
Why is 2k continuing to ignore Association Mode?

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Old 09-25-2012, 06:31 PM   #25
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Re: Why is 2k continuing to ignore Association Mode?

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Old 09-25-2012, 06:40 PM   #26
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Re: Why is 2k continuing to ignore Association Mode?

Originally Posted by JBreezeNY
My stance on this can be summed up by the words of the executive producer on 2k13:

So don't believe everything your earlobe captures
It's mostly backwards
Unless it happens to be as accurate as me
And everything said in song you happen to see
Then, actually, believe half of what you see
None of what you hear, even if it's spat by me

I think LD is a cool guy, has been consistently helping out the community but I call bull**** on offline-association mode insight being that insightful when most of the focus has been on the gameplay, myCareer, the presentation & online modes. I've been screaming for the past 2 months for anybody that will listen that the Association mode needs to destroyed & revamped.

Even if 2k adds new things to the mode this year or next year it won't change the fact that after a year or two it gets boring & the AI for other teams doesn't make it any better.

They need to take a page out of Madden's book from the old generation and give us full control of the organization:

-Ticket prices
-Player/GM chemistry
-GM/owner chemistry
-Making deals with other GM's (think of the Cleveland Indians/Oakland Athletics scene in MoneyBall)
-Bidding on free-agents
-Blogs/articles written on how you're doing as a owner
-Blogs/articles on your GM & other GM's around the league

In short they need to give us a LOT more things to do when we're not playing in-game, it's just not fun to play that mode.
You guys can give Online association a try and see if that doesn't spice things up for you guys. If you're strictly an offline player, i feel your pain. Take for instance in 2k11 crew mode, we don't have Logos on our courts. That pisses me of because what made NBA 2k10 crew mode hot was the fact you could face different crews, and see customizable jerseys sneakers and home courts, but in 2k11 they removed that feature from us, and in 2k12, they took it out altogether, and we stood by, and told them our grievances, and what did we get?


So, trust me, your words are not falling on deaf ears...
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Old 09-25-2012, 06:49 PM   #27
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Re: Why is 2k continuing to ignore Association Mode?

Originally Posted by Mrleaderboards
You guys can give Online association a try and see if that doesn't spice things up for you guys. If you're strictly an offline player, i feel your pain. Take for instance in 2k11 crew mode, we don't have Logos on our courts. That pisses me of because what made NBA 2k10 crew mode hot was the fact you could face different crews, and see customizable jerseys sneakers and home courts, but in 2k11 they removed that feature from us, and in 2k12, they took it out altogether, and we stood by, and told them our grievances, and what did we get?


So, trust me, your words are not falling on deaf ears...
I'm strictly a offline guy, have been one for several years now. I play on-line sometimes but I love playing off-line. I'm not gonna lie at times it does frustrate me that online gets so much love but I understand, people like playing against their friends & against different people across the world.

I get it.

But jeez throw us a bone or something

And as far as the crew mode goes yea I feel for you guys, went through some rough bumps with 2k10 & 2k11 only for it to be taken out in 2k12. I guess that 3 v 3 mode makes up for it.
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Old 09-25-2012, 06:52 PM   #28
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Re: Why is 2k continuing to ignore Association Mode?

At this point, bringing up crew mode within an association topic is trolling ... sincerely suggest to go and make such references in the proper thread.

Guys, as a fellow crew fan, let that go out of here ...

On the other hand, am eagerly awaiting for LD2k effort to come true ... please, even if it takes most of the week, please try and make it happen before release ... wont make me change my mind on getting it anyways, but will certainly make me happy and a believer of 2k at least paying "some sort of attention" to the mother and father of all modes.

Last edited by ffaacc03; 09-25-2012 at 06:54 PM.
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Old 09-25-2012, 06:57 PM   #29
kjjnesb's Arena
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Re: Why is 2k continuing to ignore Association Mode?

Originally Posted by Mrleaderboards
Look, crew is no different than offline association.
The main difference between crew and association is association is a much more robust feature and experience than crew and is more the industry standard (franchise type modes)

I really hope they get crew back in 2k14 for you guys better than ever but taking out crew is kind of a sign from 2k that fixing it is going to take a lot of time effort and smart thinking where as Association has been sitting here close to perfection for a min now watching its sister mode in myplayer get some cool new features while it still struggles with broken AI.
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Old 09-25-2012, 07:55 PM   #30
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Re: Why is 2k continuing to ignore Association Mode?

Originally Posted by OGKing
I understand that this is the deepest franchise mode in all the four major sports, in my opinion, but honestly, this is getting kind of stale.

It's still fun, but it would be nice if they added a few extra things to the mix. I'm not complaining, it seems as if myplayer/myteam is getting the most attention this year. I can respect that, i guess.

With that being said, i hope sometimes in the future, association mode can be a bit more tougher. It's too easy to turn a team like Detroit into powerhouses in less than 10 years.
I'm glad somebody else agrees with me. They don't focus on association mode nearly enough. That is the only reason I was pushing for NBA Live to come back. It's like they treat the association mode like it is mistake free when really it is completely flawed.
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Old 09-25-2012, 08:22 PM   #31
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Re: Why is 2k continuing to ignore Association Mode?

Originally Posted by LD2k
Working on getting you a written insight on these modes.
I hope association is improved, because that is the only mode i get deep into
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Old 09-25-2012, 09:01 PM   #32
RumbleCard's Arena
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Re: Why is 2k continuing to ignore Association Mode?

Originally Posted by SoAwesome
Really dude? You see those My Player vids online? All my friends who play NBA 2K play My Player and hardly play Asssocation. My player is way more popular than Assocation.

But it is pretty damn sad that they haven't done damn thing in Association mode.
I don't watch online vids of video games. All my friends play Association. I don't really know anyone who messes with myplayer.

But that might be a generational thing. I'm older for a gamer 35 and our group grew up playing Franchise modes where it seems the younger generation might be more into rpg type gameplay.

Again I don't have statistics. Its completely possible that myplayer gets the majority of the love.
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