Madden 12 News Post
Madden NFL 12 Videos
Member Comments
# 1
ybtherockstar @ 07/29/11 04:38 PM
They updated the Titans jersey color i believe. It looks nice. You can see the jacket underneath Hasselbeck's jersey. Good stuff.
the player models look fantastic!!! Not to mention the small things, scratches on helmets, grass & dirt stains accurate to where the player falls, etc.
# 5
phillysouljah @ 07/29/11 05:35 PM
Wow Tony Romo screaming. Is that a new animation thing? I had no idea these guys could do that stuff.
# 7
MrMosinNagant @ 07/29/11 05:37 PM
I like the Babin one, however the players' skin and arms look terrible. NCAA does them much better.
# 10
blackngoldfan @ 07/29/11 06:19 PM
The screens look great, but so does NCAA 12's screens. I just hope the actual gameplay views are as pretty. Particularly, the field. I've seen many E3 vids, but they're not clear enough to tell.
# 14
MrMosinNagant @ 07/29/11 10:44 PM
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