
Uniform Updates 6.0

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Old 07-11-2013, 07:46 PM   #321
canesfins's Arena
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Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by Falconsfan21
is it me or the georgia bulldogs numbers on the jerseys look wrong?
Those are their new jerseys
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Old 07-11-2013, 09:28 PM   #322
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I know someone has mentioned the WVU uniforms already, but Im a huge Mountaineer fan, and I am.very dissapointed. Not having the new uniforms for the launch doesnt bug me because I know they will be in the free dlc update. What bugs me is the fact that they took the pro combats out and the totally messed up the grey uniforms. If you havent seen them yet, they have 2 extra numbers. One on the shoulder and one on top of the flying WV on the sleeve. I know they are working on problem but come on, this is almost every year with WVU.

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Old 07-11-2013, 09:58 PM   #323
Iceman87GT's Arena
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Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by Falconsfan21
is it me or the georgia bulldogs numbers on the jerseys look wrong?
You're in for a shock come football season then. They went to a different template, everything remained largely the same but the font was changed. It's uga's new font (its a modified version of the one they wore for basketball and softball in the past). The pants are also closer to silver britches than the greyish tan color they have been since they went to matte pants.

Originally Posted by VanMeter
I know someone has mentioned the WVU uniforms already, but Im a huge Mountaineer fan, and I am.very dissapointed. Not having the new uniforms for the launch doesnt bug me because I know they will be in the free dlc update. What bugs me is the fact that they took the pro combats out and the totally messed up the grey uniforms. If you havent seen them yet, they have 2 extra numbers. One on the shoulder and one on top of the flying WV on the sleeve. I know they are working on problem but come on, this is almost every year with WVU.

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1. We are all huge fans of our teams, so your fandom adds no more weight to what you said. We're all dissappointed that certain uniforms got left out, or messed up.

2. Not only has it been mentioned, its on the first page! We know about the problem, no need to describe it in further detail. Now if you could provide a picture of it from in-game that'd be fantastic as I have yet to get around to providing a visual in the list.

3. Every year with WVU? If West Virginia has had issues every year, then they pale in comparison to what has afflicted other teams (what I'm saying here is that whatever issues they have had have had "almost every year" are minor ones if issues at all, until this year with the Grey uniforms, which will be obsolete moving forward, btw, I mean they should still get them right but be aware it is unlikely WVU will ever wear those again).

This goes to everyone posting in this thread:

Read the first page before posting, I make it easy for you, it's all there on the first page. No need to read every single post, though I would prefer you read the last few pages as well so we don't get dozens of people posting the same thing when uni-news breaks.

Don't make mountains out of Mole Hills to try and somehow bolster your argument that your uniform deserves to be fixed. A tiny issue last year or 2 years ago does not mean that it happens every year or almost every year.

  • Arizona's white helmet having the wrong facemask for 2.5 versions of the game (they fixed it last year in the uniform pack, and you don't get to count year 1 beacuse the reason it wasn't in the game was because they didn't alert EA to the addition of the helmet).
  • Washington's purple Jersey being wrong for 2.5 games (same scenario with AZ's helmet, year one doesn't count because it wasn't EA's fault it didn't make it in), those are major continuing issues. ND's helmet mess (especially on the PS3), that was a major on-going issue
WVU's grey uniform should only have one set of TV numbers this is an issue that needs to be fixed. And this is completely independent over what issues there may have been last year or 2 years ago. Basically it doesn't matter that EA once got another piece of your uniform wrong, that doesn't mean they owe you anything more than any other team with a wrong uniform.

Bottomline WVU's grey uniforms deserve to be fixed because they are incorrect currently in the game. Washington's purple jerseys deserved to be fixed because they were wrong in the game not because they were also wrong in NCAA 11 and NCAA 12.

Enough with the emotional pleas! This is a forum for college uniform discussion and making sure we have a list for EA to use. If you want to discuss unis, great, if you want to report an issue great, if you think you can somehow plead with EA to make the changes, do so elsewhere, this is an unbiased list I'm not going to exclude a team from it because their fans aren't passionate enough about the error.

And keep in mind you are not the first one to do this, so don't think I'm singling you out, you just happened to be one of the many, and the latest to do so.

End Rant.
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Old 07-11-2013, 10:34 PM   #324
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Ok 1. I never once said that my teams uniforms should be priority
2. I was only pointing out issues to my teams uniforms. As has a few others.
3. I agree that they will probably never wear them again but Im sure other teams that have pro combats from 09 in the game, probably will never wear those again.
4. If I knew how to post a picture of the error on the grey uniforms I would post the picture. I am new to the app that I am currently using.
5. I didnt say every single year I said almost every year and yes I might have exaggerated a little by saying that which is my mistake.
6. I cant post about the grey uniforms but we can read through 20 posts about NDs helmets??
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Old 07-11-2013, 10:43 PM   #325
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Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by Falconsfan21
is it me or the georgia bulldogs numbers on the jerseys look wrong?

they got new jerseys this year
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Old 07-11-2013, 10:55 PM   #326
loccdogg26's Arena
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Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

In regards to uniforms being taken out of this years game that were in previous ones did each school ask EA to take them out or was it just EA's decision? Ie Michigans "Under The Lights" ones.
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Old 07-12-2013, 12:47 AM   #327
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Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Why did they take out Oregon's other uniforms from previous years and not with other schools? They only have a certain amount of uni combos with those that look good and a bunch of other schools have just as much.
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Old 07-12-2013, 01:34 AM   #328
Squeezee12's Arena
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Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by thomguy123
Why did they take out Oregon's other uniforms from previous years and not with other schools? They only have a certain amount of uni combos with those that look good and a bunch of other schools have just as much.
Could of been at request of Oregon.. But don't know since the previous two sets were in last years game.. Don't mind the unis gone but the O helmets gone upset me..

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