
Another day and another OP Badge (Defensive) as Usual

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Old 09-11-2019, 11:26 PM   #9
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Re: Another day and another OP Badge (Defensive) as Usual

Originally Posted by ILLSmak

Some assumptions: all offense, doesn't change strategy, but Yea it's not balanced if someone goes from being a high efficiency scorer to unable to score simply because they are facing a defender primary. The way he said it implies he believes he made proper adjustments.

If change his strategy is spot up or "pass" yes that's imbalanced.

They should have better tools and more margin for error but just because dude is a post up specced defending finisher, I don't believe he should be forced to be afraid to go inside. He should be aware of the d but I agree with him that auto contests thru bumps, crazy blocks, being unable to even attempt a dunk, Yea that's not balanced.

And I'm a dude who plays d primarily. I don't even try on offense cuz it's boring. I pass to people who like stats. So someone being capable of playing good d a s being rewarded is great, but when it's automatic, that's lame.

So we're assuming that he adjusted his game accordingly, but we can't assume that defender didn't merely play damn good defense against him? Don't the offensive badges unlock additional animations to score? So, how come the defensive badges are not allowed to unlock additional defensive animations?

And if we "nerf" the defensive badges and he's able to score above 50%, that's okay?
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Old 09-12-2019, 02:07 AM   #10
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Re: Another day and another OP Badge (Defensive) as Usual

It's hard to know what's true, but what he said didnt really lend to any assumptions except, haha, that he might be exaggerating or misrepresenting, but that's a common possibility. Taken at absolute face value, he said he was able to get people out of position and they were still stopping him, so I'm not sure what the percentage is, even if a blanket nerf to badges or buff to percentage would be satisfactory.

I feel at a certain point it's your basket. If you get to a spot, could be mutumbo, it's your basket. It's like if they gave lock downs really wide contest radius that even extended behind people, that would be imbalanced.

Being able to bump people is good defense, even from behind. However, is there a foul risk and does it require timing/pressing a button? If it's just a guy in the paint that's not good enough, especially if he's not in position.

I just don't think someones archetype should reward them for doing nothing. I don't think he should have to reroll his archetype to get consistent scoring.

If the info as presented in op is fact or as close to fact as we can expect a person's experience to be, then that's where I stand. If he made the thread after getting locked down by good defenders then obviously that's a different story.

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Old 09-12-2019, 02:57 AM   #11
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Re: Another day and another OP Badge (Defensive) as Usual

Originally Posted by olajuwon34
I saw someone say that the Intimidator badge was activating when players were taking perimeter jumpshots and they were just standing in the paint
I've experienced that in team-up. They still made the shot tho so I doubt it actually affected the shot.
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Old 09-12-2019, 04:13 AM   #12
tru11's Arena
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Re: Another day and another OP Badge (Defensive) as Usual

Originally Posted by splashmountain
NBA 2k20's two OP badges are back. One has changed its name. same results.

Rim Protector on gold to hall of fame = OP chase down blocks even without chase down, causing offensive players to contort their bodies for no reason to give time to the shot blocker to block shots. just like last year's 2k19 :-(

Intimidator boosted to hall of fame is OP just like the defender badge was in 2k19. same results. it causes the offensive player to go into silly weird out of context animations for no reason. It affects players even if the defender is out of position to affect the shot. it will also stop your dunk animations from even occurring quite a bit just like in 19.

I played a few games in the Rec last night just to see. One game had 2 of them down lown. I'm a big(primary finisher/2ndary defender with decent post move bar .) I'm probably shooting 60 to 70% from the field. and then.... The defenders came out. lol. not actual people who defend well. I'm talking about defender archetypes. there's a difference between those two things which is why i hate those defender badges. They are so powerful you dont have to know how to play defense in order to make people miss shots, turn the ball over a ton and just plain get stuck in weird ball fumbling animations on a simple catch.

Please do not reply with get better. If I put a move on you and the defender is behind me going the opposite direction because you're out of position now. the shot contest should be 0%, or at best 20%. You can't get a boost in contest just by standing on the side of people when your guy isnt even facing the offensive player. thats silly and unrealistic. in addition it rewards bad defense and puts the clamps on good to great offensive moves.

if this is going to be the case in this 2k20. you will have all bigs being the same builds. Defender rebounders or rebounding defenders. badged out with intimidator/rim protector on gold to HOF.

which kills a lot of the fun out of those positions. now granted i havent played with a pure post player yet. so maybe thats the other OP offensive guy in the paint. if so, i still hate it. no need to make OP builds or OP badges. Just keep them at a point where it can slightly assist people. not greatly assist where people dont have to know what they're doing to compete. SKILLS GAP. you're already giving them left stick dribble moves. good grief. how much handicapping are we doing 2k?
so what is your close shot and what offense badges do you have?

quite frankly they have fixed the mess from 2k19 where even open lay ups will brick.
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Old 09-12-2019, 02:24 PM   #13
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Re: Another day and another OP Badge (Defensive) as Usual

Originally Posted by ksuttonjr76
I'm sorry, but this sounds like poor contextual awareness of the defender. Like IRL, you don't keep attacking the Ben Wallaces, Shaqs, Mournings, Mutombos, Artests, KLs, MJs, etc of the NBA and not expect them not to have some type of mental impact on your game.

You're shooting 60% to 70% from the field against "regular" players, but you don't have a problem with that; however, you play against a defensive-type player, and it's problem due them lowering the quality of your shots?

That's on you to change your gameplan or role, so that you're not meeting the defender in their battlefield and/or having a different impact on the game.

As many badges that awards bad offense...wow.
I already knew this "get better" or "get smarter" post was coming. you quoted my entire post but didnt read or comprehend what i said after i said dont say ...get better.

Listen to the detail my friend.

Prime Zo or Prime Mutumbo or Prime benny wally on defense. vs...Prime Shaq, Prime Hakeem, Prime Kareem, Prime bill walton(pre injuries).

Do you think zo or Mt Mutumbo is stopping prime shaq, prime hakeem, prime kareem....? the answer is on Yes on occasion, but overall NO. why not? because these guys have post moves/strength/quicks that will make sure they get the defender out of good position to use their elite length/hops/strength to defend the shot attempt(dunk, layup, hook, etc.)

Lets spell it out.

I'm in the post vs a HOF initimator badge/HOF rim protector badges.

Back down...back down. Up fake.... Woops, mr defender goes for the fake. I spin off of him and now i'm completely free. why the hell am i losing the ball for no reason? he didnt reach to poke it loose before he got faked out of his shoes. the ball didnt touch his body on my spin. i just dropped the ball just cause he's a defender with badges. its his AURA thats bothering me, not the actual person. its 100% badge related.

If i make this same move on your favorite defenders and they make the mental mistake of jumping for that fake and i make the proper counter to step thru or spin off of them. I will be free in the clear to make a layup or dunk that ball. I would never drop the ball just cause they are around me. thats not realistic at all. do you guys understand this?

example #2. I rim run. he keeps back peddling because he's already across half court. he beats me to my spot. I spin off of him. and open up in the post on the opposite side. the ball gets correctly swung to that side. now i'm in perfect position. he's underneath the rim almost behind the backboard out of bounds. I go up to dunk or lay it up in front of the rim. It never triggers a dunk animation and my standing dunk is 95. thats problem #1. problem #2. I'll take the basic layup to the front of the rim. even the off chance that i made that shot. it says SMOTHERED coverage. wait a second....How am I smothered when the defender is underneath the basket. He can't block anything from that position. if he jumped in real life he would mess around and break his hand on the bottom of the backboard or the bottom of the rim. There's a reason that bigs know do not allow the offensive big to get you under that rim if he does its curtains no matter how great you are on defense. you cant stop anything from there. Anytime a person is that deep in the paint. the shot contest should be no more than 20% and even that's pushing it. The reason it should be this way is because the chess match starts before i even get the ball. this guy needs to know how to hold me off of doing that spin move after he took my initial post spot. some guys are great at this. most are not. and if you're not and I am. i should destroy you until you learn how to play smarter defense. thats how the game is played.

no, i dont want my guys offensive boosted to be op. i like it right where it is. its realistic now. If i make a bad move or you're a smarter defender i'm penalized even if you dont have a defender badge boosted to HOF. thats the way it should be vs anyone. thats the problem with these badges. they go tooooo far and it turns into too much of a helper where you dont have to do much to benefit. so once again, i'm not playing vs just the user . its me vs the user and 2k's AI.
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Old 09-12-2019, 03:08 PM   #14
WarMMA's Arena
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Re: Another day and another OP Badge (Defensive) as Usual

So you're saying they are stopping you when you're under the rim and they are behind it? I agree that shouldn't happen, but if you're shooting 60-70% mostly, just how much are the good defenders lowering that? Are you still scoring a decent amount against them? Im sure they aren't stopping you every single time? I personally agree with the under the rim part and also any silly animations that happen, but I think good defenders should have their impact. I have no issue with the defensive badges...especially with how many offensive badges there are

Last edited by WarMMA; 09-12-2019 at 03:11 PM.
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Old 09-12-2019, 03:20 PM   #15
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Re: Another day and another OP Badge (Defensive) as Usual

Originally Posted by tru11
so what is your close shot and what offense badges do you have?

quite frankly they have fixed the mess from 2k19 where even open lay ups will brick.
a lot of them i should've been attempting a dunk. standing dunk is a 95. no excuses for that. but.. close shot is 80+ i do not remember off the top of my head. I'm thinking its 85 or higher. not 90s yet.

the issue is that they are getting that smothered coverage when they are not smothering me at all. which was the same crap they got in 2k19.

You are correct the blown layups are no where near as bad as they were in 2k19. they did a good job taking that out this years game. its only when you run into these defenders with these specific badges boosted to the max or close to max(gold). intimidator and rim protector and they have high interior defense. There is no debating if it's OP or not. the guy i was playing against even admitted as much. we were both laughing at it.
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Old 09-12-2019, 03:27 PM   #16
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Re: Another day and another OP Badge (Defensive) as Usual

Originally Posted by WarMMA
So you're saying they are stopping you when you're under the rim and they are behind it? I agree that shouldn't happen, but if you're shooting 60-70% mostly, just how much are the good defenders lowering that? Are you still scoring a decent amount against them? Im sure they aren't stopping you every single time? I personally agree with the under the rim part and also any silly animations that happen, but I think good defenders should have their impact. I have no issue with the defensive badges...especially with how many offensive badges there are
War... I think i may have ended up making like 3 shots the entire game. i took maybe 14 shots. my teammates(randoms) bailed early because they were to low rated. so it was me and the cpu fellas. lol. They didnt even have to double me. it was one super defender. i put move after move after move on the guy. wide open. brick. got my own board back. up fake. he jumps. i lean into him. no foul. go up ...brick. i step out, beat him off the dribble(i'm a bit smaller and quicker). i go up for a dunk (FINALLY). my momentum in mid air is slowed down so guess who... can block my shot. pathetic. :-(
we just started laughing about it thru texts. One sequence was so stupid, I again faked him with a jab step hard right. then went hard left. GOT EM..... NOPE. I go up for a crazy dunk. this is about to be a nice poster. and then out of no where i didnt tap any extra buttons/didnt move the stick at all. I go from a dunk animation to a double clutch animation and blow the layup. 2kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

again all finishing states are mid to high 80s. and standing dunk is 95. Got the giant slayer on silver, got the contact badge on silver, i got spin technician on silver. I would completely understand if i tried to challenge this guy straight up. he should dominate my guy if that were the case. but i'm smarter than that. i put the moves on him and still no love from the 2k gods.

Its not about the many badges that offensive guys have. its how OP or UP they are. if they are under powered whats the point? if they are OP... thats the game helping the user too much and the user not having to actually use skill.
I want people to STOP ME. or dont. I dont want to play vs your badge all game even though I making the proper basketball play and getting my guy into open areas where he should be able to score no matter your badge because your badge should become null and void when you are out of position. thats all i ask for. i dont want an OP down low offensive badge that just goes thru people that are playing solid defense. thats not fun either.

Last edited by splashmountain; 09-12-2019 at 03:33 PM.
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