol - I'll bet you 20 dollars that no 7ft center has a 92 three. I wont even say 7ft 3 center cuz I know better. I'll say at least 7 feet tall. Simple as that and IF YOUR RIGHT and I don't pay you EXPOSE ME PLEASE. Nuff Said.
Increasing height only drops off dribble mid and 3pt shot. raising wingspan drops off dribble open and contested mid and 3pt shot. it shows what height weight and wingspan drop and raise in this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erOp6mjfFpg
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Old 09-05-2016, 01:58 PM   #379
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by KingKoopaKnicca
Nice Sneak diss.. lol - I'll bet you 20 dollars that no 7ft center has a 92 three. I wont even say 7ft 3 center cuz I know better. I'll say at least 7 feet tall. Simple as that and IF YOUR RIGHT and I don't pay you EXPOSE ME PLEASE. Nuff Said.

Lol, dude it's not that serious and I clearly said he didn't say anything about vitals.
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Old 09-05-2016, 02:00 PM   #380
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by monegames
Increasing height only drops off dribble mid and 3pt shot. raising wingspan drops off dribble open and contested mid and 3pt shot. it shows what height weight and wingspan drop and raise in this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erOp6mjfFpg
Thanks bro... but I kinda of knew that that's why I've come to this assumption. Talk to me though, does what I say contradict whats in that video? cuz guess what.. I've watched that video. Sad to say but i've watched 90% of all the videos on youtube about nba 2k17, even the small no name channels as well as the BIG ones. Son I have 2k tattoo on my shoulder. This is serious. I'm a diehard. LOL. *kinda embarassing*
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Old 09-05-2016, 02:07 PM   #381
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by Scramz718
Lol, dude it's not that serious and I clearly said he didn't say anything about vitals.
Bro I'm very light hearted, I take the game serious but I like to have discussions that are light hearted, not hostile, I like to talk about the game and play the game, and gamble about the game so don't get me the wrong way. If you saw the post I made and actually followed before your smart aleck post citing some youtuber who I actually watched his videos as well LOL... if you actually saw what I posted you would know I was talking about a 6ft 5 power forward with raptor arms as the only SCENARIO where a guy might have 92 three, I also said that I believe the 94 three is the max for a short sharpshooting point guard because the game still wants you to buy boosts for +5 which would put you at a 99. Now again, this is a theory, your 100% right I COULD be wrong but sometimes you have to use your brain and NOT just take what people tell you. He didn't put up VITALS, your 100% right but do you really think he made a short center or power forward with short arms to get a 92 three. I'm 99.9% sure he didn't. It's just common sense. That's where I figure he's wrong. Logic and common sense. People can say they played it and this is what they saw but what if they messed up on the math or they simply are WRONG. I don't just believe what you tubers are telling me. I play the game for myself but I'm not ignorant because I actually listen to everyone as well.... You basically didn't know the context of what I was saying before you replied... thats all I'm saying and if you knew you wouldn't have made that post...
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Old 09-05-2016, 02:17 PM   #382
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by monegames
Increasing height only drops off dribble mid and 3pt shot. raising wingspan drops off dribble open and contested mid and 3pt shot. it shows what height weight and wingspan drop and raise in this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erOp6mjfFpg
But we have no word on how shooting changes by position
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Old 09-05-2016, 02:19 PM   #383
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by Dangerous10K
I think itll be somewhat balanced if anything I think the stretch big is gonna be the most overpowered I mean you can be 6'11" with say a 92 3pointer long range deadeye limitless range i guarantee still solid at rebounding and if ya look at the stats sharpshooter has one of the highest post scoring out of the arch types so itll probally be alright down low A bunch of Kevin Love types running around except not as good at rebounding but better at shooting and defense.

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This is the CONTEXT of what I was replying with this whole 92 three nonsense just so you understand... #communication
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Old 09-05-2016, 02:24 PM   #384
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by hopoffthiscliff
But we have no word on how shooting changes by position
we didn't on shooting, but we did on speed and dribbling.

Originally Posted by Choops4Life
Your position doesn't matter at all when it comes to how slow you are or how good/bad your ball-handling is. All that matters is your height/weight/wingspan. If you are a 6'6 190 lb SG with a 6'8 wingspan, and you're that same size as a SF, your athleticism and ball-handling will be equal
why would ball handling not be controlled by position, and shooting be controlled by position?
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