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Old 11-13-2012, 11:03 PM   #33
dansaint's Arena
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Re: WWE 14 wishlist

I think a cool option...to go along with Attitude Era concept...is maybe an "Alternate History" mode (with more storylines, cutscenes, voice overs, etc).

Some of them you could do:

1. What if Montreal never occured?

2. What if WCW WON the Monday Night Wars?

And other concepts like that. Some of the major moments in WWE history in the "what if" version.
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Old 11-13-2012, 11:18 PM   #34
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Re: WWE 14 wishlist

A real build an area not a turn stuff off and on kind of thing i want to build and pick my set!

A option to have a mash button kick out system i dispise this bar system and wish it would die in a fire!
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Old 11-19-2012, 03:13 AM   #35
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Re: WWE 14 wishlist

.Made gameplay harder I should able to master the highest level in 3 days of owning the game.
. Don't just have the same gameplay as 12 with a recoat .
. Universe Mode is to buggy . Books the same matches over and over.
. Universe Mode should let you have 2 major shows for raw instead of just one.
. More titles add to shows instea of just 4 and one being diva .
. More matches per show I want to able to have up to 10 matches per show . So everyone on my roster get a fight each show . Also no double bookings .
. Wcw, 80's and raw is war as dlc . Next year so a wwe vs wcw thing. Nwo would be great as they did in "shut your month"
. Less stone cold . Yeah he's good but does he have to be the main guy in every game. (The is a wife beater btw :s)
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Old 11-21-2012, 12:11 PM   #36
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Re: WWE 14 wishlist

my wishlist:
Accurate rosters:
The Bella Twins were released early in the year, Kharma never made an impact and were left in the game. Tyson Kidd has been around for a few years now and was left out. Kaitlyn won NXT a couple seasons back and wasn't included in the game. Layla, Natalya, AJ, and Drew McIntyre were on the roster for at least a year and were made DLC. I can see someone like Ryback, Cesaro, and Damien Sandow being released as DLC, but that should've been day 1. Don't make people wait 3 months to have a complete package. Also, they need more accurate Entrance Attires
The AE roster was a great addition, but again, there were more things that could have been changed. Farrooq should've had an NOD alternate, Mark Henry should have a "Sexual Chocolate" Alternate. There should be more Undertaker Alternates as well, and a full entrance attire for him. Also, having Billy Gunn in generic Green shorts is ridiculous. If you are gunna call him "Bad ***" and have "AssMan" for his theme, why take the "Mr. ***" off his gear?
Another way to improve on this is to add more options for superstar threads. Allow us to alter costumes like in WWF No Mercy!

Create a Title:
They had a much more comprehensive version of this a few years ago, and now all you can do is change colors for a belt? Make that an option for the default titles, and allow us to make completely new belts.

CAW system:
The need to make this more like EA Sports does with "Game Face" and "Teambuilder". Allow people to completely make a wrestler on the computer, using any JPEG and download it from a server. People have been hacking to make comprehensive CAWs for years, and some people don't have the time or skill to go through and use all these hacks. People are gonna keep doing it, so just incoporate it in the games.

Expanded Story mode:
The AE angle was great, but It was too short. I think Universe should be a more in depth mode for a single user/ tag team over the course of a few years. I liked the concept of the CAW storyline last year, but the execution wasn't great.

Game Modes:
Every single match type from WWf, WCW, and ECW should be included, along with more classic arenas. WWE owns the rights to everything, so It's just a matter of incorporating it all. Im sure that with these next gen consoles, there should be plenty of space to do this on the disc.
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Old 11-23-2012, 05:23 PM   #37
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Re: WWE 14 wishlist

Why does there need to be a whole separate entrance type for a champion? Is it brain surgery just to add the belt to someone's existing entrance?

Things like this are why they need a whole new engine, re-animate the moves to make them look impactful.
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Old 11-25-2012, 08:43 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by davomaxi
Why does there need to be a whole separate entrance type for a champion? Is it brain surgery just to add the belt to someone's existing entrance?

Things like this are why they need a whole new engine, re-animate the moves to make them look impactful.

I remember playing SvR 11 and seeing "championship entrance" and being really mad you couldn't just use your normal entrance like in No Mercy.

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Old 11-29-2012, 11:42 AM   #39
thescoop's Arena
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Re: WWE 14 wishlist

All of these ideas I love. The create a title is a must not just the edit a title creation we currently have.

1. Create a Storyline for Universe is a must. Why this hasn't happen yet is beyond me. I want more creation. I want it to truly be MY universe. If this isn't added I won't buy 14. I like some of the direction but I want the control in my hands. I don't want it to be random, but keep that as an option for those that do.

2. Add a ratings watch to our shows like back in the old GM days mode. And while you're at it allow to make a competing show on the same night. That way if I want to recreate the Monday Night Wars I can. It would be nice to see that the cards I build and matches I deliver are the ones fans want to see. If not I have to decide whether to beef up the rivalry or drop it all together. I use to love the old create a PPV and would always rush to see how card did in the ratings. Make that an option that could be turned off for those that don't want to make ratings wars, but give us an option.

3. More titles per show. Right now we only get four and one MUST be a woman's title and one must be a tag title. I'd be fine with the four limit if I could drop a tag title and woman's title from one of the the show. I don't like tag matches that much and NEVER play with the divas so I'd like to have a show that doesn't include them. What's the point in all these titles if I can't have a few more minor titles? Again, it is suppose to be MY universe.

4. More creation options and STOP dropping ones we're use to having. I was shocked that Ric Flair's actual entrance is gone. People didn't stop making Ric Flair last year so to remove it was beyond stupid and very frustrating. Every year it seems someone is pulled like that and it frustrates us.

5. More than 50 CAW slots. I mean really. The limit has been way too low for a while. Make it 100 or 150. If to achieve this you need to make some DLC then do it. We want more CAWs.

6. Champions entrance is annoying. If I take the time to create an entrance, I want that to be my championship entrance. I don't want to be punished because my guy won a title.

7. I love the Attitude mode and want more. Don't drop it but add 80s mode, WCW mode. It will be great to explore more history. Heck, even give us a WWWF mode with some of those classic wrestlers. The door is now firmly opened. But please don't take away to add. Attitude mode should return with new stories as well.

8. If THQ keeps the license and we do get WWE 14 I think they should make a plan to go bi-yearly with more planned DLC. If you want us to pay more for DLC give us a better reason. If we know that you're going to give us updated rosters, more character options via DLC and this is going to be it for two years season pass sales will increase. But if you take this approach you need to be commented to giving us support for the two years till the next one. This is an extreme long shot and not possible but I do think we'll get better games if they took this route. (Yes, I know this won't happen, but wishlist start with wish, right?)

I agree with most the gameplay points I've already read and I don't feel a need to rehash them like the points I did above. I still like this game, but I was wanting more this year from Universe. It just feels I lost some creativity along the way with something that is mine. I do love I make title matches on any show now without using some cheap trick.
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Last edited by thescoop; 11-29-2012 at 11:46 AM.
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Old 11-29-2012, 01:59 PM   #40
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oneamongthefence's Arena
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Originally Posted by thescoop
All of these ideas I love. The create a title is a must not just the edit a title creation we currently have.

1. Create a Storyline for Universe is a must. Why this hasn't happen yet is beyond me. I want more creation. I want it to truly be MY universe. If this isn't added I won't buy 14. I like some of the direction but I want the control in my hands. I don't want it to be random, but keep that as an option for those that do.

2. Add a ratings watch to our shows like back in the old GM days mode. And while you're at it allow to make a competing show on the same night. That way if I want to recreate the Monday Night Wars I can. It would be nice to see that the cards I build and matches I deliver are the ones fans want to see. If not I have to decide whether to beef up the rivalry or drop it all together. I use to love the old create a PPV and would always rush to see how card did in the ratings. Make that an option that could be turned off for those that don't want to make ratings wars, but give us an option.

3. More titles per show. Right now we only get four and one MUST be a woman's title and one must be a tag title. I'd be fine with the four limit if I could drop a tag title and woman's title from one of the the show. I don't like tag matches that much and NEVER play with the divas so I'd like to have a show that doesn't include them. What's the point in all these titles if I can't have a few more minor titles? Again, it is suppose to be MY universe.

4. More creation options and STOP dropping ones we're use to having. I was shocked that Ric Flair's actual entrance is gone. People didn't stop making Ric Flair last year so to remove it was beyond stupid and very frustrating. Every year it seems someone is pulled like that and it frustrates us.

5. More than 50 CAW slots. I mean really. The limit has been way too low for a while. Make it 100 or 150. If to achieve this you need to make some DLC then do it. We want more CAWs.

6. Champions entrance is annoying. If I take the time to create an entrance, I want that to be my championship entrance. I don't want to be punished because my guy won a title.

7. I love the Attitude mode and want more. Don't drop it but add 80s mode, WCW mode. It will be great to explore more history. Heck, even give us a WWWF mode with some of those classic wrestlers. The door is now firmly opened. But please don't take away to add. Attitude mode should return with new stories as well.

8. If THQ keeps the license and we do get WWE 14 I think they should make a plan to go bi-yearly with more planned DLC. If you want us to pay more for DLC give us a better reason. If we know that you're going to give us updated rosters, more character options via DLC and this is going to be it for two years season pass sales will increase. But if you take this approach you need to be commented to giving us support for the two years till the next one. This is an extreme long shot and not possible but I do think we'll get better games if they took this route. (Yes, I know this won't happen, but wishlist start with wish, right?)

I agree with most the gameplay points I've already read and I don't feel a need to rehash them like the points I did above. I still like this game, but I was wanting more this year from Universe. It just feels I lost some creativity along the way with something that is mine. I do love I make title matches on any show now without using some cheap trick.
I can't like this post enough. Very thought out. Very constructive. One thing to add is their habit of taking guys out and then reselling them as DLC. Or having guys that appear and reappear in each iteration.

Another thing I wouldn't mind is the ability to bring those guys over from the previous game. We all know most of the attitiude guys won't cross over to 14 but I wouldn't mind paying a transfer fee to get them.

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