
NBA Developer Insight: NBA 2K10: Draft Combine, Part I

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Old 08-12-2009, 03:01 PM   #57
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Re: First 2k Developer Insight: NBA2k10 Draft Combine

Oh trust, I know and agree. No need to change your marketing style if it's been proven it's been successful for the last 3-4 years lol. This year seems to be a bit different from year's past because compared to the last 2 years, were getting more info NOW at this point in time than any other time in this same timespan. Hell, what did we know about 2K9 one year ago today other than the fact KG was going to be on the cover lol...
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Old 08-12-2009, 03:04 PM   #58
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Re: First 2k Developer Insight: NBA2k10 Draft Combine

Not much until that French site leaked all those videos and pictures.
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Old 08-12-2009, 03:25 PM   #59
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Re: First 2k Developer Insight: NBA2k10 Draft Combine

Originally Posted by Behindshadows
Yeah I agree, its a different ball game this season when it comes to game purchasing. Consumers do their homework and they just don't go out and buy things based off name recognition. They purchase based on what they read up on and what is marketed and flashed enough times in their face.

I'm always more harsh to 2ksports because they have the most brokeback-marketing I've ever seen when it comes to their games. Not to mention 2k10 comes out in less than 2 months and we still haven't really seen any gameplay on the title at all. No videos, bull**** screenshots and marketing of a feature only a 3rd of us give a damn about. I mean we buy the games to play 5 on 5 basketball, and the first thing they announce and continue to talk about is stupid Draft Combine. We are glad they have a new feature, yaaaaaaah!

Now show us what matters and that is the 5 on 5 game not this mess they've been showing. We want the meat and potatoes when it comes to their marketing, not the salad bar with lite dressing.
You completely overrestimate the buying public. Most people dont watch videos or screenshots. They dont come to OS or IGN or the 2k forums and chat about backdoor screens, tattoos and the D league. They treat video games the same way as they do movies. They see a trailer or commercial and decide to buy the game or not. Or they wait for reviews and then decide to buy the game. Or they go strictly off of name recognition.

They dont care about the game until we get closer to release. But you guys know that already because we do this every year. You guys complain about the lack of videos until September and then 2k releases it and sends Steve a beta copy. Then you complain about the lack of a demo, until 2k releases it. Every year its the same dance and for the past 4 yrs 2k has outsold the competition with this approach.

They seem to be the only ones who realize that advertising in August doesnt equal sales.
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Old 08-12-2009, 03:51 PM   #60
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Re: First 2k Developer Insight: NBA2k10 Draft Combine

Originally Posted by aholbert32
You completely overrestimate the buying public. Most people dont watch videos or screenshots. They dont come to OS or IGN or the 2k forums and chat about backdoor screens, tattoos and the D league. They treat video games the same way as they do movies. They see a trailer or commercial and decide to buy the game or not. Or they wait for reviews and then decide to buy the game. Or they go strictly off of name recognition.

They dont care about the game until we get closer to release. But you guys know that already because we do this every year. You guys complain about the lack of videos until September and then 2k releases it and sends Steve a beta copy. Then you complain about the lack of a demo, until 2k releases it. Every year its the same dance and for the past 4 yrs 2k has outsold the competition with this approach.

They seem to be the only ones who realize that advertising in August doesnt equal sales.
QFT. I agree with this 100%.

Guys are just impatient right now with Live flooding the gates with info on their game. People just want their fears put to rest about 2k and I certainly get that standpoint as well.
EA and 2k have the unfortunate task of trying to balance on a tightrope of fun and sim while trying not to fall 10,000 feet to their death. Instead of a safety net waiting down below there will just be angry customers quick to move out of the way and talk of their failure.
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Old 08-12-2009, 05:06 PM   #61
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Re: First 2k Developer Insight: NBA2k10 Draft Combine

Originally Posted by aholbert32
You completely overrestimate the buying public. Most people dont watch videos or screenshots. They dont come to OS or IGN or the 2k forums and chat about backdoor screens, tattoos and the D league. They treat video games the same way as they do movies. They see a trailer or commercial and decide to buy the game or not. Or they wait for reviews and then decide to buy the game. Or they go strictly off of name recognition.

They dont care about the game until we get closer to release. But you guys know that already because we do this every year. You guys complain about the lack of videos until September and then 2k releases it and sends Steve a beta copy. Then you complain about the lack of a demo, until 2k releases it. Every year its the same dance and for the past 4 yrs 2k has outsold the competition with this approach.

They seem to be the only ones who realize that advertising in August doesnt equal sales.
You are suggesting there is a correlation between lack of advertising in August and increased game sales, there is no truth to the matter.

One can argue that Live advertising in August has also helped them capture a market share which they may not have had otherwise if they tried to compete head to head in September.
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Old 08-12-2009, 05:14 PM   #62
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Re: First 2k Developer Insight: NBA2k10 Draft Combine

Originally Posted by HeavenlyTouch
You are suggesting there is a correlation between lack of advertising in August and increased game sales, there is no truth to the matter.

One can argue that Live advertising in August has also helped them capture a market share which they may not have had otherwise if they tried to compete head to head in September.

I never suggested any of that. I stated that 2k has an advertising budget and marketing plan and that its worked the last 4 yrs. Its basic common sense. Only the hardcore fans care about videos/screenshots in August and what do you guys do when you get them. You overanalyze them and nitpick them to death.

Look at the Live threads. They post a video, 10-15 people say they like it and then the next 200 posts are people complaining about hunched over backs, animations occurring too much, the speed of the game etc. Thats not good press. So if I'm 2k why would I waste money and man power creating videos and shots for people who will probably buy the game anyway. I would release the vids in September giving you less time to nitpick everything.

You can argue that advertising in August leads to better market share but you dont have any proof to back that up. Live advertised in August for Live 08 and 09. 2k didnt start until September for their games that year. 2k outsold them both years and increased its share. My point is the average consumer isnt even thinking basketball right now....they are playing Madden and NCAA. Or NHL. Or Tiger Woods.
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Old 08-12-2009, 06:15 PM   #63
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Re: First 2k Developer Insight: NBA2k10 Draft Combine

Originally Posted by aholbert32
I never suggested any of that. I stated that 2k has an advertising budget and marketing plan and that its worked the last 4 yrs. Its basic common sense. Only the hardcore fans care about videos/screenshots in August and what do you guys do when you get them. You overanalyze them and nitpick them to death.

Look at the Live threads. They post a video, 10-15 people say they like it and then the next 200 posts are people complaining about hunched over backs, animations occurring too much, the speed of the game etc. Thats not good press. So if I'm 2k why would I waste money and man power creating videos and shots for people who will probably buy the game anyway. I would release the vids in September giving you less time to nitpick everything.

You can argue that advertising in August leads to better market share but you dont have any proof to back that up. Live advertised in August for Live 08 and 09. 2k didnt start until September for their games that year. 2k outsold them both years and increased its share. My point is the average consumer isnt even thinking basketball right now....they are playing Madden and NCAA. Or NHL. Or Tiger Woods.
Did you ever try to think that they outsold them because of superior gameplay?

You did suggest it in the final statement in your post.

"They seem to be the only ones who realize that advertising in August doesnt equal sales."

And again in your second rebuttal:

My point is the average consumer isnt even thinking basketball right now....they are playing Madden and NCAA. Or NHL. Or Tiger Woods.

People will likely try both demos before making a decision anyhow on which to buy, that's the real hands on experience prior to buying a video game.

I love how people's comeback on this board are "you cant prove otherwise, so that means I'm right!", this is an appeal to ignorance.

People have become accustomed to presenting their opinions as facts online.

Last edited by HeavenlyTouch; 08-12-2009 at 06:33 PM.
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Old 08-12-2009, 07:38 PM   #64
(aka Alberto)
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Re: First 2k Developer Insight: NBA2k10 Draft Combine

Originally Posted by HeavenlyTouch
Did you ever try to think that they outsold them because of superior gameplay?

You did suggest it in the final statement in your post.

"They seem to be the only ones who realize that advertising in August doesnt equal sales."

And again in your second rebuttal:

My point is the average consumer isnt even thinking basketball right now....they are playing Madden and NCAA. Or NHL. Or Tiger Woods.

People will likely try both demos before making a decision anyhow on which to buy, that's the real hands on experience prior to buying a video game.

I love how people's comeback on this board are "you cant prove otherwise, so that means I'm right!", this is an appeal to ignorance.

People have become accustomed to presenting their opinions as facts online.
LOL. Its really simple. Your argument is that August advertising can effect sales. I asked you to show it by statistics or game sales and you cant. My counter is that Live has been doing this for the past 3 yrs and its had no effect on market share or sales. Thats it. Dont try to complicate it.

People (like you) complain about the lack of info in August when there is no business reason why 2k should release info this early.
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