
Dynasty House Rule Ideas

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Old 01-08-2015, 08:13 PM   #105
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Re: Dynasty House Rule Ideas

I had done this way back many years ago on PS2 with a dynasty. Back then you could see a recruits GPA. Too bad they dropped that.

At least you have the Play Recognition for the defensive players, but I can't think of a good way to associate an attribute with intelligence while recruiting offensive players.

Originally Posted by GreenGlen
I am trying to devise recruiting house rules for programs with high academic standards: Stanford, Duke, Rice, Military Academies..ect. Any suggestions?
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Old 01-09-2015, 12:46 AM   #106
BreakingBad2013's Arena
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Re: Dynasty House Rule Ideas

Originally Posted by jello1717
You can't see their AWR until they're on your team and only D guys have PRC.

This doesn't make much sense but it sounds like you don't have '14. Recruits only have 3 interests now and they have grades for them, now they care about their top 3 as "most" "very high" and "high." Relevant to '14 what you probably mean is "only recruit guys who have academics as 1 of their 3 interests."
I didn't know you couldn't see AWR, I never really pay attention to that specific rating, I just thought it might help achieve the goal of building a program based off of an academic mindset.

I have 14 lol. I thought it was clear that I was talking about academics because that was the topic that I quoted to reply to. If you have an school known for academics, then yes it would be an A or A+, and if Academics is on their list of 3, you will be getting the A or A+ boost.
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Old 01-11-2015, 12:06 AM   #107
gausec's Arena
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Re: Dynasty House Rule Ideas

Originally Posted by BreakingBad2013
Only recruit players with high awareness or high play recognition, this kind of means you're smart.

And not to be rude or disrespect anyone's city, but you could look at where the player is from, see if he went to an inner city school or a suburb, and possibly weigh the suburb heavier with a "better school system"

Not saying inner city kids are idiots, just an idea to limit prospects.

Lastly, only recruit players who when you look at their top 3 interests, only recruit players who are A or A+, that way you know they care about grades and academics.

Always wanted to do this, never found enough prospects/became too stubborn
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Old 01-11-2015, 06:09 PM   #108
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Re: Dynasty House Rule Ideas

I have revamped my recruiting rules. I have always had some form of restrictions for recruiting, mainly limiting what states I can recruit from and limits on how many 4 and 5* players I can sign. Although this type system has been working very well in being effectual and governing the level of incoming talent, it was getting a bit repetitive. I have been getting pretty much the same quality of signing class year in, year out, with the only wildcard being how many gems I happen to uncover.

I'm beginning my 4th season as HC at Oregon State, but I have been using a "Legacy Pipeline" whereby I can recruit a very few players from Alabama and other SEC states. (after spending two decades in the SEC, I am allowing myself this benefit)

Here's the new system I'm rolling out. Similar to my player progression card system, an initial dice roll determines what I can do as I set up the recruiting board in the preseason. (the higher the #, the better)

1 roll = 3* player max; no players can be signed outside of conference region

2 roll = 3* max and within conference region; +2 SEC state players (3* max)

3 roll = (1) 4* max player-any state; other players 3* max and within conference region; +2 AL players and +2 SEC state players (3* max)

4 roll = (1) 5* player-any state; other players 3* max and within conference region; +2 AL players and +2 SEC players (3* max)

5 roll = (1) 5* player-any state; (1) 4* max player-any state; other players 3* max and within conference region; +2 AL players and +2 SEC state players (3* max)

6 roll = (2) 5* players-any state; (1) 4* max player; other players 3* max and within conference region; +2 AL players and +3 SEC state players (3* max)

(when I was in the SEC, my conference region was all SEC states. Now that I'm the Pac12, my conference regions is all Pac12 states plus Hawaii & Idaho)

As luck would have it, I rolled a 1 today, so I'll be very limited in 2037, but I am hopeful that now I will have a lot more randomness on my signing classes.
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Old 01-24-2015, 12:22 AM   #109
Maverick09's Arena
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Re: Dynasty House Rule Ideas

Anybody have a house rule concerning the higher than normal AWR progression human controlled teams get during in-season progression? I've noticed that half of my team is leading the league in AWR ratings when sorting the entire leagues players from best to worst in AWR.

The boost in awareness shows it's effect after playing a few years with the same team. I've noticed my defense playing exceptionally well despite a modest gain in overall defensive rating (B- to B+); I hadn't touched my sliders.

I think I read somewhere in this thread that some people propose resetting players with >76 AWR ratings back to 76. Anybody else have a set of house rules for this?
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Old 01-24-2015, 12:53 AM   #110
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Re: Dynasty House Rule Ideas

Originally Posted by Maverick09
Anybody have a house rule concerning the higher than normal AWR progression human controlled teams get during in-season progression? I've noticed that half of my team is leading the league in AWR ratings when sorting the entire leagues players from best to worst in AWR.

The boost in awareness shows it's effect after playing a few years with the same team. I've noticed my defense playing exceptionally well despite a modest gain in overall defensive rating (B- to B+); I hadn't touched my sliders.

I think I read somewhere in this thread that some people propose resetting players with >76 AWR ratings back to 76. Anybody else have a set of house rules for this?
By far the biggest culprits (and probably the only ones that are overblown) are QBs, FBs, TEs, CBs, FSs, and SSs.

What I used to do was write down the AWR of these positions @ the beginning of the season. Then again at the end of the season (before the offseason). Then I'd edit these positions so that these guys got half of their in season progression instead of all of it. I'd let them keep all of their offseason progression as I don't think that's inflated for users, but I could always be mistaken.

IE. If my backup QB started w/ 70 AWR and ended with 82 AWR then I'd remove 6 AWR from his total.

Later on I decided this wasn't enough so I decided to edit anyone of any position down to 75 AWR if it was higher. I'd do this @ the beginning of the season and then again after week 8. This was more work than I wanted so instead I now only edit it at the beginning of the season and I edit everyone down to 70 AWR. The positions I listed above will usually gain 12 AWR in season so these guys will still end the season w/ 82 AWR most of the time.
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Old 03-09-2015, 08:03 AM   #111
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Re: Dynasty House Rule Ideas

Set 'Sub Frequency' at 85 for user in order to create more injuries(barely) and reduce the advantages that formation subs give.

*No scouting
*Only recruit the number of Seniors leaving your program (not to get to 70 players, SENIORS LEAVING!)
*Only recruit prospects interested in your program
*No adding players to recruiting board after pre-season
If you have 10 seniors leaving, you can only add 10 players to your recruiting board in the pre-season. This means that if you miss out on that RE that you need then you will be stuck with a walk-on for the next four years. This also means that if you're top WR decides to leave early it will really leave a void since you don't have two studs redshirted and ready to go.

*Can't convince players to stay
*Can't cut players

*No hot routes
*No-switch rule on offense and defense
*Super-sim all special teams plays
*Must select one of the third plays on the first page of the ask coach section
This is the equivalent of depending on your coordinators. The exception to the rule is you can call your own plays for one side if you please. If you're a defensive head coach you can call your own defense while letting the OC run the offense and vice versa. (Of course the rules change if either team runs the no-huddle)

Last edited by Davon_A_Brown; 03-09-2015 at 04:12 PM.
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Old 03-09-2015, 12:57 PM   #112
WB1214's Arena
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Re: Dynasty House Rule Ideas

Originally Posted by PocketScout
Leaving Seniors +2
I can only have two more players on my board at any time than I have leaving my program. If I have 15 seniors I can only have a 17 players on my board and I can only sign 17 that season as well. This will help to keep from stacking my roster to easily and flushing out the bad players. If the computer adds players to the class they will be deleted, only the players that I sign will be allowed on the team.
Ranked in Recruits Top 10
I must be in a recruits Top 10 to be able to recruit them. I look at this as these are players that my coaching staff has been recruiting since their sophomore and junior year in high school. We have already identified these kids as who we want in our program and now we are just narrowing down who we are going to bring on campus.
One Athlete
I can only recruit one Athlete each year so I will have to be very careful on who I select.
Two Outsiders
I can recruit two guys who I am not in there Top 10. I will have to be very careful because once they are on my board they are now counted against this limit. This is not, "I can sign two guys", it is I can only recruit two all season long.
One Visit
I can only schedule one visit all year long. This will be a very tough decision on which recruit will be the only one who gets to visit my campus. This makes late season recruiting get very interesting when battling with a couple schools for a kid as they might jump +700 points in a single week and I do not have a good way to make up the difference.
No Scouting
I can not scout any of the prospects that are on my board. Recruiting is to easy for me because I can easily find the best of what I can get to sign with my program without any issue and get those guys on campus. To combat this I will not scout any prospects. Once a kid commits to my program I can then scout him to see what I've got, those Gems and Busts titles are now going to carry a lot more meaning and impact since I will be stuck with these kids. This does add a "kid at Christmas morning" feel to when I get the message that a kid has signed with my program because then I get to go and find out what I really just signed.
Whenever this year's rosters get done, I'm going to start a new dynasty with these rules and one more that I think will be challenging since we don't scout: If I sign a top 10 QB one year, the next year I cannot recruit a QB unless for depth purposes. If I need a QB for depth, I can only recruit 3 and below. If that QB ends up being a bust, it could really set back my program
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