
Just thought on why Mayweather is not in FNC (in support to Brizzo and the roster)

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Old 12-16-2010, 12:28 PM   #25
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Re: Just thought on why Mayweather is not in FNC (in support to Brizzo and the roster

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Floyd isnt in need of more fans. Love him or hate him, people pay for his fights. He gets a million buys no matter who he fights. Being in FN isnt going to help him gain more fans especially when he isnt on the cover and his name isnt on the game.
Yea but it is clear the "fans" want him in the game. Look at the drama it has brought him not being in the game. So having him in fight night does encourage some it seems. So I feel he does not have to be on the cover at all to still be relevant in the game. People will still recognize him being in the game on the cover or not.
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Old 12-16-2010, 12:34 PM   #26
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Re: Just thought on why Mayweather is not in FNC (in support to Brizzo and the roster

Originally Posted by Phobia
Yea but it is clear the "fans" want him in the game. Look at the drama it has brought him not being in the game. So having him in fight night does encourage some it seems. So I feel he does not have to be on the cover at all to still be relevant in the game. People will still recognize him being in the game on the cover or not.
Floyd isnt seeing any drama. He probably doesnt know that people are upset about this. Brizzo does and thats why he made that post blaming the boxers. Other than a free check, being in the game doesnt benefit him at all. Its not going to increase his PPV buys because most people who buy FN are guys who are boxing fans or who know who Floyd Mayweather is already. He is the first or second most famous active fighter in the world right now. He has plenty of endorsements (Everlast, Reebok). He doesnt need this game to increase his fame.

Now EA does need him. Having him in the game would probably increase sales for him. So he has all the leverage.
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Old 12-16-2010, 12:42 PM   #27
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Re: Just thought on why Mayweather is not in FNC (in support to Brizzo and the roster

One other thing...Seriously. **** the fans. Most people hate Floyd. They find him to be arrogant, cocky and think he's ducking Pac (I'm one of them). They buy the PPVs for 2 reasons: 1) To watch a great fighter fight and 2) to hope that Floyd loses. Why should he give a damn if "fans" want him in FN? He doesnt owe them anything. They pay for PPVs and he performs and puts on a fight. Thats it. They get a service (watching him fight) for their payment. They will continue to do that until he loses or retires.

I think its ridiculous that people think that he owes them something. He believes he's worth more than every boxer currently in the game. He thinks he's worth having the game being named after him and being on the cover. I dont think he's worth that but who I to demand that he accept less just so I can play him in a game. He owes me nothing. He owes you nothing. Him being in the game isnt going to make you like him. You arent going to buy his Reeboks just because he was in FN. You are going to use him in the game and still cheer against him when he fights next. The guy owes the fans nothing but fighting to the best of his abilities when I pay to watch him fight.
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Old 12-16-2010, 12:57 PM   #28
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Re: Just thought on why Mayweather is not in FNC (in support to Brizzo and the roster

Agreed on most parts. But to say the game would not further market him is not true. You have the young generation who are coming to enjoy boxing through video games instead of it being the major fight event like it use to be. Instead the younger generation is leaning towards MMA. So to say that him being in the game would not benefit him any is short sighted. Now I don't believe it affects PBF the man itself but I think it would bring more notoriety to him with the younger generation who pick up the game.

But in the end it is stupid for anyone to refuse free money just to be in the game. Like you said, who are any of us to judge. But my personal opinion is that is stupid.
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Old 12-16-2010, 01:10 PM   #29
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Re: Just thought on why Mayweather is not in FNC (in support to Brizzo and the roster

Originally Posted by grunt
Why don't we just name this thread as I hate PBF. Floyd has the right to say no. No more and no less.
Absolutely. But I think some are getting tired of hearing it's EA's fault as to why Floyd's not in the game.
Like Phobia, some of us here are just trying to set the record straight and make sure they know EA did what they could to get him in the game.
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Old 12-16-2010, 05:12 PM   #30
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Re: Just thought on why Mayweather is not in FNC (in support to Brizzo and the roster

Originally Posted by Money99
Absolutely. But I think some are getting tired of hearing it's EA's fault as to why Floyd's not in the game.
Like Phobia, some of us here are just trying to set the record straight and make sure they know EA did what they could to get him in the game.
Maybe it isnt Brizzo's fault but maybe it is EA's..

What happened after knock Out Kings 2003?

Did PBF refuse to renew his contract or did EA?

I think fans are pissed because Floyd was there and he isnt anymore...Somebody dropped the ball somewhere...

PBF was in 5 of EA's boxing games, other than ALI (and maybe Pac and a few other relevant boxers) I dont think there was a boxer that been in that many games.

Something happen when EA came out with FN 2004...

Last edited by Jukeman; 12-16-2010 at 05:20 PM.
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Old 12-16-2010, 07:06 PM   #31
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Re: Just thought on why Mayweather is not in FNC (in support to Brizzo and the roster

Originally Posted by Jukeman
Maybe it isnt Brizzo's fault but maybe it is EA's..

What happened after knock Out Kings 2003?

Did PBF refuse to renew his contract or did EA?

I think fans are pissed because Floyd was there and he isnt anymore...Somebody dropped the ball somewhere...

PBF was in 5 of EA's boxing games, other than ALI (and maybe Pac and a few other relevant boxers) I dont think there was a boxer that been in that many games.

Something happen when EA came out with FN 2004...
He was in Fight Night Round 2. Something happened when Round 3 came out and he wasn't in it.
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Old 12-16-2010, 09:20 PM   #32
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Re: Just thought on why Mayweather is not in FNC (in support to Brizzo and the roster

Originally Posted by Money99
Absolutely. But I think some are getting tired of hearing it's EA's fault as to why Floyd's not in the game.
Like Phobia, some of us here are just trying to set the record straight and make sure they know EA did what they could to get him in the game.
Floyd is going to do what he feels in his best interest. Maybe Floyd is ducking the cyber Manny but in reality he has a clear marketing strategy as being the bad guy. He is the best " bad guy" since Duran or even the 60's drafting dodging Ali.

I think EA should make Floyd a DLC. He could get a percentage of the DLC and his inclusion in the game wouldn't impact the bottom line of the game.

Funny the amount of people who hate Floyd but still want him in the game.
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