NBA Elite 11 News Post
NBA Elite 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 1
ifriedrice @ 10/27/10 02:44 AM
It's not in the iTunes App Store yet. Where the heck is it for iPhone?
# 2
Behindshadows @ 10/27/10 03:14 AM
You should look harder next time..

# 3
ifriedrice @ 10/27/10 11:12 AM

While the gameplay doesn't look very challenging, I'm actually impressed at how good it looks and how well it moves for a game designed for a cell phone.
# 9
wileyboy747 @ 10/28/10 12:28 AM
looks better than the console version. not bad actually. but i cant play these games on my phone. i have the EVO and its still not enough screen for me. havent quite got the hang of playing stuff like this yet. it probably wont even b available on the android market anyway, so im not worried about it.
I have this on my phone, but mines Jailbroken and I think u need it to be Jailbroken to actually get this straight to ur phone/touch.
# 11
NBAttacKeR @ 11/01/10 10:23 PM
This looks the exact same as NBA LIVE 10 for iPod/iPhone. It's probably the same thing with roster updates right?
# 12
Daseffects @ 11/05/10 11:01 AM
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