
2K Deserves Props For Their Next-Gen Marketing

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Old 10-31-2013, 04:25 PM   #25
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Re: 2K Deserves Props For Their Next-Gen Marketing

I miss having Developer Insights.

At least those would tell us a specific date at the end of the blog so we wouldn't be left in the dark waiting for information.
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Old 10-31-2013, 04:35 PM   #26
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Re: 2K Deserves Props For Their Next-Gen Marketing

Originally Posted by RateSports
Now it has been revealed that 2K will release new information at least once a day until release (sometimes two times). Ronnie2K actually has handled this marketing transition to Next-Gen beautifully in my opinion.

They deserve credit, because traditionally I think they actually under-market their own games if that makes sense.

If anything, this marketing, their amazing attention to detail has me clamoring for that NFL license in March. Take note EA/NFL.

How do you guys feel about their approach to Next-Gen marketing?
I understand 100% of what u trying to say from a marketing standpoint. "Here is an outline of what to expect, and here's a taste of what is to come". Now if the sample of this product taste great, its only normal for the consumer to crave more. Its kinda of like the music business in a way. You dont want to give them too much at one time. And as far as them showing only a teaser on opening night, i acually think it was pretty clever. And the fact that they have only shown a two minute video, a few features and screenshots, and yet the 2k furom still is on fire only shows how good these guys are at marketing. 2K will always leave you wanting more. Same reason they took out a few features for next gen. Just my opinion.
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Old 10-31-2013, 04:54 PM   #27
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Re: 2K Deserves Props For Their Next-Gen Marketing

I just get a little ticked off at the lack of gameplay videos they release. Gamers nowadays want to see some gameplay before they go out and buy it, not just based off of a trailer they seen on TV. Trailers and screenshots are cool but not 2 weeks away from the game. Same goes for Madden and NBA Live at this point.
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Old 10-31-2013, 05:23 PM   #28
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Re: 2K Deserves Props For Their Next-Gen Marketing

Originally Posted by Mr_Riddick
I understand 100% of what u trying to say from a marketing standpoint. "Here is an outline of what to expect, and here's a taste of what is to come". Now if the sample of this product taste great, its only normal for the consumer to crave more. Its kinda of like the music business in a way. You dont want to give them too much at one time. And as far as them showing only a teaser on opening night, i acually think it was pretty clever. And the fact that they have only shown a two minute video, a few features and screenshots, and yet the 2k furom still is on fire only shows how good these guys are at marketing. 2K will always leave you wanting more. Same reason they took out a few features for next gen. Just my opinion.
That doesn't show great marketing. That shows a company having a loyal fan base that has trust in the company. 2K has only recently given us more info than Live and no one would say that Live has done a great job at marketing. The difference with Live is that people have more of a show and prove mindset with them considering the letdowns in the past while with 2K due to them providing a great game in many's eyes, people are more willing to assume that they will get a great game with awesome graphics.

I am completely disappointed in the total lack of information we have about the new game. Even with modes such as MyGM that have been revealed you have 2K people saying that we have only been shown roughly 5% of what the mode invokes. Two weeks before the game and that is all we know is ridiculous. They are resting on their name which to me is a scary thought. As someone said before they seem to be waiting until after the game is released to avoid answering the tough questions so they are giving us as little information as possible.
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Old 10-31-2013, 09:51 PM   #29
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Re: 2K Deserves Props For Their Next-Gen Marketing

Those screenshots are pretty but I've always played games for the gameplay and not the graphics, it's crazy I know.
I'm sorry but Ronny Turiaf looking exactly like he does IRL won't matter one bit if the gameplay is still a complete mess.
Do players actually fight for rebounds now or do they still just watch the ball until it lands? Do players still slide around like they're on ice? Are bigs still hanging out on the perimeter doing crossovers and spins like they're Allen Iverson? Does Javale McGee still stop at the 3 point line on a fast break instead of running to the basket? Is trade logic improved? Are teams still stockpiling lottery PGs? How about spacing? Are over half the plays still broken? Last second shots still money? Are my teammates in MyPlayer still idiots? Will tendencies actually matter and players play how they do IRL?

Those are just a few of the things I would like to see them address instead of trying to wow me with graphics. Yes great graphics can be a good thing, as well as shoe options and accessories and all that jazz, but I hardly notice those things once I'm playing a game.
Everyone knows the game will look amazing and that the presentation will be GOAT but will we still be dealing with a lot of the issues plaguing the current gen version? Give me a single video showing the gameplay improvements and fixes and it's a guaranteed first day buy for me.
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Old 11-01-2013, 12:46 PM   #30
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Re: 2K Deserves Props For Their Next-Gen Marketing

I'm not really a fan of their marketing direction so far. Of course, it's better than EA's at this point, but that's not saying much...

I'm sure casual's really like it because everything we've seen thus far LOOK's great in screenshots and in the small clips we've seen thus far. However, we really still don't know how the game plays, we know very little about the modes and we're only two weeks away from release.

I'm ready to see an in-depth blog and some full length gameplay videos. That way we can really see what they have in store from us. Personally, I would much rather them release their info in chunks than to tease us by sprinkling in some small daily info. Hopefully, the prove me wrong... Hell, they almost have to at some point.
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Old 11-01-2013, 02:45 PM   #31
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Re: 2K Deserves Props For Their Next-Gen Marketing

Originally Posted by JadedMrSoy
Those screenshots are pretty but I've always played games for the gameplay and not the graphics, it's crazy I know.
I'm sorry but Ronny Turiaf looking exactly like he does IRL won't matter one bit if the gameplay is still a complete mess.
Do players actually fight for rebounds now or do they still just watch the ball until it lands? Do players still slide around like they're on ice? Are bigs still hanging out on the perimeter doing crossovers and spins like they're Allen Iverson? Does Javale McGee still stop at the 3 point line on a fast break instead of running to the basket? Is trade logic improved? Are teams still stockpiling lottery PGs? How about spacing? Are over half the plays still broken? Last second shots still money? Are my teammates in MyPlayer still idiots? Will tendencies actually matter and players play how they do IRL?

Those are just a few of the things I would like to see them address instead of trying to wow me with graphics. Yes great graphics can be a good thing, as well as shoe options and accessories and all that jazz, but I hardly notice those things once I'm playing a game.
Everyone knows the game will look amazing and that the presentation will be GOAT but will we still be dealing with a lot of the issues plaguing the current gen version? Give me a single video showing the gameplay improvements and fixes and it's a guaranteed first day buy for me.
My point exactly...
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Old 11-01-2013, 03:12 PM   #32
RangersCruz's Arena
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Re: 2K Deserves Props For Their Next-Gen Marketing

Fan's deserve props not 2k sorry.
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