
Inability to see attribute numbers on upgrade screen

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Old 09-11-2017, 05:53 PM   #57
hanzsomehanz's Arena
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Re: Inability to see attribute numbers on upgrade screen

Originally Posted by coachcolbert
this is all i was trying to say a few weeks ago. personally ive hit the "nah 2k you tripping.." wall

the ONLY way this BS stops is if we dont buy the game new AND DONT BUY VC! if youre frustrated that is. if youre happy with the way the game is there is no need to reply or comment about those of us that are frustrated

more and more i see folks on here expressing the SAME EXACT things ph33 and I have been saying for about a month or so.

its HARD, but if youre really frustrated with how 2k is treating us, you have to say it with your dollar!

If youre that frustrated with 2k..


its the only way we'll be heard, otherwise - we're just venting

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2k17 was the series I didn't spend any money on VC.

2k18 was going to be the series I holdout and buy after Christmas.

Now it's looking like I might just not buy the game at all let alone play it even if it's offered for free.

I'm with you here. I understand the situation is bigger than simply buying or kit buying: it's triggering what you actually stand for as an individual.

Do you support this company's business practices? Do you want to continue to see this business model prosper?

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how could I lose? im playing by my own rules..
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Old 09-11-2017, 05:56 PM   #58
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Re: Inability to see attribute numbers on upgrade screen

Not being able to see attributes while spending VC is honestly ridicolous no matter what
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Old 09-11-2017, 06:02 PM   #59
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Re: Inability to see attribute numbers on upgrade screen

Originally Posted by de5m0n
I like the road to 99 concept but there is one problem. The only people who will get there are the no lifers who play 2k all day everyday. This is all assuming that 99 = legend in 17. I will be lucky to get to 95 if all things work out and i dont have to create another players due to game patches/cheese that will come out.
Word. My main gripe is patches that could ruin archetypes. Grinding your player to a 93-95 and a patch completely nerfs or ruins the build is going to suck if it happens. You pretty much gotta start from scratch. I know 2k devs have stated that they aren't making many changes this year but I have to see it to believe it. They tend to give in at some point smh.
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Old 09-11-2017, 06:40 PM   #60
hanzsomehanz's Arena
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Re: Inability to see attribute numbers on upgrade screen

Originally Posted by ph33
When they were working on the game, not one person bothered to point out "Hey...something's off here. Shouldn't our users see what it is they're upgrading to before they hit submit? Like they have every single year?" I'm sure someone pointed it out, but perhaps it was someone else's decision to omit. Either way, I don't think their intention was "More organic and less numbers".

People want to see what their player can get to with attributes, and this all becomes a big guessing game this year. For example, some dunks require 80 driving dunk. What happens if you create a guy hoping you can get that animation, but your max dunk is 79 and you don't find out till the end, after you spent all your VC? You are SOL in that situation.
It's incredulous.

How do we know the intended effect?

I couldn't imagine paying for a new PC but not knowing the specs until after my purchase but hey the package looked nice

Each level that unlocks a new ability should already be reveal that given ability during the purchase process and prior to confirming your purchase. These levels should atleast reveal what you are entitled to in animations. Example, "You will have access to contact dunks. You will have access to the highest level of speed-boosting. You will be able to hit greens from 3. You will be able to hit greens from limitless."

This would be good customer service. This is how you build trust and confidence in your customer. With so much on the line with these builds: we need to know exactly what we are investing our time and money into.

As De5m0n put it: it's become a lottery ticket purchase. You paying for a scratch and win reveal. It's got to change for any reasonable productivity and satisfaction to be yielded from this current MyCareer building process.

As it stand now: there is a much higher probability for failure and disappointment in the creation process than there has ever been.

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how could I lose? im playing by my own rules..

Last edited by hanzsomehanz; 09-11-2017 at 06:49 PM.
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Old 09-11-2017, 06:46 PM   #61
YannisLB's Arena
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Re: Inability to see attribute numbers on upgrade screen

Still no answer by 2K while this subect is trending on twitter..

I think its pretty clear.
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Old 09-11-2017, 06:54 PM   #62
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Re: Inability to see attribute numbers on upgrade screen

They're not gonna reply because they don't care and it was done on purpose lol.

Like. Wang is literally answering ppl on selective/specific builds down to height and weight but he won't say anything about this lol. Shameful.
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Old 09-11-2017, 07:36 PM   #63
Trackball's Arena
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Re: Inability to see attribute numbers on upgrade screen

I'm reading this thread and I'm all...


Meanwhile, I, the guy who's literally autistic, is wondering why people don't just relax and have some fun.

It's not like this is the only mode in the game.

My rating in one stat caps at 79 instead of 94? Yay, more challenge for me!
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Old 09-11-2017, 07:41 PM   #64
ph33's Arena
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Re: Inability to see attribute numbers on upgrade screen

Originally Posted by Trackball
It's not like this is the only mode in the game.
People in this thread are trying to make improvements to this mode, not other modes.

I don't know why you felt the need to bring other modes up.
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