
XBox One Hardware Review

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Old 12-01-2013, 07:18 PM   #17
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I now have both systems and after extensive playing and testing since yesterday. I have to say that I think both systems are great systems for what is coming in the next generation. I think the xbox one is better for what it does for me being 33 years old and looking for many things to do with a system. PS4 is sexy and sleek and the power being inside is pretty nifty. I have the PS4 snug next to my studio monitor on my desk. I have my xbox one below the desk on my low level tray since it is bigger. both are pretty quiet. I get pissed at all the dam finger prints that I have already put on these systems but, there isn't much of a way to avoid that.

The new kinect is something amazing. For me, it is the big seller for me and what I will be able to do now and in the future with it. I noticed that the Xbox one has more usb connectors on it than PS4 which right now doesn't mean much but in the future, who knows, that could be important. I have a HDMI VIzio 32 inch screen and the menu screen for both look great. I will say this though. The XBox one has a better menu system and more modern for what windows computers are doing in all our homes. Its more easy to get into but, the PS4 menu is almost alive on screen. It has soft transitions that feel elegant. There is no controller ever made that is better than the xbox 360 controller. Right now despite all the great features of the PS4 controller its almost as good as the 360 in my opinion but is not better than the xbox one controller. That thing is crazy good. I don't know how I feel about that weak ear piece that sony gives you but since I can plug in my own headset I guess it doesn't matter. I don't know much about the technical stuff people be arguing about. I have COD ghost, NBA 2k14 and Madden 25 for XBOX one(trade in because I had the 360 versions) they all look sick on my TV. I haven't downloaded Killer Instinct yet but that will be next. I just am not interested in KIllzone so I didn't get that. I downloaded Resogun..it ok..but I got board with that game real quick. Then I was just messing around with some of the apps on the PSN network. I kind of wish I could have bought 2k or madden for PS4 but I couldn't pass up the $10 trade in deal at gamestop.

A couple things that I want to point out as a real gamer in the real world. I don't really care for the share button on the PS4 and the Video editing on xbox one. That is overkill for me. I am not really going to use that stuff. I don't have a twitch account and I didn't feel like signing up so I just backed out. Second, The PS4 has some free games on there but, lets just be real...those games are not special. I don't even know what those games are. Free ALWAYS sounds good but, I am just not interested in them.

Overall I like xbox one more because it fits with what I want out of a game system but the PS4 is also awesome and I'm glad to have it as well because I have choice in the future to get what I want when a sick game comes out. I am not buying any shooters for PS4 because I just have to have that staggered feel to the sticks for Call of Duty. I am most likely going to get all my sports game in the future for PS4(2k, madden, MLB).
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Old 12-01-2013, 09:59 PM   #18
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The reviewer hit on it, for me the friends list and messaging seem hidden now. It's frustrating that I just can't hit the home button and see what my friends are doing. My brother has the PS4 and between the two I like the One better and the interface is better. However, the interface on the One isn't as good as 360 in my opinion. The Kinect, Forza, TV options, Gears, Halo and Fable are all reasons why I picked the One.
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Old 12-02-2013, 01:42 AM   #19
Kaanyr Vhok's Arena
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Re: XBox One Hardware Review

Originally Posted by coolcras7
it's not about you its about developers
It is about me and its about you too. Our perception as consumers is the trumpcard in this thread.
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Old 12-02-2013, 06:54 AM   #20
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just as Valerie implied I cant believe that a stay at home mom can make $7750 in 4 weeks on the computer. read more.......... Buzz16.com
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Old 12-02-2013, 12:05 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by readujt619
just as Valerie implied I cant believe that a stay at home mom can make $7750 in 4 weeks on the computer. read more.......... Buzz16.com
Fcuk You and valeries mom!
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Old 12-02-2013, 01:24 PM   #22
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as an owner of both systems.....

im gonna be honest and say....as much as i love my ps4...i just havent played it as much since i got my xbox one...and i dont see that trend changing

as a 27 yr old gamer...the xbox is just more in line with the values of how i expect a next gen living room device to operate...

my ps4 is nice and sleek and i feel its power....but it feels lacking in its vision....dare i say....it feels like my ps3 but with better graphics

whereas my xbox one feels nothing like my 360.....i get giddy everytime i leave the room and say xbox turn off....or playing xbox fitness in the morning...doing my insanity workout to the kinect

and the online......dont even get me started....the online just feels natural on xbox....on the ps4...i just get this tacked on half baked feel....its hard to enjoy it after being on xbox live

the differences arent small....they are huge.....even the xbox live community is different.....people on xbox live....talk and engage strangers in conversation, build friendships, and game together....on my psn ...its different....i feel like the gamers are more anti-social it makes the experience less fun
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Old 12-02-2013, 01:55 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by phillydaboss404
as an owner of both systems.....

im gonna be honest and say....as much as i love my ps4...i just havent played it as much since i got my xbox one...and i dont see that trend changing

as a 27 yr old gamer...the xbox is just more in line with the values of how i expect a next gen living room device to operate...

my ps4 is nice and sleek and i feel its power....but it feels lacking in its vision....dare i say....it feels like my ps3 but with better graphics

whereas my xbox one feels nothing like my 360.....i get giddy everytime i leave the room and say xbox turn off....or playing xbox fitness in the morning...doing my insanity workout to the kinect

and the online......dont even get me started....the online just feels natural on xbox....on the ps4...i just get this tacked on half baked feel....its hard to enjoy it after being on xbox live

the differences arent small....they are huge.....even the xbox live community is different.....people on xbox live....talk and engage strangers in conversation, build friendships, and game together....on my psn ...its different....i feel like the gamers are more anti-social it makes the experience less fun
I agree with you 100%. I really like both systems and have enjoyed them, but the Xbox One is getting almost all the playtime. Unless there are major changes, I think the PS4 game purchases may be strictly to games where the graphical difference is much greater than what we've seen so far.
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Old 12-02-2013, 07:02 PM   #24
Jon1323's Arena
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I agree with some here While I like my PS4 I haven't played it much at all since I got my Xbox one. Been really impressed with the Xbox and how well the UI works with watching TV and multitasking. Overall both systems are great but Xbox wins the battle for me.
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