
difficulty levels explanation

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Old 07-29-2012, 02:48 PM   #9
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Re: difficulty levels explanation

I don't understand how Heisman is considered psychic. If they were psychic there'd be no way to get through anything. Passing would be impossible, every pass would be an interception, every run would be stuffed.

Yes the linebackers have an idea, and yes it can seem that way because the FB, pulling guard always go inside - but it's simply not true.

At the end of the day EVERYONE has a theory. A lot of that theory seems to attempted to prove without visual evidence as well.

I think people need to stop acting, or calling themselves, slider gurus. All your doing is combining a couple theories together, and trying it out. We are QA testers, and we enjoy the grind to get the game the way we want it - then we share because we feel it might help someone else. That's it.

Enjoy the game, it's a good one. It doesn't need much tweaking on Heisman in my opinion.

A word of advice:There are a lot of different levels out there, and guys are doing good at adjusting to that level because it's what they want to play on. It doesn't mean you have to, but don't brush over it quickly because of what others have said. Do what you want to first - then figure out the most realistic feeling; then find the sliders you feel are producing what you want to see. This may mean you have to delay your dynasty or whatever; but if you're in this section - it means you want the best representation of realism.
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Old 07-29-2012, 02:58 PM   #10
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Re: difficulty levels explanation

Originally Posted by Matt10
I don't understand how Heisman is considered psychic. If they were psychic there'd be no way to get through anything. Passing would be impossible, every pass would be an interception, every run would be stuffed.

This is exactly how I feel about it Matt.. I'm able to operate my offense anyway I want to. I'm able to use all kinds of different passing routes without feeling limited.. I don't run too much option but I use every other running formations from a pro style system.. I don't get the psychic thing either. I believe the guys who are struggling with there passing are the one's who stay locked in on there first read too long without going through there progressions. On Heisman you have to be able to go through you reads and find the open players. If you stare down your first read on every play you will always struggle. I guarantee you if these guys look at the replay they'll see areas of the field where they could have went with the ball but they stayed locked in on there first read instead and threw a pick or got sacked..
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Old 07-29-2012, 03:13 PM   #11
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Re: difficulty levels explanation

Originally Posted by Jarodd21
This is exactly how I feel about it Matt.. I'm able to operate my offense anyway I want to. I'm able to use all kinds of different passing routes without feeling limited.. I don't run too much option but I use every other running formations from a pro style system.. I don't get the psychic thing either. I believe the guys who are struggling with there passing are the one's who stay locked in on there first read too long without going through there progressions. On Heisman you have to be able to go through you reads and find the open players. If you stare down your first read on every play you will always struggle. I guarantee you if these guys look at the replay they'll see areas of the field where they could have went with the ball but they stayed locked in on there first read instead and threw a pick or got sacked..
Thanks, J. You're definitely correct about reading coverage. I'm always guilty of passing into my first read - locked on gets locked down.

This is a video from my thread that shows the reaction time can be modified with simple PCV and Speed Threshold. The last play shows zero psychic ability. So it can't be generalized as Heisman only, default yes - but that's why we have sliders, and it's nice to see it at work:

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Old 07-29-2012, 10:06 PM   #12
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Re: difficulty levels explanation

Originally Posted by Matt10
Thanks, J. You're definitely correct about reading coverage. I'm always guilty of passing into my first read - locked on gets locked down.

This is a video from my thread that shows the reaction time can be modified with simple PCV and Speed Threshold. The last play shows zero psychic ability. So it can't be generalized as Heisman only, default yes - but that's why we have sliders, and it's nice to see it at work:

Nice video Matt.. Here's a clip of the DB getting faked out with the CPUs pass coverage on 100 and the CPU INTs(hugh affect on defenders reacting to the ball) at 65.. No psyhic DB or the CPU knowing my play on this fake. He was absolutely lost on this route..


This happens at a realistic pace in most of my games with there pass coverage this high.. I started to lower the INTs from where I orginally had it because they were jumping everything and wasn't going for any bat downs. Haha!
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Old 07-30-2012, 05:22 PM   #13
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Re: difficulty levels explanation

Being able to move the ball on AA/Heisman doesn't mean the defense isn't psychic and people that think it's psychic are bad players. I can beat the game on any difficulty level with default sliders. I certainly don't have problems moving the ball. That doesn't mean I don't realize that the defense is psychic when you play on those levels -- it obviously knows the play before the ball is snapped.

In real football, linebackers don't shoot the perfect gap immediately upon the snap of the ball, they tend to read first and then react -- which is what they do on varsity. Also, in real football cornerbacks don't run the routes ahead of the wide receivers.

Those are symptoms of cheats EA put in to make the game seem competitive.

The only realistic game play I've seen is on the varsity. Unfortunately, I can't come up with a slider set where the CPU remains competitive.
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Old 07-30-2012, 06:53 PM   #14
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Re: difficulty levels explanation

Originally Posted by havlen
Being able to move the ball on AA/Heisman doesn't mean the defense isn't psychic and people that think it's psychic are bad players. I can beat the game on any difficulty level with default sliders. I certainly don't have problems moving the ball. That doesn't mean I don't realize that the defense is psychic when you play on those levels -- it obviously knows the play before the ball is snapped.

In real football, linebackers don't shoot the perfect gap immediately upon the snap of the ball, they tend to read first and then react -- which is what they do on varsity. Also, in real football cornerbacks don't run the routes ahead of the wide receivers.

Those are symptoms of cheats EA put in to make the game seem competitive.

The only realistic game play I've seen is on the varsity. Unfortunately, I can't come up with a slider set where the CPU remains competitive.
I think anyone here can beat teams on Heisman at default levels. Easy. Beating teams on Heisman with difficult, realistic sliders is a different story. And it should be hard.

And saying that people who think Heisman is psychic are bad players is just dumb. People are referring to the audible system. Not psychic DB's, etc.

I'm sure most of the people here have seen the CPU defense react exactly to your audible perfectly. Time after time.

That's the CPU cheating to create difficulty.
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Old 08-02-2012, 04:00 PM   #15
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Re: difficulty levels explanation

In order to create my Heisman slider set I play games in play now and choose the same team on both sides. I have never been whipped and usually win against the cpu with the same team as mine. A good human player is better at playcalling, audibles, recruiting, switching players positions, in game plan adjustments etc. Even if the AI or ratings for cpu has any advantage early on as you build a team you should eventually dominate. I personally have not seen cpu cheats on Heisman. Even with Akron my DL gets sacks against good cpu Heisman teams. Akron eventually does win the conference for me on Heisman. I recruit on Heisman also.
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Old 08-02-2012, 04:10 PM   #16
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Re: difficulty levels explanation

Not sure if you are aware there Mr. Coach Mode, but Play Now games play quite different than actual dynasty games. That's well documented throughout the NCAA community. May want to start a test dynasty and try your sliders in actual dynasty games and see if they play the same.
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