
NCAA Football '12: 2016-2017 Roster Conversion/Update (PS3)

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Old 10-26-2018, 04:10 PM   #33
kg836's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football '12: 2016-2017 Roster Conversion/Update (PS3)

gotcha, thanks for your help!
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Old 10-26-2018, 08:59 PM   #34
SALonghorn's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football '12: 2016-2017 Roster Conversion/Update (PS3)

Originally Posted by olliedathird
You're gonna have a hard time finding a copy of 14 at a reasonable price. You can get a copy of 13 for under $10 on eBay, and they've done a 2018-19 roster conversion.
Makes sense 2014 is hard to find. I don’t mind picking up 13 but is it supported each year like 14 with updated rosters?

My ole 12 might have to finally retire
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Old 10-26-2018, 09:17 PM   #35
pinbw's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football '12: 2016-2017 Roster Conversion/Update (PS3)

14 is the best way to go for support. Without me 13 would be dead. KomikoziBob was the previous legendary NCAA 13 Converter, but recently he has become too busy to do this any more. Brock did it for NCAA 12, but has since moved on 2 years ago.

We are the only 2 or 3 people who have ever made the conversions to NCAA 13.
-I have tried laying out a Guide to make our own Conversions in case I disappear in the future.
NCAA 13 2018-19 Conversions >>Here
Guide How to Port from NCAA 14 to 13 >>Here
( also includes NCAA 12 porting notes)
Brock gave us some very useful EDITOR config files to possibly get NCAA 12 working in the future.
I have a vague idea that the freeze issues may be caused by FACE skin color being wrong during the conversions from NCAA 14 to 12. (even to 13 it may be causing freeze issues according to mwari81). But I am just guessing this will fix everything...If we get this far and it works then great, but if we fix this and it still freezes then we may have to forget about it all.
So If the data can be converted properly for FACE type #s from NCAA 14 to NCAA 12, then there is a chance the above files will work. I may take a look at this in the future one more time to see if I can figure a way to fix 8000+ players faces by quickly converting the Face #s down to NCAA 12 #s quickly with a single button or function. (no promises from me due to being too busy and not enough time. If someone else wants to try go for it.)

Brock posted this important info about face data from NCAA 14 to 12: (this may help fix purple faces in NCAA 12 and 13)
(the numbers below are what the editor displays on a Player spreadsheet under column AI (PGHE)
-I've noticed that the Face Values in NCAA 12 is exactly 0.57 of the NCAA 14 values. So if we can recalculate all of the values then maybe the faces will be normal without being purple and maybe there will be no more freezes.
'12 faces [PGHE]--column AI on NCAA 12, NCAA 13,& NCAA 14 csv files
1-57 light
58-92 medium
93-135 dark

1-99 light ('14)
105 - 159 medium ('14)
160-246 dark ('14)

115 - dark w/ dreads
91 - medium dreads (poss def/oline)
67 - medium w/ dreads (poss skills pos)

201 - dark w/ dreads ('14)
158 - medium w/ dreads ('14)
123 - medium w/ dreads ('14)
I am not very knowledgeable about EXCEL functions. But if someone can make the function in Excel to convert the values of NCAA 14 to NCAA 12 by 0.57, then we can atleast try it out on my last file from previous page and see what happens.
I may just leave it for another day in the future.
Too busy with NCAA 14 Mods and 13 conversions.

update: Another possible easy way to fix everything, is change all face numbers greater than 135, to anything less than 135.
update2: After looking at the working 2016 Spreadsheet, I noticed that no value exceeded 135, so this could indeed be the fix for purple alien faces and maybe no more freezes.

Last edited by pinbw; 10-26-2018 at 11:29 PM.
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Old 10-27-2018, 01:25 AM   #36
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Re: NCAA Football '12: 2016-2017 Roster Conversion/Update (PS3)

Originally Posted by pinbw
I am not very knowledgeable about EXCEL functions. But if someone can make the function in Excel to convert the values of NCAA 14 to NCAA 12 by 0.57, then we can atleast try it out on my last file from previous page and see what happens.
Here's a spreadsheet to download and help out.


You can also copy all the NCAA 14 PGHE values in your file, then "Paste Values" after you click on cell E3. Then copy cell F3 all the way down the column to the end of your values in the E column. Then copy the converted values from the F column, and "Paste Values" into the PGHE column in your file.
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Old 10-27-2018, 10:07 AM   #37
pinbw's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football '12: 2016-2017 Roster Conversion/Update (PS3)

Originally Posted by JHamilton9
Here's a spreadsheet to download and help out.


You can also copy all the NCAA 14 PGHE values in your file, then "Paste Values" after you click on cell E3. Then copy cell F3 all the way down the column to the end of your values in the E column. Then copy the converted values from the F column, and "Paste Values" into the PGHE column in your file.
Thanks Jham, that was very helpful. I am able to do 240 values maximum at a time with the spread sheet you uploaded. But is there a way to increase the limit of 240 eg. 1000 or more. I have to do this for 8000 values on an NCAA 12 player spreadsheet.
Update: I figured out how to expand that 240 max file to 1000 so I'm able to correct 1000 at a time. I just have to copy and paste that 7or8 times and all faces will be corrected.
OK, I started making a new ncaa 12 spreadsheet updated with 10-26-18 update based on my NCAA 13 conversion spread sheet; After completed I can imported it into an NCAA12 roster file. I've finished shaving down 69 player rosters of NCAA 13 to 68 players in a NCAA 12 spreadsheet, and about half way done with face corrections.
After all this work, if this is another failed attempt, maybe someone else can take this work and run with it.
I just do this as a hobby and for fun, since I mostly play NCAA 14. So the 13 conversions & hopefully 12 should help keep NCAA football alive for more people (eg. minotaur also does a great job making it for PSP and PS2, so we're all keeping NCAA football alive everytime we do this.)...

Last edited by pinbw; 10-27-2018 at 01:33 PM.
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Old 10-27-2018, 12:53 PM   #38
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Re: NCAA Football '12: 2016-2017 Roster Conversion/Update (PS3)

I was just reading thru the last posts, and redownloaded my ncaa config folder, and it was pretty nostalgic and made me remember some stuff.

I believe what I did in the csv file is I selected the top of the skin tones column "PGHE" and selected the whole spreedsheet, then I went to the data tab and clicked on sort and I did it from big to little, but i don't believe it matters entirely, just how I did it. And what I did was select the whole column and copy and pasted it into another sheet and just substracted from it.


in '12 the highest light face is 57 and in '14 it's 99. So that'd be 42. So when I got down to the 99's I'd just put -42 and just go down from there. Once I've done that for all of the numbers, I select them all the active rows/columns and autosum them. I'll provide a screenshot.

Then I copied and paste them back into the original "PGHE" tab. And since you've sorted them, every thing will be in it's correct order, so then you'd just go back to the "PGID" tab and select the whole spreedsheet and do the sort option (but using the smaller to big option) and everything should work.

P.S. I did the same thing with the dreads, but most of the players with dreads were corrected without changing much. I also added random values to randomize the faces as well.

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Old 10-27-2018, 03:22 PM   #39
pinbw's Arena
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Arrow Re: NCAA Football '12: 2016-2017 Roster Conversion/Update (PS3)

NCAA 12 Roster (2018-19) Vikesfan Conversion.
IT WORKS! I spent countless hours all year trying to make this. SUCCESS!
-Depth Charts may need adjusting on PS3
-XBOX360 have been auto auto adjusted.
- A single player was removed on each team to make the conversions since NCAA 12 only allows 68 player rosters. So some teams may be missing 1 important player.
-This roster conversion is based on my 10-26-18 NCAA 14 and 13 Rosters.
-I have corrected Face Data based on Jhamilton's Spreadsheet.
-Coaches Names and ages updated, but likeness may not be correct.
-If anyone would like to donate to all my efforts here on OS. Just PM Me. But not really necessary, since I mean for these to be public domain. I only suggested it since I despise the ebay pirates stealing my hard work and reselling it.

*Rostershare has shutdown 1 or 2 years ago. So Offline File Method is the only way to get them.
This is now reuploaded in it's own thread: I CREATED ANOTHER THREAD >>HERE
Attached Files
File Type: zip PS3 NCAA 12 10-26-18 Preseason Poll.zip (1.41 MB, 10 views)
File Type: zip Xbox360 NCAA 12 10-26-18 AP poll WK9 (2).zip (1.47 MB, 9 views)

Last edited by pinbw; 10-28-2018 at 02:56 PM.
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Old 10-27-2018, 03:55 PM   #40
SALonghorn's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football '12: 2016-2017 Roster Conversion/Update (PS3)

Wow, just in this thread, I can see your all dedication to this stuff. I am very happy to have found this place

I work all day with Excel spreadsheets so I will be glad to help in that arena as I understand about half of the tech stuff u guys discussed above. Basically, 13 and 14 have more options than 12 so we need to recalc all the stuff down

I did find a copy of 14 for $40 so I will probably migrate to that arena to save myself some time. I would be glad to join the community I helping with future updates. And I can be one of the 12 members too
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