
Just thought on why Mayweather is not in FNC (in support to Brizzo and the roster)

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Old 12-14-2010, 03:19 AM   #9
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Re: Just thought on why Mayweather is not in FNC (in support to Brizzo and the roster

Originally Posted by Jukeman
Not that simple

And we dont even know what the contract looked like nor the pay check...
I dont know man, I would have to say it is that simple lol. Now if he's not managing his money correctly, then I could see him trying to get a load of money.

I'm assuming he is financially stable (if he isn't , shame on the cat), so lets say they offered him 100 stacks, racks, grand, whatever you wanna call it, yea give em the nod, put that in my kids bank account its really nothing to me.

Free money without lifting a finger. Cant beat that.
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Old 12-14-2010, 04:13 PM   #10
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Re: Just thought on why Mayweather is not in FNC (in support to Brizzo and the roster

Originally Posted by TheCreep
I dont know man, I would have to say it is that simple lol. Now if he's not managing his money correctly, then I could see him trying to get a load of money.

I'm assuming he is financially stable (if he isn't , shame on the cat), so lets say they offered him 100 stacks, racks, grand, whatever you wanna call it, yea give em the nod, put that in my kids bank account its really nothing to me.

Free money without lifting a finger. Cant beat that.
We can assume all day, we dont know what was in the contract or how much was offered..The contract could have wanted PBF to promote, be cover boy or both.

All im saying is that it is easy to sit here and call PBF out on the BS because his Floyd...

But at the end of the day its about knowing your worth...

If floyd thinks he's bigger than the FN franchise then the pennies (pennies in floyd;s eyes) they are offering him will not matter...

Its not about getting a free check, especially if the guy thinks he should earn more than what they are offering him because he believes his addition will = more sells....

This is like Kanye giving up a right to a song to a mediocre company to do a TV ad...Kanye's song gets the attention of consumer and they rush out and buy this unknown product, yet while this company is making tons of money because of kanye, they pay him pennies while they keep the dollars but its all goood for Kanye because he's getting "free money"

Im sure Diddy doesnt make pennies with Ciroc (which was pretty much unknown before his addition)

Its a business at the end of the day

What if PBF signed a 3 year deal to work with FN and the contract says that he cannot make and appearance in any other video game...

Meanwhile 2k releases info about a new boxing game and was willing to pay Floyd dollars instead of pennies that EA is paying him....

Yeah, that was a pretty simple decision for "Money May"

I dont even see his demand of renaming the game "Floyd Mayweather's boxing" as being crazy....

Especially since the franchise already had a couple name changes, like I said before, this game isnt a prestige like Madden..If Floyd think naming the game after him will sell it even more (to put more money in his pocket) that demand is more than logical rather than crazy to a "floyd *****"

But if I was EA, I wouldnt invest that much money either, unless FNC takes a noise dive like EA MMA which i doubt.

Last edited by Jukeman; 12-14-2010 at 04:31 PM.
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Old 12-15-2010, 10:34 AM   #11
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Re: Just thought on why Mayweather is not in FNC (in support to Brizzo and the roster

Originally Posted by TheCreep
I dont know man, I would have to say it is that simple lol. Now if he's not managing his money correctly, then I could see him trying to get a load of money.

I'm assuming he is financially stable (if he isn't , shame on the cat), so lets say they offered him 100 stacks, racks, grand, whatever you wanna call it, yea give em the nod, put that in my kids bank account its really nothing to me.

Free money without lifting a finger. Cant beat that.
Floyd financially stable??? Now thats funny. He has a 6.1 Million dollar tax lien from the IRS that he is trying to settle. From what I gather, basically all his money is gone. He has a few million to his name, but it already spoken for.

The man could basically be printing money if he fought Paq. Not sure why he's so scared. Win or lose, he'd have a pile of cash.
Chalepa Ta Kala.....
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Old 12-15-2010, 12:01 PM   #12
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Re: Just thought on why Mayweather is not in FNC (in support to Brizzo and the roster

Originally Posted by fistofrage
Floyd financially stable??? Now thats funny. He has a 6.1 Million dollar tax lien from the IRS that he is trying to settle. From what I gather, basically all his money is gone. He has a few million to his name, but it already spoken for.

The man could basically be printing money if he fought Paq. Not sure why he's so scared. Win or lose, he'd have a pile of cash.
Which makes Floyd even more suspect considering he calls himself "Money".
What guy who nicknames himself "Money" turns down a guaranteed $50M???
I thought he was a businessman? Every time he lets Pac go back into the ring, he risks losing the biggest paycheck of his life. Pac is great, but anything's possible - even a Pac loss.
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Old 12-15-2010, 12:37 PM   #13
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Re: Just thought on why Mayweather is not in FNC (in support to Brizzo and the roster

Originally Posted by Money99
Which makes Floyd even more suspect considering he calls himself "Money".
What guy who nicknames himself "Money" turns down a guaranteed $50M???
I thought he was a businessman? Every time he lets Pac go back into the ring, he risks losing the biggest paycheck of his life. Pac is great, but anything's possible - even a Pac loss.
Or Pac may just retire. He's more concerned with governing his country than a fight with Floyd with each passing day.
Chalepa Ta Kala.....
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Old 12-15-2010, 12:56 PM   #14
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Re: Just thought on why Mayweather is not in FNC (in support to Brizzo and the roster

I don't understand why not having Mayweather in the game is sooooooooo world ending. I could see the issue if EA did not attempt to get him. But they made the attempt. No differently than Pac or Tyson, they all receive money. So it is 150% Mayweather's fault, so if anyone is upset about him not being in the game you should focus all your anger towards Mayweather. He could have signed just as Pacman did but no he held out because they would not meet his huge demands.

I personally say screw that idiot. You got to be pretty stupid to turn down FREE money, FREE marketing, and FREE publicity in a big name title. Mayweather is 100% a pure selfish, narcissistic, idiot. I dislike him the more he stays on this planet.
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Old 12-15-2010, 01:08 PM   #15
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Re: Just thought on why Mayweather is not in FNC (in support to Brizzo and the roster

Why don't we just name this thread as I hate PBF. Floyd has the right to say no. No more and no less.
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Old 12-15-2010, 01:54 PM   #16
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Re: Just thought on why Mayweather is not in FNC (in support to Brizzo and the roster

Originally Posted by Phobia
I don't understand why not having Mayweather in the game is sooooooooo world ending. I could see the issue if EA did not attempt to get him. But they made the attempt. No differently than Pac or Tyson, they all receive money. So it is 150% Mayweather's fault, so if anyone is upset about him not being in the game you should focus all your anger towards Mayweather. He could have signed just as Pacman did but no he held out because they would not meet his huge demands.

I personally say screw that idiot. You got to be pretty stupid to turn down FREE money, FREE marketing, and FREE publicity in a big name title. Mayweather is 100% a pure selfish, narcissistic, idiot. I dislike him the more he stays on this planet.
I'm sorry but thats BS. We have no idea what they offered Floyd. We just know that Brizzo said they tried and he wanted to be on the cover. Thats a reasonable demand from a guy who is considered the #1 or #2 P4P fighter in the world.

Also we have no idea what Pac's contract was either. Pac has been in the last few FNs. He could have been one of those guys who was signed to a three game deal which would make it impossible to renegotiate or make any other demands. If thats true, then Pac signed before the Cotto win made him the P4P #1 fighter.

EA couldnt make a deal with Floyd so its nobody's fault. Floyd has his demands and EA wasnt willing to meet them. Happens everyday in business.
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