
PYS 2011 - Hitting Tips

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Old 05-15-2011, 08:05 PM   #41
Cyphre's Arena
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Re: PYS 2011 - Hitting Tips

Originally Posted by sgt pepper
2005 is vacant? What the hell does that mean? The White Sox had a hell of a season in 2005, capped off with an almost perfect postseason. All while your Cubs were sitting @ home twiddling their thumbs. Th Cubs couldn't win when they didn't spend $ and they still can't win even when they do spend $. The people running the team are as clueless as the people filling the seats in Wrigley Field. Us Sox fans may be second class citizens, but atleast we're not a second class organization.

And as for the Black Sox, gambling and game rigging were all over baseball @ that time. Hell, the league didn't even have any kind of authority until Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis was hired in 1920. He then proceeded to make an example of those players, even though they weren't the first to do such a thing. It's even been said the men got the idea from your precious Cubs who "lost" the World Series in 1918 to the Red Sox.

And here comes the peanut gallery!!!!!..........

1918 Cubs did not go to trial.....1919 SSSUUUUUXXXXX did.....that should clarify who the clueless ones are.....

And a bad day at Wrigley will ALWAYS be better than a WS clinching day at Cum****ty Park or whatever they call that parking lot now a days....

As a SUX fan....does it hurt that the bartman incident got more media attention than the SUX in the WS?.....I mean if you ask the people in chitown what year was the last that the SUX won it all half them won't remember.....but mention bartman and the can recall where they where, what they were doing....the exact time it happened, his old residential address and his entire profile ....to include social security number, credit card info and access pin codes.......AMAZING how much pull a second class organization has in my beloved windy city......GO CUBS GO!....
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Old 05-15-2011, 10:10 PM   #42
Pielet's Arena
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Re: PYS 2011 - Hitting Tips

Enjoy the dump known as Wrigley. Enjoy the open minded neighborhood it sits in. Enjoy the concrete that randomly falls off the dilapidated stadium. Most of all enjoy the lovable loser fans who really don't care about baseball other than hitting the Cubby Bear after the game.

Cubs fans may remember where they were with Bartman, but they conveniently forget Kerry Wood getting beaten the next night and Dusty basically ruining Woods and Priors careers.

So they trade away hall of famer Lou Brock. So they trade away hall of famer Bruce Sutter. So they let future 1st ballot hall of famer Greg Maddux walk. At least with the Sutter trade they got Leon Durham who allowed a ground ball through his legs in game 5 when the 84 Cubs blew a 2-0 lead on the Padres.

or to quote the last great Cubs superstar when he appeared before Congress: "No Hablo ingles"
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Last edited by Pielet; 05-15-2011 at 10:13 PM.
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Old 05-15-2011, 10:22 PM   #43
Cyphre's Arena
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Re: PYS 2011 - Hitting Tips

Originally Posted by Pielet
Enjoy the dump known as Wrigley. Enjoy the open minded neighborhood it sits in. Enjoy the concrete that randomly falls off the dilapidated stadium. Most of all enjoy the lovable loser fans who really don't care about baseball other than hitting the Cubby Bear after the game.

Cubs fans may remember where they were with Bartman, but they conveniently forget Kerry Wood getting beaten the next night and Dusty basically ruining Woods and Priors careers.

So they trade away hall of famer Lou Brock. So they trade away hall of famer Bruce Sutter. So they let future 1st ballot hall of famer Greg Maddux walk. At least with the Sutter trade they got Leon Durham who allowed a ground ball through his legs in game 5 when the 84 Cubs blew a 2-0 lead on the Padres.

or to quote the last great Cubs superstar when he appeared before Congress: "No Hablo ingles"
Damn Pielet, for being a SUX fan you sure know the Cubs very well....are you sure you're not a cubbie fan in disguise? .....I know!!!..... you're one of those "bandwagon" SUX fans since 2005.....the old black & blue....SUX on the outside and Harry Carey/Ron Santo cubbie like on the inside, way to hide your emotions.....nothing wrong with that......LMAO!
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Last edited by Cyphre; 05-15-2011 at 10:26 PM.
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Old 05-15-2011, 10:42 PM   #44
Pielet's Arena
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Re: PYS 2011 - Hitting Tips

Originally Posted by Cyphre
Damn Pielet, for being a SUX fan you sure know the Cubs very well....are you sure you're not a cubbie fan in disguise? .....I know!!!..... you're one of those "bandwagon" SUX fans since 2005.....the old black & blue....SUX on the outside and Harry Carey/Ron Santo cubbie like on the inside, way to hide your emotions.....nothing wrong with that......LMAO!
Nope, in 1983 I saw Ron Kittle win Rookie of the Year while winning ugly. Been a fan ever since. Then the 90's hits and the best pure hitter I have ever seen comes to the White Sox. Frank Thomas was an awesome player.

...you can put it on the board......YES!
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Old 05-15-2011, 11:04 PM   #45
Cyphre's Arena
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Re: PYS 2011 - Hitting Tips

Originally Posted by Pielet
Nope, in 1983 I saw Ron Kittle win Rookie of the Year while winning ugly. Been a fan ever since. Then the 90's hits and the best pure hitter I have ever seen comes to the White Sox. Frank Thomas was an awesome player.

...you can put it on the board......YES!
The Big Hurt was a great player.....but all joking aside I think the sox did him wrong towards the end.....he's one of the players you wish would play his career with one team.....

Like Pujols.....I think I'm the only Cubs fan that wishes he stays with STL.....don't get me wrong....I would love for him or any other player of his caliber to play for my team....who wouldn't?.....but he's one of those special players .....a throwback if you will....like Jeter, Ichiro, Edgar Martinez, Bernie Williams.....players that I can't picture for the life of me wearing any other uniform. Frank Thomas was one of those and a sure HOF in my eyes...

....you can put that on the board........DAMN, I hate that catch phrase.....lol
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Old 05-16-2011, 01:08 AM   #46
swaldo's Arena
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Re: PYS 2011 - Hitting Tips

Originally Posted by Pielet
Huh? What about 1977, 1978, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2009?
All free agency years. When FA was born the Yanks sure took advantage and bought up Catfish Hunter (who every team tried to sign), Reggie jackson, Tommy John, Goose Gossage and the list goes on.

There's two things people say about the Angels World Series - they either earned it or got lucky. With the Yankees people say they either earned it or bought it. Personally I think it's a bit of both, and if you have the tools I think a good approach is to "small ball" your way to the playoffs and hope for some luck. I've seen it time & time again with the Angels, they play teams that cant do the little things so the Angels beat them by one run LOL.

So bottom line? All good Yankee victories are hogwash just kidding.
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