OVR: 2
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: San Diego
Re: Do Franchise Modes Have a Future? (Chat)
I wished I had saw this thread a little sooner, but I wrote an article-ish piece last night. Specifically commenting on this:
What happened to sports dynasties in video games, specifically offline mode?
In light of the recent news of Madden 18: The Longshot, I feel the need to say/write that the sports gaming companies have lost it touch and the true meaning of sports franchises. It’s easy to point and say, “How dumb could they be to add such a useless feature and waste so much time and resources. I’ll never play it, or I’ll never buy another game by this sports franchise again?” But let’s say it with some constructive criticism, actual thought and reasoning this time around.
When I first started playing sports video games the only thing I could ever think was, “How cool would it be to take my created players and team and continue their legacy in next years game”, but no that hasn’t happened. (Except MLB The Show 14? and forward) I think the first thing that all sports game companies should have done was include this feature in the PS3/360 era, but it should be a staple in this day and age. All sports gamers old and young at one point probably created their fictional dream team that they’ve grown attached to, only to be forced to either completely remake them in next years game or start over. The time is now to speak up and demand that this simple yet powerful and immersive feature should be included across all sports games. When we think of sports, we think of dynasty’s and how they were built and how they crumbled right before our eyes decades later. That should be the main focus of all sports games, not focused on just one individual player and their personal story into the league. There are a limitless number of stories of how players made it to their respected leagues, and one story per year that is scripted that EA/2K picks based on who knows what, should not be the focus right now. Now is not the time to be adding new modes when all of the current ones are either broke, not functional, incomplete, or better yet when the core of a sports franchise isn’t there at all.
What are the reason that they don’t have them currently? Can we please get a valid response from EA and 2K? MLB The Show have had for a few years now. We should be able to continue Myleague from NBA 2K17 to 2K18, it’s the same game engine right? Why is it not there yet? I have years of draft classes way back from NCAA 2k8 and honestly I put less and less effort in recreating them every year with each 2K release. Don’t get me wrong we all love when they add new gameplay tweaks, badges, team branding and relocation, all of that is absolutely great but the core of a sports franchise is still missing. How come we can’t continue our dominance or rebuild from last years game, riding it until the wheel falls off, or until that player that will turn the franchise around lands with us in the draft? How can we really dive into an 80 year Myleague when we have to restart each year? We actually love playing the games, if not all through the season, most. Does EA/2K really expect us to play 80 years worth of basketball in the course of 365 days. Or 30 years of football again within the course of 365 days on top of playing other games, work, family and sleep? I feel like that’s a missed opportunity and a real selling point to Myleague. Being able to carry your league year after year up to 80 years without being rushed, otherwise what’s the point of an 80-year length Myleague?
I’ll give Madden a very slight pass this year only because they are switching engines I don’t know how that affects things like this. Can you guys at least let us edit draft classes this year before the draft? Even if we created a 99 overall QB, we would still have to manufacture trades to acquire that guy, or maybe we want an actual challenge and let the CPU fight/tank for that QB, all of the teams will scout that prospect and see the scouting report. But back to the main focus, being able to continue our CFM in next years Madden. Let us carry over CFM year to year with each release. We lose interest in rewriting our history year after year, look at Tom Brady and his real situation with the Patriots. Should they resign the QB in waiting or trade him? That’s a real situation that will have a domino effect in NFL history and can never be truly implemented in Madden. But wait it actually can, if and only if, we do it in Madden 17 and still play 17 even though the new 18 is out (about to be out). That story will only live on in our Madden 17 CFM universe. It feels like “Connected Franchise” isn’t really connected, that was a glaring missed opportunity to market CFM in that way, connect last years franchise to this year. Now that would be Madden like we never seen it before.
We would be more than willing to buy all sports titles next years game with new features or add-ons, and less negatively impacted on scripted story modes, if we knew that we can carry over our dynasty/franchise. I know the first thought or question might be, “What about the new rookies?” Solution 1: Have build/import draft classes, 2K does an excellent job of this, and import the new rookies whenever we feel necessary. Solution 2: Have all of the new rookies available as free agents in the carried over dynasty/franchise/myleague. Having full control of the all teams and assign to whomever we feel, if we desire to do so. The final solution that is already in current games restart your franchise/dynasty/myleague either fantasy draft or with the current roster. Remember this not an RPG single player video game, or first person shooter, this is a sports video game let us play our game our way, let us enjoy the rise and fall of our dynasties and rivals that we write in our history books. Honestly that can be a selling point alone especially for the first timer who plays Madden, or any sports game no matter how arcady or simulation the gameplay is.
I’m not knocking these companies, lets face it they’ve all done a solid job at progressing and adding more depth, details, gameplay enhancements, features over the years and will continue to do so. I’m not saying add this and we’ll all be happy forever, but what I am saying is we feel like we are getting pushed out the door if we are not apart of Ultimate Team or micro transaction game buying cards and stuff. Don’t get me wrong we know you guys are making a lot money with that, but don’t forget, before you could even imagine of micro transactions, we were already at the door day one of release diving into our franchises. Without our loyalty in the beginning you could make the argument that that market would never exist today. We love playing sports video games but it feels like we’re being pushed to hang it up or conform if we’re not apart of the new generation of gamers, you should never alienate your consumers that way. All video games should bring everyone together, but it feels like the sports gaming community in particular is being divided by this perception that we all want to either play, lets face it, a glorified version of a true fantasy sports on our consoles. Or equipment guys not happy with shoes/cleats, team colors and logos being off in the arena, and everything we see in the forums. To each his own absolutely but, the origin of fantasy sports derives from our urge to play our dynasty/franchise year after year and breaking the Celtics 17 title record, Tom Brady’s 5 Super Bowl rings, knock off Barry Bonds home run king status, and create our own NHL dynasty, right? It could’ve been implemented in sports gaming generations ago, but still to this day is forgotten, dismissed and glossed over. Am I the only who feels this way, the only one cares this much? Or maybe I’m out of touch with reality, and the last of a dying breed? Can we unite as one with this issue for the greater good of sports video games? These are not only video games but our free time that we put years of countless hours into, to totally disregard our effort, time, loyalty and money just seriously lacks empathy to the pioneer consumers in the sports gaming market. Will this or can this be a focus on next year and future titles across all sports, if they are not implemented this year? I don’t mean to rain on the E3 parade but maybe it’s the perfect time to talk about it? What happened to sports dynasties in video games? Is there anyone out who agrees?