
WWE Off-Topic

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Old 08-20-2014, 12:53 AM   #3849
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

Originally Posted by cima
It's okay to be empathetic, you don't need to be an internet tough guy.

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I'll leave it at this, Mrs Warrior couldnt give a rat's *** about Hulk Hogan. When Hulk Hogan starts badmouthing and ****talking Warrior to the media (again), then I'll empathize with Mrs Warrior over Hulk Hogan. Until then, nah.

Edit: Empathize with the daughters, because Hulk Hogan didnt send the family a letter? Nah.
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Old 08-20-2014, 02:09 AM   #3850
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

Here's my thought, the 80's kid in me wants to think Hulk is an all around great human being.

We all have our flaws.

Hogan and Warrior made up WM weekend, but that could have been for the cameras.

We won't ever know.

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Old 08-21-2014, 02:57 PM   #3851
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

speaking of 80's. Ive been a huge wrestling fan since 1987. Watching WWF/uwf/AWA/NWA was my thing. However, recently with the way HHH is running the talent part of WWE and there recent decline in superstars Im finding myself not following as I once did. Ive not been hapy with alot of teh decision making and I guess its also that there are really no "REAL WRESTLERS" left. There are guys with talent that are out there but the way guys just drop off the radar like Cesaro did has me scratching my head. Why build a guy up the way they did him at WM, only to be pushed back to losing to Swagger and other mid card talent. I guess I can hope one day HHH and Vince can return to the glory days of wrestling with being unpredictable and having wrestlers who can actually entertain me like years ago. The closest thing I find to holding there own are Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, Ambrose, and maybe Seth Rollins if he's given the chance to entertain. Daniel Bryan is a big question mark with me. he feels like a better wrestler version of Mr. KENNEDY who was a phase at the time.
atleast..Its not Delaware
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Old 08-21-2014, 03:07 PM   #3852
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

I don't really think that HHH is running the talent part of WWE yet.

If you watch NXT, and dislike how things are down there, then you can say bad things about how HHH is running the talent part. I think you should definitely give NXT a chance though - it's the best show WWE puts on, and has put on in a long time.
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Old 08-21-2014, 03:08 PM   #3853
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

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Old 08-21-2014, 03:48 PM   #3854
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

Originally Posted by jmillhimes
speaking of 80's. Ive been a huge wrestling fan since 1987. Watching WWF/uwf/AWA/NWA was my thing. However, recently with the way HHH is running the talent part of WWE and there recent decline in superstars Im finding myself not following as I once did. Ive not been hapy with alot of teh decision making and I guess its also that there are really no "REAL WRESTLERS" left. There are guys with talent that are out there but the way guys just drop off the radar like Cesaro did has me scratching my head. Why build a guy up the way they did him at WM, only to be pushed back to losing to Swagger and other mid card talent. I guess I can hope one day HHH and Vince can return to the glory days of wrestling with being unpredictable and having wrestlers who can actually entertain me like years ago. The closest thing I find to holding there own are Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, Ambrose, and maybe Seth Rollins if he's given the chance to entertain. Daniel Bryan is a big question mark with me. he feels like a better wrestler version of Mr. KENNEDY who was a phase at the time.

I've been mostly turned off by the product for a better part of 10 years now and I think I finally figured out why other than the announcing being well....putrid. I swear, i've watched some stuff with Michael Cole back in the day and he was a million times better than he is now and even back then Cole wasn't all that good of an announcer.

That being said, it's the ring work that has turned me off. I find that the majority of the talent today are a LOT better than the older guys at doing the high impact moves but when it comes to telling a story in the ring they leave a lot to be desired. I've seen some spots blown that exposes the business to a degree that would lead that worker to doing a LOT more training behind the scenes. I've also noticed that things like punches and especially kicks look and feel so fake that it's laughable. I'm not sure if it's the HD cameras or the way they're working but it just looks bad. I don't think i'm imagining this either as I watched some NXT for the first time last week and it was a perfect melding of today's style but with storytelling in the ring that makes it more than just guys doing high impact moves.

The Tyler Breeze/Adrian Neville match is a great example of what wrestling SHOULD be like in terms of style and the way they worked. I will definitely be watching more NXT from here on out as it's pretty much isolated from the main WWE product. As I said last week I don't know who's booking and training these people at NXT but I give them HUGE props for giving us a product that's a natural evolution of what the product was 15-20 years ago.

BTW I agree with your list of current guys who are enjoyable to watch. I'm really intrigued by Dean Ambrose right now and if asked to pick my favorite guy currently it'd have to be him right now.
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Old 08-21-2014, 04:01 PM   #3855
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

NXT trainers are mainly Bill DeMott (Hugh Morrus), Billy Gunn, Joey Mercury, Sara del Ray, Eugene, Robbie Brookside and Norman Smiley. There are a couple more to those as well.

They have their own creative team, but everything is run pretty much under HHHs vision as NXT is his baby.

It's why pretty much everyone can't wait for Vince to hand the reins over.

To be fair to some of the more popular workers down there (Neville, Zayn and now KENTA and Devitt among others) they've been working in big promotions around the world for many years, so they weren't really 'trained' by NXT... just taught how to adapt their style to a more WWE style.

Last edited by ubernoob; 08-21-2014 at 04:04 PM.
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Old 08-21-2014, 07:11 PM   #3856
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

jmill... how is Daniel Bryan in any way similar to Mr. Kennedy?
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