
What are the top 5-10 things you are hoping/looking are improved/changed this year?

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Old 08-14-2018, 02:18 PM   #33
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Re: What are the top 5-10 things you are hoping/looking are improved/changed this yea

I just ask for more Realistic Basketball, specially in the Pro-AM and NBA games modes.

I have nothing against those who prefer arcade results, but please, why not create two different environments or game modes, Pro-Am should simulate basketball, and for those more casual they could be in the park, but we should't see over and over again 60% on 3pts shoots or unstoppable animations when driving, specially if people is trying to play defense...

I would like to play a competitive mode where defense can be felt, where the paint is a respectable place and every basket cost you blood, I just want more sim basketball.
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Old 08-14-2018, 03:13 PM   #34
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Re: What are the top 5-10 things you are hoping/looking are improved/changed this yea

I just wished pro am had more life to it. I love how EA has the licenses to different parks and arenas .

2k could at least give us different venues even if they aren’t official.

I’m also tired of looking at the black and gold jersey for like the 3rd year in a row.
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Old 08-14-2018, 05:47 PM   #35
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Re: What are the top 5-10 things you are hoping/looking are improved/changed this yea

Originally Posted by Vic_Clancy
I agree with most of the previous comments, so i'll offer some others that I didn't see mentioned much.

Biggest things for me

1. Game needs to better out of the box. Our memories have faded over time, but this year's game was so glitchy on launch (remember...difficulties partying up with friends, couldn't get in same lobby with pro-am team, lost characters, stuck in subway, all types of cheese)

2. Stop punishing walk-on players with terrible AI teammates. (this kills the mode for me. Through no fault of my own, i end up with 3 AI teammates and none of them can make a layup or open jumper or play defense (other than OP interception stat). Either hold servers for a full 10; make the AI players decent (but not OP)).

3. Skippable cut scenes are a must, especially for 2nd play throughs

4. More build transparency. Dumb that we hav eto wait for third parties to see max badges/attribute caps.

5. Fix lay-ups/catching the ball. They admitted they crippled them due to defensive deficiencies. Looks dumb and emersion breaking to have NBA players consistently missing easy layups and dropping easy passes.

6. Fewer dice rolls. Especially on shooting.

7. Tweak in-game rating system. (I think it's generally OK, but you often get letter grades off for dumb things. Aka. forget about playing help defense if you're trying to keep a decent score).

8. In park/pro-am, allow teams to switch up their defensive assignements. (i know in pro-am the PG can change matchups. But what if you have an AI PG or your PG is an idiot? It'd be useful to have a better system that allows you to switch assignments)

Here are some mode specific updates that i'd like to see, but not holding my breath.

My Career

1. Less grind to get a viable/playable character (let's say, shouldn't take $20 bucks/80 games to get to an 85, with an acceptable amount of badges. I don't mind the grind above 85 being steeper).

1a. Better alternatives to grind skills. I love playing offline my career. But don't want to go through a whole-season with multiple characters; and you can't bring a 60 to the park. Need rookie mode or some other way to obtain badges.

2. More build customization (plenty of ideas out there).

3. Navigation menus. Or at least let me choose spawning location on boot (load me into my friends session, park, next career game, high rise, etc...)

4. Easier to swap between myplayers (don't need to go back to main menu, and then fight to get back to the park)

5. Better team logic/give me more control (why is my coach just watching Lebron dominate Shammy and not sending help/switching the matchup. It's a little better on offense if you're the PG/have on court coach).


1. On team pro-am, allow some control over AI squad mates. My squad is usually just three of us, and we're at the mercy of 2K for who our AI is. It would be great if before we match our opponent, we got to choose our AIs from a pool of default characters (75 ovr instead of 60; different archetypes, and we could choose where they're slotted).

1a. Allow us to choose our positions. (Especially in team pro-am. Yes, I may be taller than my teammate, but we still want me to run point, and have the point guard commands. Why am I not allowed to do that).

2. More customization in blacktop (choose roster/rules/scoring...also bring back snake draft)

3. Why does the big man always have to inbound the ball? (opponent scores a fast break point with only the PG back. Instead of quickly inbounding it, he waits for the big man to lumber down court and throw the ball in? Dumb.)

I have others....but i'll leave it at this for now....

Excellent post
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Old 08-19-2018, 02:32 AM   #36
Vic_Clancy's Arena
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Re: What are the top 5-10 things you are hoping/looking are improved/changed this yea

Played a little 2K17 tonight, the OJ mechanic with Justice reminded me of an idea/want from a couple months ago.

Let us control two players. Life long friends/brothers get drafted in the league together. You get to choose both player's builds and invest VC in them. Can switch between them in game (like OJ). Could use either in the park and pro am.

Tremendous storyline potential and great for people like me who always have multiple builds.
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Old 08-19-2018, 03:14 AM   #37
olajuwon34's Arena
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Re: What are the top 5-10 things you are hoping/looking are improved/changed this yea

Im hoping for less sliding, better foot planting/grip on the court and weight to the players. And better collision and physics in the paint, im a rebounder, shot blocker, score strictly inside the paint type player, and im just gonna throw this out there and i know i might rattle a few guys cages on here, but the post and paint play in 2k18 was absolutely terrible.
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Old 08-19-2018, 03:47 AM   #38
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Re: What are the top 5-10 things you are hoping/looking are improved/changed this yea

1. Speed Differential (especially between bigs) a max height pure stretch shouldn't be chasedown blocking anyone
2. Moving screens called, currently only called off ball
3. Offensive 3 seconds calls (Mike Wang tweeted this was fixed)
4. Steal spamming interupting dunk animations
5. Bring down block ratings for MyPlayers without defending in them, a 6'4 Pure Sharp shouldn't have a 60 Block rating
6. Split between ball control and Speed with ball, Slashers have higher straighline speed but can't dribble in traffic
7. Ability to choose to attempt a tip rebound
8. Remove the double handed standing layup animation that always gets blocked, replace with a push floater
9. Tie animation packages to height as well as ratings and not position i.e a 6'6 slasher should be able to get Vince Carter's dunk package whether they are PG/SG/SF/PF. Tie badges to height instead of position i.e 5'7-6'9 Pure Slasher gets HOF Acrobat, 6'10-7'0 gets Gold, 7"1+ gets Silver
10. Private ProAm Matchmaking

Last edited by TheFinalEvent97; 08-19-2018 at 03:54 AM.
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Old 08-19-2018, 04:50 AM   #39
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Re: What are the top 5-10 things you are hoping/looking are improved/changed this yea

Originally Posted by TheFinalEvent97
1. Speed Differential (especially between bigs) a max height pure stretch shouldn't be chasedown blocking anyone

I don't want to see these 7"3 C max weights doing the quick flashy dunks windmills, tomahawks neither

They need their own dunk packages with slower animations
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Old 08-19-2018, 07:55 AM   #40
Johnnythelegend's Arena
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Re: What are the top 5-10 things you are hoping/looking are improved/changed this yea


Layups, for the love of God
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