
NBA Live 19 Demo - What you wish to see in final release

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Old 08-27-2018, 11:57 AM   #1
FerdBrown's Arena
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NBA Live 19 Demo - What you wish to see in final release

This will be an offshoot from the impressions thread. Here I’ll write the improvements I’d like to see when the game is released.

This is not the demo critique page as we already have a thread for that. Feel free to add Wishlist / Improvements based on the Live 19 demo.
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Old 08-27-2018, 12:20 PM   #2
FerdBrown's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 19 Demo - What you wish to see in final release

One thing I’d like improved is the way the hair options are so mixed up and disorganized. EA should sort between male and female hair.

For Live run, it should also be clear from outside (without 2-3 more steps) if a certain coop has already been cleared / completed and rewards collected.
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Old 08-27-2018, 01:01 PM   #3
El_Poopador's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 19 Demo - What you wish to see in final release

I said this last year as well, but I would like to see the hair and facial hair options be color independent. All options should be available for all hair colors.

I'd also like to see full RGB control over hair color, instead of just having black, brown, blond, etc.

The ability to specify a player to set a screen without using the left stick. Having to use the left stick makes it impossible to call for a screen from a specific player while in the triple threat. It is also just difficult to pick the player you want to set the screen in general currently.

I mentioned this to WTF, who passed it along, but when the playcalling menu is open, the right stick dribble moves should be disabled. I call plays when bringing the ball up the court, and opening the full playbook often causes my player to do a random snatchback animation, which sometimes leads to a backcourt violation.

Walking sizeups. Or more specifically, the ability to do any right stick dribble moves while walking slowly, instead of being forced into a sprint. This is especially important for iso situations and end of quarter possessions.

Looser defense from the CPU. As it is now, it does seem like the CPU plays everyone tight on the perimeter.

More fluid halftime show. I love the idea, but Jalen Rose is far too robotic in his delivery, and there are no real transitions between the different segments; each one is isolated from the last, and there is no real flow to the halftime/postgame shows. I love the highlights and stats, but it just needs to be put together a little better.

The ability to continue a broken play. Sometimes I pass the ball to the wrong player, whether accidentally (hooray broadcast camera!) or intentionally because I see something else open up, which causes my entire play to end. I'd rather have a window of a few seconds to get the ball to the correct player and continue the play instead of having to reset completely. This is especially frustrating near the end of the shot clock when there is no time to run another play.

Better awareness of other players on the court, specifically on the offensive end. I love the explosive cuts from under the basket to the three point line and off ball screens, but oftentimes the player will get stuck on another player and just run in place until he gets through. I'd like to see them sidestep and get around the cluster while trying to leave the defender behind.

Adding to the last point, a lot of times when I am able to beat my man off the dribble or make a good pass to a cutting teammate, the CPU will send help, which is great. But then, for no reason, the man who the CPU helped off of will randomly cut towards the basket, removing the open pass. This should really only happen if they are cutting on the other side of the hoop and will have an open layup/dunk.
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Old 08-27-2018, 01:30 PM   #4
strawberryshortcake's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 19 Demo - What you wish to see in final release

Fix the pick and roll money play. CPU doesn’t seem to be able to defend it.

If they can’t fix any animations, please at least look at the animation physics for vertical animations; they’re floaty and sometimes hyperfast. The velocity, upward/downward deceleration/acceleration/velocity physics does not follow the gravitational rules of a free falling object. These includes jumps, rebounds, block shots, contested shots. For horizontal animations, the one big eye sore are those ultrafast passes. There are other animation issues, but fix these and it’ll make the visuals look drastically better.
NBA2k Defense AI,Footplant, Gameplay
MLB Show Pitching/throwing
Madden/Live Animations Walking, Throwing

Last edited by strawberryshortcake; 08-27-2018 at 02:08 PM.
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Old 08-27-2018, 01:32 PM   #5
FerdBrown's Arena
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NBA Live 19 Demo - What you wish to see in final release

By the way, there’s invisible force field when the ball is supposed to go out of bounds. It just bounced back off invisible wall. Good to have the video saved (PS4).

The improvement there is perhaps deep dive a bit into ball physics? Or have some logical environmental interaction causing the ball to behave as it is.
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Old 08-27-2018, 03:37 PM   #6
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Re: NBA Live 19 Demo - What you wish to see in final release

All of my final release wishes are based on NBA play. Not any of the other modes.

Tighten up interior defense.

Fix pick and roll defense but don't make it impossible to pass just make sure it's not a money play.

Better help defense from cpu teammates more like Live 18.

A few more open looks from some actions.

More missed shots. Even elite shooters miss from time to time.

More fouls. Free throws more in line with real life stats.

More deflections, bad passes, unforced turnovers.


Little more difficulty passing into the paint.

They BETTER HAVE A SCAN of Denver Nugget NIKOLA JOKIC!!!!! One of the best centers in the league. Got no love last year. No scan and didn't play remotely like himself.

Is it possible to make players like LeBron and Westbrook have wider shoulders? Those KD shoulders on those guys looks weird.
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Old 08-27-2018, 04:14 PM   #7
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Re: NBA Live 19 Demo - What you wish to see in final release

Offensive and defensive consistency sliders. That’s all. The current dramatic hot/cold streak ish is gamebreaking for me. It’s way overdone in nba 5 on 5
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Old 08-27-2018, 05:19 PM   #8
GisherJohn24's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 19 Demo - What you wish to see in final release

Let us use any legends that are in the game, let us put them in the free agent pool!
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