
Backbreaker Behind the Scenes - Dev Diary 3: Down in the Trenches (IGN)

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Old 03-25-2010, 05:55 PM   #57
JerseySuave4's Arena
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camera angle is the biggest thing that ruins this game for me. I like to be able to see whats going on and see things down field, ive never been a fan of that close to the field camera in any game because you can't see everything. And those that will try to fire back and say you can't see everything in real life, you're right, but you can also feel things around you in real life so you can feel when a DE is bearing down on you or that a CB is coming hard off the outside. You can't get that feeling in a game so you need to be able to see it or else you're blind.

Camera is the biggest turnoff for me.
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Old 03-25-2010, 06:04 PM   #58
SouthernBrick's Arena
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Re: developer diary 3

Originally Posted by mKoz26
So you've played the game? Interesting. Mind sharing some details about the franchise mode, or maybe the teams?
I don't have to play the game to know that. Anyone with a pair of eyes and a brain can see that this game plays nothing like blitz. Even If this game completely sucked It is not going to play like blitz. This is like saying GTA 4 with euphoria is going to play like GTA 3 when you can clearly see it doesn't when It comes to gameplay because, Its that clear to the eyes.

Get off me with that BS. If you really think this game is going to play like blitz then I don't know what to tell you. I'm not saying this game is completely sim or completely arcade but, I know what Its not....I call it like I see it. When people say this game still looks like blitz(I take that they mean plays like blitz) like they've played the damn game themselves(like your preaching to me). It tends to get on my nerves so maybe you should ask them about franchise because, I could care less about franchise mode(I don't even play it on madden).

I would love to see a Blitz/Backbreaker comparison. Please compare vids of how this game looks like it plays like blitz. There might be a comparison between the QB drop back but, I doubt it.
Originally Posted by WatsonTiger
One out of 7 billion, and we still tagged your ***.

Last edited by SouthernBrick; 03-25-2010 at 06:09 PM.
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Old 03-25-2010, 06:18 PM   #59
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Re: developer diary 3

I didn't know this game used endorphin... Thats usually for canned animation typed games. Cause thats what it does, create animations.

This game looks hella fun to play. And in the end, thats all that matters to me. Is the game fun?
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Old 03-25-2010, 06:26 PM   #60
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Re: Backbreaker Behind the Scenes - Dev Diary 3: Down in the Trenches (IGN)

The last two videos have turned this into a first day purchase. If it plays half as good as it now looks, I'll be 100% happy.
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Old 03-25-2010, 06:42 PM   #61
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Re: developer diary 3

Originally Posted by AnyGivenSunday
I don't have to play the game to know that. Anyone with a pair of eyes and a brain can see that this game plays nothing like blitz. Even If this game completely sucked It is not going to play like blitz. This is like saying GTA 4 with euphoria is going to play like GTA 3 when you can clearly see it doesn't when It comes to gameplay because, Its that clear to the eyes.

Get off me with that BS. If you really think this game is going to play like blitz then I don't know what to tell you. I'm not saying this game is completely sim or completely arcade but, I know what Its not....I call it like I see it. When people say this game still looks like blitz(I take that they mean plays like blitz) like they've played the damn game themselves(like your preaching to me). It tends to get on my nerves so maybe you should ask them about franchise because, I could care less about franchise mode(I don't even play it on madden).

I would love to see a Blitz/Backbreaker comparison. Please compare vids of how this game looks like it plays like blitz. There might be a comparison between the QB drop back but, I doubt it.
You're great at drawing conclusions. When you play the game, you can claim it plays nothing like blitz. Until then, nobody around here knows.
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Old 03-25-2010, 06:49 PM   #62
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Re: developer diary 3

Originally Posted by Jimixiii
It's almost like people are just saying it to troll. There's no combo buttons to pull a players helmet off to hit them with it, there's no unrealistic off-the-wall hurdles & spins over & around players. It's nothing like Blitz when you watch the gameplan. What are these people talking about? It's just becoming obnoxious.
there are just saying that because they think that since it has been mentioned that there will be arcade mode of some sort and so some stupid reason they think of blitz and i think that is just ridiculous.
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Old 03-25-2010, 06:50 PM   #63
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Re: developer diary 3

Originally Posted by mKoz26
When you play the game, you can claim it plays nothing like blitz. Until then, nobody around here knows.
100% true, and also i like the pic you have!
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Old 03-25-2010, 06:55 PM   #64
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Re: Backbreaker Behind the Scenes - Dev Diary 3: Down in the Trenches (IGN)

Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
camera angle is the biggest thing that ruins this game for me. I like to be able to see whats going on and see things down field, ive never been a fan of that close to the field camera in any game because you can't see everything. And those that will try to fire back and say you can't see everything in real life, you're right, but you can also feel things around you in real life so you can feel when a DE is bearing down on you or that a CB is coming hard off the outside. You can't get that feeling in a game so you need to be able to see it or else you're blind.

Camera is the biggest turnoff for me.
Not me, Im done with Maddens blimp cams. I dont need to see every player on the field at once, thats just not football, thats arcade. In Madden, every qb has 500% awareness because of the blimp cam. As far as the feeling of a rush on a qb, etc, its more hearing footsteps then a feeling. This could easily be put in the game as well. They use surround effects in many games, and it always works well to let you know where the enemy(in this case defender) is and at what distance(softer to louder). For those without surround, I think it may even be better. How cool to get rocked with a sack you actually didnt see coming....Just like in real life!
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