
NBA Live 13 Features Full ESPN Branding, Focusing on Gameplay, Presentation & Online

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Old 04-29-2012, 09:52 AM   #65
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Re: NBA Live 13 Features Full ESPN Branding, Focusing on Gameplay, Presentation & Onl

My brother got a very cheap used copy of NBA Live 10 a few months back.
I had purchased 2k12 and really liked it. But after playing Live 10, I realized I liked it's control scheme a lot better. And the passing was SO, SO, SO much better than 2K12.
I eventually sold 2K simply because I was sick and tired of the stolen passes and almost complete lack of bounce-passes.

I'm definitely giving Live 13 a look before I make any b'ball purchase this Fall.
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Old 04-29-2012, 10:21 AM   #66
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Re: NBA Live 13 Features Full ESPN Branding, Focusing on Gameplay, Presentation & Onl

Originally Posted by noshun
So they spent 2 years filtering what they could salvage..... and trying to rebuild in 1 year? Red flags to me... Hard8times gonna have a field day with this demo if it's not up snuff.
Nothing went over my head, the problem is people like you just can't be realistic when it comes to EA. The article states that they're not rebuilding everything. Why would that be sir? Is 4 people enough to build the game even in the first year? Was EA not suppose to assemble a team? But you the first person to claim red flag because 6-10 months was spent filtering what they could salvage and a few months hiring 66 people. Realisticly that's probaly the best thing they could have done period.

Sounds like you expected them to come in blind and start building off rip.
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Old 04-29-2012, 06:10 PM   #67
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What people don't seem to get is those complaining WANT Live to be a great alternative. I said before if Live gives me the fastbreaks I want and an awesome CAP/sneaker options id give it a shot. To hear that they tried to salvage garbage for two years then have a single year of building on that crap? Not what we want to hear
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Old 04-29-2012, 07:03 PM   #68
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Re: NBA Live 13 Features Full ESPN Branding, Focusing on Gameplay, Presentation & Onl

Originally Posted by Behindshadows
They should rebuild, because obviously the previous build was garbage from the jump!! It is a red flag, that 2 1/2 years going bye, and we hear 1 year development cycle. Instead of trying to salvage, they should have used that time rebuilding something that works, no seeking redemption areas in a crap bin of a game. Did you ever think about the process of hiring people to make the game?

You try to call people out for speaking their opinions and thoughts, you've only been here a year, some of us have been riding the Live train since the beginning and some of us who complain are the ones that want to see it succeed! Been here way longer than a year and I been playing Live since Lakers vs Celtics but that doesn't mean nothing.

We aren't the average consumers who just whine, as you put it! We are the guys who spend numerous hours tweaking rosters, ratings, sliders, etc. Trying to squeeze a lemon and create lemonade! Try looking at it from a developers veiw.

We have a right to complain, because we are the ones that keep giving EA chance, after chance! And all we get are more setbacks and time restraints each year! Yes we do but sometimes you need to look at the bigger picture.

We want this series to get back on the track of where Live 05 was on old consoles and PC.Thats what we all want and if they can use old data and actually make it work and stay consistent from now on then we win. Its these guys first year and its sad they have to pick up EA Canada's hate.

History this generation Live series!!! And you tell me, we are just whiners!!

Live 06
+ Graphically Impressive and Superior to Competitions Game
+ Nice Options in Menus and decent roster edits.
- Camera Angles were hideous almost made it unplayable
- Even with sliders, poor animations made this a train wreck

Live 07

+ Graphics even more impressive
+ Player models faces were uncanny and highly impressive
+ Added a nice crossover system
+ Great Presentation
+ More options on editing and decent online
- Again animations made game almost unplayable and unrealistic
- Poor A.I. with cheating system to win games
- Lack of camera options, but decent overall

Live 08

+ Played a little better
+ Decent Create a Player option
- Everything else was poo, Playmakers sliders and rosters couldn't save it!

Live 09

+ Graphics improved and better textures
+ Controls got better and much nicer movements
+ Create a Player and edits to rosters were great
+ Custom Playbooks were great and easy to access
- On the court it wasn't basketball
- Playcalling system was hideous and almost impossible to get to
- Same dry *** commentary from the previous game, rinse and repeat

Live 10

+ Presentation greatly improvemented
+ Player editing was great
+ Playbooks even more amazing
+ Graphics a big step up in the franchise
+ Dynamic DNA is an amazing feature
+ Dynasty Mode was great and never got boring
+ Controls overall from crossovers, signature shots, passing and more were great. (IMO: Had to get use to clicking analog stick for post ups)
+ Online was amazing and smoother than a baby's bottom!
- Animations were still lacking, making awkward contact during plays
- Bad ref calling during contacts and following turnovers
- Needed more player slots on rosters

NBA Elite 11 - From a Demo Perspective

Everything Live 10 wasn't and a 3 year step backwards in productivity!

- The End
That's the history of Live from EA Canada, be mad at them and give EA Tiburon a chance. The history of Live dont even matter anymore because its in the hands of new developers with the same EA label.

Last edited by Jay Jay; 04-29-2012 at 07:27 PM.
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Old 04-29-2012, 08:24 PM   #69
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Re: NBA Live 13 Features Full ESPN Branding, Focusing on Gameplay, Presentation & Onl

Originally Posted by Jay Jay
That's the history of Live from EA Canada, be mad at them and give EA Tiburon a chance. The history of Live dont even matter anymore because its in the hands of new developers with the same EA label.
If the history of Live doesnt matter, why are they going back to the name of Live???? Why are new devs, salvaging from old games? Noone on these forums though they were going to use 1 yr to build when theyve had 2 yrs off.. Most thought they were using all that time off building. Instead you get what was in the article. Are you even reading what you are typing?

About me giving them a chance... I did QA at both Microsoft and Nintendo of America, as well as both NBA Live 07 and 08. All my input to those 2 crappy games was disregarded... When those game released.. I wasnt shocked because I knew the games were AWFUL testing them.

Not only that I personally emailed 3 devs and EA Canada CEO a few years ago. Stephensonmc told me that they still had that email a few years ago, and some of the issues I wrote back in 06 are still prevalent today. I shared that email with 23 as well. Its sad it has come to this. No offense to the advisory guys, but the devs need to hear it bluntly from fans that won't kiss up or sugar coat this crap, and put a foot in someones backside verbally so they get the message loud and clear.

Give them a chance... they hired all those people only to use 2 man commentary ... really??? They had 3 people for Elite and now its just 2 for Live 13, and youre happy with that? Really. How many chances are you going to give them??? Color me skeptical... I went to game design school for animation. (DigiPen).. worked at those 2 companies I said above, hell every one of my teachers are in the gaming industry...

Its funny, all the surveys after Live 07, 08, 10 came out asking us our thoughts and what we wanted, and you know what, they said screw that, we're going to give you what WE(devs) think you want.. Who here asked for Smash TV controls? We wanted believable animations, more animations, and details. There is another game out there, while not perfect by any means tries to give consumers want we want,. Details, the little things, and etc,. building a base and improving on it. This game here is going to be another 3 year cycle.. it's rediculous. Fans have told them what they want in wishlist since 06. It's ashame that some of 06's wishlist items we're on 07, 08, 09, 10 wishlists. Im not filling out anymore surveys. I'll try the demo, and go from there. There is another game of NBA i can alway rely on.

Ending this here, is this game isnt up to snuff, or what we expect as fans.... they should drop basketball. Im tired of reading we got guys who played college ball on our team... etc etc.. Elite bombed, they had those guys who played ball working on that too.. whats the excuse now?

Salvage from the scrap heap...

Last Live I bought with my money was 96 on Genesis....... and I played them all. No way will I blindly buy a EA basketball game, especially with my background, and what I expect from basketball. They have a lot of work to do to get me to purchase their game in more than 16 yrs. I animate frame by frame better than most of the animations in Elite(Maya, softImage, 3dMax). They need human anatomy classes, so they can replicate range of motion and what limitations the human body has, so they can emulate that properly. First and foremost. Animations... believable animations has been a problem in both Madden and Live/Elite. Guys running full speed, stopping on dimes, you cant do half the stuff they do in those games in real life, running around outside.

I feel for BehindShadows..his post, 23's post and everyone elses including yours in this thread is important.. Im just tired of the BS with this franchise.

This game better be up to snuff.........
NBA Live is the epitome of Cancel Culture..

Originally Posted by Dounte/MLBNFLNBALGS
I'd be the first to call myself a hypocrite.
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Last edited by noshun; 04-29-2012 at 09:50 PM.
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Old 04-29-2012, 09:37 PM   #70
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Re: NBA Live 13 Features Full ESPN Branding, Focusing on Gameplay, Presentation & Onl

Originally Posted by noshun
If the history of Live doesnt matter, why are they going back to the name of Live???? Why are new devs, salvaging from old games? Noone on these forums though they were going to use 1 yr to build when theyve had 2 yrs off.. Most thought they were using all that time off building. Instead you get what was in the article. Are you even reading what you are typing? The history of Live in EA Canada dont matter because we now have a new development team working on Live. What EA Tiburon does with data from previous versions could be better as long as they get them to work, something EA Canada couldnt figure out right? They cant build without a team right? Did you think it was magically going to happen or something? Have you ever been through the process of getting hired in a job? Imagine how long it could take for 66 people.

About me giving them a chance... I did QA at both Microsoft and Nintendo of America, as well as both NBA Live 07 and 08. All my input to those 2 crappy games was disregarded... When those game released.. I wasnt shocked because I knew the games were AWFUL testing them. 07 and 08 came from EA Canada.

Not only that I personally emailed 3 devs and EA Canada CEO a few years ago. Stephensonmc told me that they still had that email a few years ago, and some of the issues I wrote back in 06 are still prevalent today. Again EA Canada.

Give them a chance... they hired all those people only to use 2 man commentary ... really??? They had 3 people for Elite and youre happy with that? Really. How many chances are you going to give them??? Color me skeptical... I went to game design school for animation... worked at those 2 companies I said above, hell every one of my teachers are in the gaming industry... Are they suppose to use Mark Jackson when he is a coach now? Are you really crying about 1 man missing from commentary? This is EA Tiburon first chance.

Its funny, all the surveys after the games came out asking us our thoughts and what we wanted, and you know what, they said screw that, we going to give you what WE think you want.. Who here asked for Smash TV controls? Again EA Canada

Ending this here, is this game isnt up to snuff, or what we expect as fans.... they should drop basketball. Im tired of reading we got guys who played college ball on our team... etc etc.. Elite bombed, they had those guys who played ball working on that too.. whats the excuse now? Again EA Canada created Elite.

Salvage from the scrap heap...

Last Live I bought with my money was 96 on Genesis....... and I played them alll.. no way will I blindly by a EA basketball game, especially with my background, and what I expect from basketball.. I animate by hand better they the animations in Elite. they need human anatomy classes.. So they can replicate range of motion and what limitations the human body has, so they can emulate that properly.... After all you just said I present this question to you. Do you know if you can create animations better than the Live team at EA Tiburon?

This game better be up to snuff.........
If you cant respond to the last question just leave it alone.
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Old 04-29-2012, 09:42 PM   #71
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Re: NBA Live 13 Features Full ESPN Branding, Focusing on Gameplay, Presentation & Onl

Originally Posted by Jay Jay
If you cant respond to the last question just leave it alone.
Forget it man, you win. Everything I said flew over your head.. Moving on.
NBA Live is the epitome of Cancel Culture..

Originally Posted by Dounte/MLBNFLNBALGS
I'd be the first to call myself a hypocrite.
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Old 04-29-2012, 09:48 PM   #72
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Re: NBA Live 13 Features Full ESPN Branding, Focusing on Gameplay, Presentation & Onl

LOL@ that response

Im a little worried as Owen said about the canned alley oop animation action going on mentioned in that article

and the fact that they want to salvage pieces of games that were not successful
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