
WWE Off-Topic

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Old 03-04-2023, 06:21 PM   #19817
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

Originally Posted by UFCMPunk
he's getting spots that should be going to more deserving wrestlers.
This is always the go-to vague statement. If Logan Paul comes into wrestling cold, train, practices, and has matches that get better reactions than "more deserving wrestlers" that have been doing it for longer that's a them problem, not a him problem.

They're actually on a good run of using celebrities. Logan Paul, Bad Bunny, Pat McAfee, Johnny Knoxville. Who cares how they get to it if the matches are entertaining?
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Old 03-05-2023, 03:50 AM   #19818
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

Anyone here in Toronto go to the live event tonight? How was the Roman/Sami rematch? Anything noteworthy happen?
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Old 03-05-2023, 06:01 AM   #19819
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

It's not that Paul is the problem. He's really, shockingly really good at this lol.

It's that Seth Rollins should not be the guy you put into a gimmick feud for your biggest show of the year.

That guy should be at or near the top of the card in something with incredibly high magnitude within the actual product that should be the culmination of months of a story. It would mean way, way, way more to me as someone attending the show this year and a life-long consumer and supporter of the business that Seth Rollins had a real feud and a real match and a chance to put on a real HBK-esque performance we'll remember 30 years from now. I mean in another timeline you could easily see Seth being the one coming after the Bloodline and Roman/Seth being the main event, or him getting involved because he "has a bigger claim to Roman than Cody" or something. But in this timeline he's facing a celebrity? Ehhhhhh. You know what I mean? I get it. Celebrities have always had big spots on Wrestlemania. Just don't think it's the best use. I'm sure it'll be entertaining and such but coming into this Wrestlemania with the "new leadership" and all that, I'm looking less for entertainment and more for "holy damn I want something to watch for every week."

I feel the same way about many instances of this over the years. Hate that Miz has been relegated to "hosting Wrestlemania" for example. I want him on the actual card in an actual story. Or like when they do these mixed tag matches with wrestlers and their real life spouses or whatever as if any of us care. It's also why I, on that same line of thinking, like combining Lesnar and Omos. Consolidate the worthless.

I guess when you have a lot of talent you have to figure out how to use people.

Which also touches into a big "in general" gear grinder of mine too. Wrestlers should have to earn their spot on the card. So many of the last however many mega-shows seemingly just have everyone on it or find dumb pointless ways to use people (like the Andre thing). Wrestlemania is the ultimate reward for good work. Protect your shows.

Last edited by TheMatrix31; 03-05-2023 at 06:22 AM.
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Old 03-05-2023, 10:56 AM   #19820
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

Originally Posted by UFCMPunk
Anyone here in Toronto go to the live event tonight? How was the Roman/Sami rematch? Anything noteworthy happen?
I didn't go (was planning on going, but the weather combined with the fact that someone was wiling to pay me more money for my tickets than I bought it for/people I bought tickets for didn't want to go made me decide to not go), but I heard it was a great show.

It was supposed to be Wyatt vs LA Knight in another lights out match, some matches advertised didn't happen, so I'd imagine the weather kept some guys off the show. Ended up being KO vs LA Knight, Owens won with a people's elbow and a stunner.

Reigns obviously beat Zayn, apparently just beat him down post match.

The original main event they advertised weeks ago was Reigns,Solo(or Jimmy?) Vs KO ans Zayn. Then it was supposed to just be KO vs Solo and Reigns vs Zayn. I wonder if KO is even part of the Bloodline story anymore if they scrapped two different matches with him vs the Bloodline, even if it just a house show.

They also announced SD coming to Toronto 2 weeks after Summerslam, which is the notable part to me from this show. Would've thought they'd have Raw after SS in Toronto since SS on Saturday is in Detroit. I got my tickets for that show already. Excited for a Friday night show in the summer! Some nice seats for this show as well, better than when I was at Raw last year.

Last edited by Majingir; 03-05-2023 at 11:38 AM.
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Old 03-06-2023, 09:07 PM   #19821
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

I just feel like WWE is wasting Seth's prime. He needs to be in and around the top of the card. Not messing around with Logan Paul.
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Old 03-06-2023, 10:04 PM   #19822
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

Originally Posted by jasontoddwhitt
I just feel like WWE is wasting Seth's prime. He needs to be in and around the top of the card. Not messing around with Logan Paul.
At the same time, who is he facing?

Balor is feuding with Edge, he already had his feud with Theory/Lashley, AJ is out, feuded with Lesnar, Gargano vs Rollins I don't think would be a WM top match.

After the draft, I see Rollins on SD. Maybe feud with the likes of McIntyre, Gunther, Sheamus (I don't think Rollins and Sheamus have ever had a solo feud?), LA Knight, Nakamura and others?
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Old 03-07-2023, 07:17 PM   #19823
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

Originally Posted by TheMatrix31
It's not that Paul is the problem. He's really, shockingly really good at this lol.

It's that Seth Rollins should not be the guy you put into a gimmick feud for your biggest show of the year.

That guy should be at or near the top of the card in something with incredibly high magnitude within the actual product that should be the culmination of months of a story. It would mean way, way, way more to me as someone attending the show this year and a life-long consumer and supporter of the business that Seth Rollins had a real feud and a real match and a chance to put on a real HBK-esque performance we'll remember 30 years from now. I mean in another timeline you could easily see Seth being the one coming after the Bloodline and Roman/Seth being the main event, or him getting involved because he "has a bigger claim to Roman than Cody" or something. But in this timeline he's facing a celebrity? Ehhhhhh. You know what I mean? I get it. Celebrities have always had big spots on Wrestlemania. Just don't think it's the best use. I'm sure it'll be entertaining and such but coming into this Wrestlemania with the "new leadership" and all that, I'm looking less for entertainment and more for "holy damn I want something to watch for every week."

I feel the same way about many instances of this over the years. Hate that Miz has been relegated to "hosting Wrestlemania" for example. I want him on the actual card in an actual story. Or like when they do these mixed tag matches with wrestlers and their real life spouses or whatever as if any of us care. It's also why I, on that same line of thinking, like combining Lesnar and Omos. Consolidate the worthless.

I guess when you have a lot of talent you have to figure out how to use people.

Which also touches into a big "in general" gear grinder of mine too. Wrestlers should have to earn their spot on the card. So many of the last however many mega-shows seemingly just have everyone on it or find dumb pointless ways to use people (like the Andre thing). Wrestlemania is the ultimate reward for good work. Protect your shows.
Kind of a hard argument to make when the very first instance of that biggest show of the year you're talking about was headlined by the biggest name in the business being involved in a match with a celebrity. The very nature of this company was built on booking celebrities into high profile matches. It also financially makes zero sense to pay the money you're gonna pay for some of these celebrities to be in a match to stick them with the Chad Gables or Dolph Zigglers of the world.
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Old 03-08-2023, 09:18 AM   #19824
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

Liv was at a Knicks game and went viral.

Either she owned that guy or this was the best publicity stunt.

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