
FIFA 22 OS Community Sliders

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Old 09-21-2021, 10:40 PM   #1
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FIFA 22 OS Community Sliders

Welcome to the yearly tradition of the OS Community sliders for FIFA. This year, we are playing FIFA 22, hoping that the hype-r-motion is real.

Brief History and Origin:
We have been working on FIFA sliders since FIFA 15 as a community. The goal is always to achieve the closest realism the game gives us.

How we test:
Always in Career Mode. You are investing in sliders for a reason, and most of the time that is to play in Career Mode. So, it only makes sense to test in that same environment. With so many values to be looked at, and those values being in 1 point increments, it is very easy to come up with multiple versions of sliders. We will always test on Default first, then identify the main areas to look at. From there, it's about collaborating and finding workarounds for those problem areas. With sliders, it is always a balancing act, fix one thing - potentially break the next.

Version Format:
This thread moves fast, and versions get updated. My goal is to always make less versions, but we're at the mercy of 1) EA's updates, and 2) Our own curiosity in determining the best values.

Similar to previous two years, I will be using the format in which the Version number is determined first, then a Beta number follows. For example, the first version will be Version 1, Beta 1; so it will read as : "V1B1", and down the road Version 6, Beta 2 will read "V6B2". As soon as it is determined that the version is "final", it will simply, for example, be called Version 6 Final, or "V6Final". I will make sure the OP is updated in a log format, so everyone is on the same page.

Helpful Reminders:
As always, remember that the thread moves very fast. I will do my best to update this Original Post as much as possible. I have learned a lot about how to be the "project manager" of this whole thing, so if I do not respond to every post, it is either because it got lost in the shuffle, or that replying to it would deter the thread from achieving the goal of establishing a slider set.

The Main Rules of the Thread:
1. Do not post your own full set. This deters the entire thread. All slider values are relative to one another, so if we see a value like 30 pass speed with a line length of 70, then that's not relevant to someone using a 50 pass speed with a line length of 35. It's better to leave it out of the thread, and create your own.

2. Feedback in Animation. The Match Stats only give so much information. Telling us the CPU has 99% passing is not helpful. Were they passing the ball through the backline the entire time? Details are important, and throughout the years I have asked for details in animations. What this means is simply "What do you see"? Is the CPU having that high passing because your defending players are too slow? Too far away? Too wide? In the end, VIDEO NEVER LIES, so if you have video to provide - please do so. That will save so much time and less of a Q&A.

3. We are not your customer service. This is a collaboration space. Noone is being paid here by EA. Provide feedback because you want to help, not because you feel entitled to let us do all the hard work and you sit back and criticize.

4. Respect each other. Thankfully, we have not run into this issue as much, but there have been times where it's close. First, regarding myself, I am the project manager here. What that means is I am going for a goal, and discussion about conspiracies, theories or ET is not going to be helpful. Secondly, we all have opinions and some know how to filter them, some do not. There is a message there, so do not get offended if someone disagrees with you. We love the game, and just want what is best for it - so keep it civil!

5. Please keep general impressions in the FIFA impressions thread, not here. This is a solution based thread, and general complaints will be ignored. We understand each iteration of FIFA has issues, what game doesn't, but we are given the tools to find workarounds. Remember, this is a slider thread, which means the sample size of play is significantly increased. Chances are if you are having an issue, we have most likely looked at it.

Changelog & Updates:

Timestamp: 7/20/22 | 6:24 PM CST --

Pretty much the final/final update as we are less than 3 months away from FIFA 23. This last version simply addresses the GK value from 40 to 45, then an adjustment to line height that will bring in more crosses in obvious areas, not to mention some change in variety from the CPU. After that, the pass error went up on Legendary from 70 to 78, which plays very close to the World Class 68. Huge difference and brings in the ethos that Version 10 introduced.

I've also included in the graphics a suggestion on Sprint/Acceleration values on normal game speed.

♦♦♦Version 11 Goal: Just finalizing the Version 10 sliders with these adjustments. The concept of version 10 remains and these adjustments just tweak it a bit more to finalize.

*I am going to address each value since it has been a while since an update and to bring attention that each value was reviewed during testing. The previous note will be included in navy, with my updated version remarks in red.*

Sprint Speed - As mentioned, the focus here is to get a better "feel" for the players, but more importantly there is a threshold in which we know the CBs sprint with their marks. However, in this update, the CBs/FBs not only sprint with their marks, the higher the sprint value is - they will actually go even further ahead and break the defensive line's integrity:

As a result, the point of having a defensive line becomes worthless, and streaking runs were the route-one attacks. By lowering Sprint, we found the threshold in which the CB jockey/shuffle happens contextually, such as holding the line when the ball is in the center of the pitch. When the ball is on the wings, the CB jockey will trigger briefly, but because of the run frequency + marking, the effect is not as negative. Again, feel free to put this back to a reliable high sprint value if you wish, but we feel the values posted bring the best of both "worlds" together.

The concept is still the same, but I am also surprised how it works for normal speed with the values I suggest on the personal preference of Sprint 15 and acceleration 48.

Acceleration - If you liked the feel of under 50, feel free, it has been tested. The idea here is to get the fatigue in a good spot where rotation is felt and at times necessary. With the low Sprint, the feel isn't overly skate-like either.

Still feel the same way here. I absolutely love the feel of lower acceleration, and I personally play on 48/48, but I know the visual impact of fatigue is an obvious need in the aim for realism. I can play on 48 acceleration because I still "feel" when players are fatigued. Again, personal preference, and do not be afraid to put a discrepancy to make things harder (48/50, 49/50, etc).

Pretty much the same overall here.

Shot Error - The best thing in FIFA is its shot error slider. The type of goals that can be scored from changing this value alone are quite enjoyable. Adjust as needed based on the minutes/difficulty.

Still in a good spot. No issues.

Shot Speed - There were a couple animations that just did not make sense in regards to keepers. Mine in particular was the keeper absorbing a hard shot and then pushing the ball up directly into the air, while falling down on the ground, then able to still get up to their feet and jump to catch the ball. It isn't realistic, and looks more like a volleyball animation than it does footy. Along with that adjustment, the slight deflections for corners happen more often, and outstanding keepers truly are outstanding.

Still in a good spot. I sometimes forget the shot speed is as high as it is.

Right so this was actually lowered to 50 to help the GK animations. Even lowering GK ability, they started to perform saves backwards and the save animations were out of sync (saving with the wrist/elbows, diving too early, etc). Still see some great attempts with vicious strikes to boot at 50 shot speed.

Pass Error - Did not realize I never included this, so we'll start this to base on version 10 and now version 11. The most important element of pass error is what pass speed is chosen. In this set pass speed is 40, which means more error is needed. The concept of "with great power, comes great responsibility" rings true. With the higher pass error, there is much more risk at a driven pass or a long ball over the top. As the power bar fills up, the errors increase - and the CPU's gameplay respects this, making for some incredible interactions.

Still in a good spot. No issues.

Pass Speed - Just a bit of a nudge for the CPU's pass speed to reduce soft deflections, especially in the box, that end up becoming chances on goal because the ball falls perfectly to the CPU's feet instead out further. Not so high of a pass speed that the CPU can just drive forward passes without giving the User's players any time to react, let alone intercept.

The main change here was to get a bit more of the CPU first touch less "soft" and controlled. I still feel this can be explored as there needs to be less of a soft feel to the ball. Even simple passes should have an element of pressure, but the only way to get the true feel of the ball is to raise the pass speed. However doing so brings in the driven pass animations/choices to a high priority for the CPU.

Definitely played around with raising the value, but once the CPU has it above 42, they just start pushing the envelope and drive passes more often. It ruins creativity and gives no reward to sound defensive positioning as a result. Kept this where it was in v9, but increased the pass error to reduce the CPU's perfect passing capabilities.

GK Ability - The battle of finding the best value for GK is always relative to the shot speed, but even then, it's hard to say what type of animations will appear. This is just the safest value possible at this point, and it is even more validated with the shot speed raised significantly.

No issues here, still seeing a good bit of animations and incredible saves on occasion.

This value needed to go down because the keepers were making incredible saves, not to mention their animations were so early - it looked psychic. I want reactions that are late, and the save animation to follow. Lowering the value was needed because it allows just a split moment for the GK to find the ball rather than react (to the ball being kicked) and then perform the animation a couple of seconds before it actually reaches. It's in a much better space now.

Version 11 bump to 45 from 40 to help reduce some of those poor keeper animations and how they punt/clear the ball out.

Marking - Something about this update switched off the defending mentality. It was back to FIFA 21's statue around the pitch, and the only way to really "jolt" them into action was to raise marking. After that, we just needed to make sure the run frequency would make sense.

As has been discussed in the thread, the lowering marking was needed. I did not expect to need to lower it as much as it is now at 50, but it has allowed some breathing room - in the right spots - for the flow of the game. If the goal is to get more bodies in front of the passing lanes, and FIFA's concept of higher marking = man marking, then it was only natural to need to lower the value. The length discrepancy + height alone have allowed the positioning to be a lot better. FIFA will still be the same way in which central midfielders get wider rather than stay in the passing lane though. As Aaron has mentioned before, this is due to the cover-wing tactic set up by default for most teams. Change this for your own tactics accordingly.

Honestly, I did not want to change this because I really liked what 50 marking brought to the game. Unfortunately, the passive defensive play all around, regardless of tactics, was just such an eyesore. The statue effect was in full force - and even though there was a freedom to pick and choose which player to defend with, it didn't help that the teammate AI were just ball-watching and letting runners past them. In addition, there were times where the passive defensive play resulted in more CB jockey than we'd like to see. Raising the marking value went through it's usual scale of very high to quite low - and in the end, it had to be about upfield pressure (north-south/endline) to put pressure on players receiving the pass. Once that was established, with the lines of cousre, the key was to see animations that aimed to disrupt the constant free-flowing attack that FIFA always has. Overall, quite happy to leave this one be and let it ride from here on out.

Run Frequency - Such a tricky value to work on because it controls so much. A lot of us are fans of 50, but eventually the number of runs just overran the defensive integrity. We tried 1/1 for a while, but eventually it was just back to one-route football and lots of tiki-taka around the box. Now, at 30 for both, the mix of runs are promising, and paired with the Length/Width discrepancies, there is no worries about the CPU's decision making in shooting vs passing.

Remains a tricky value to adjust. The promising thing is though that lowering marking will at least allow less players being moved out of position. The HLW values add to this balance as well. The defensive line issue though hurts in the way the CPU can attack at the top of the box where they choose to still make that extra pass at times.

Every time a value is changed, whether it be HLW or marking - the next value to look at is run frequency. Run frequency, again, took its fair share of testing, but in the end it just wasn't worth exploring again. Even if there were moments where a streaking run became a check-to run, it didn't make enough of a positive difference because of how FIFA is built to have free-flowing passes into the player's stride. Meaning, when the ball is passed, it is always in perfect position of the receiving players forward run - so even if a value resulted in the run frequency behavior to change, it just meant that FIFA's gameplay would find another way in which the ball could be received in stride. As a result, it's best to just leave this one alone and adjust elsewhere.

Height - Lowering height was something we all wanted for a long time. It just brings in the midfield and allows things to "breathe" a bit more. It also allowed the length discrepancy + marking to do its job. Logically, having it higher makes more sense to push the retreating defensive line, but now with it lower, there is room for the defensive line to recover in time. If they are going to back up at 100 height, why not just give them what they want, but safeguard in allowing the midfielders to drop back to help.

At some point in time, one of the updates allowed height to play a bit better. It is still not true to value, but the attitude of defending players a lot better, as are the attacking midfielders. With the increase in height, the attacks will be more varied as the midfielders try to slot in the forwards, while the defenders pressure them in the back. I would like it to be a tad tighter at times, but team tactics do matter, in particular line height. This does have room to go up, but not sure what the limit just yet.

The excitement (yes, excitement from sliders) came from height actually doing what it's supposed to do. Which is push the entire line (H-LW) upwards, thus creating this upfield pressure. While it worked to do that, it just meant that it would keep players pushed up relative to the length value. This meant that running back towards the defensive line became tough to do because the defensive midfield would run into the defensive line - and bounce in and out of position, thus allowing attacking players to get goal-side and/or advanced on the wrong side of them. As a result, the match-ups didn't make sense where there'd be 4 defenders vs 6 attackers, with 2 defensive midfielders standing like statues, or running into the box after the attackers are already in it. As a result, we went back to the reliable concept of lowering height, which brings in more space for those midfielders to properly track back. Even if they end up as statues, the higher marking will jolt them into running with the attackers before anything significant has happened. Of course CTTs come into play, but for the most part this extra room to breathe defensively makes it less of a siege for the attackers vs defenders.

While 48 height was working great, I feel we had started to lose out on the variety of CPU play. This is very similar to our findings in FIFA 21, where the CPU would cross less because the line height was too low - allowing runs to get too deep into the box, so the cross would be a bit pointless. This adjustment to 52 was tested quite a bit, and happy to see the variety that the CPU has brought into the fold as a result.

Length - Using what we liked about Version 7, the values are just brought in a bit closer, without disrupting the concept of a midfield. Paired up with the marking, height and width, this value gets to breathe a new life in creating all sorts of variety.

So these adjustments are a bit different, but still nailing the concept - except a bit role reversal for the user/CPU. With the user's side higher than the CPU it allows the lower marking to help with the user able to manually move their players, without fear of being pushed into other directions. The CPU will still respect the positioning, but like anything in FIFA, they will aim to go forward as much as they can. The overall increase in length was needed to get more pressure throughout the pitch rather than positioning dropping back and making it a half-field contest each time.

With marking increased, it just makes more sense to even the lines out at this point. I didn't want to constantly have to micro-manage positioning defensively to just get a player in the passing lane. Even if a player is in the passing lane, it doesn't stop the CPU from driving the pass forward at times. In addition, the length here at 45 is much more compact than 45+ but don't forget the lower height plays a role there too allowing the defensive side of line length to be a better spot than if players were pushed forward if height was at 50 or above.

Width - The slight discrepancy here is to balance the discrepancy presented in the length. It allows the CPU just enough time to decide if they have an opening to shoot or not. In addition, it allows wing support in the right spots so playing in crosses from the wings are strongly contested.

As the length increased, so did the width, especially to help the sideline coverage. It's more of a risk to try to switch the ball, and with the opposing FB value dropped slightly, it's not always that easy to go on counter-attacks like before.

A bit unexpected here as lowering width usually means the sides are wide open, and fullbacks get out of position more often. However, gradually moving this value down, and found that relative to the height and length + marking 70, the 55 works quite good. Where there isn't starting pressure, it will be there via the marking and evening of the line length. So while the pass-out wide can be made, the close-down rate is much more impactful, and even can mimic the anticipation that defending players have to have - especially relative to their CTTs assigned. I feel like the midfield just got some life into it as well because the width isn't necessarily as spaced out creating these 1v1 positions, but rather a bit chaotic between multiple players trying to regain possession of the ball. The same can be said for inside the box as well because the defenders are grouped a bit closer together to block shots, while the midfielders are there to be outlets if needed.

FB Positioning - The slight discrepancy here is to balance the discrepancy presented in the length. It allows the CPU just enough time to decide if they have an opening to shoot or not. In addition, it allows wing support in the right spots so playing in crosses from the wings are strongly contested.

Just a slight drop here to ensure that the counter-attacks are not the only method of attack. In addition, there is a bit of too accurate play when the ball is cleared perfectly to the attacker, allowing those counter-attacks to be easily started. Dropping the FB a tad allows less overcommitting and more defensive mindset so it's not constantly flank play as the dominating source of attack.

Actually still liking this value because it ensures the FB isn't overcommitting and has a focus to get back on defense. The higher marking also makes sure that they are anticipating that position early on rather than constantly being caught out. When the FB is too far forward, the CBs are there for adequate coverage as well. That could be a good and bad thing depending on how the counter-attacking strategy is employed.

FT Control - The slight discrepancy here is to balance the discrepancy presented in the length. It allows the CPU just enough time to decide if they have an opening to shoot or not. In addition, it allows wing support in the right spots so playing in crosses from the wings are strongly contested.

No issues with this, can even go higher if needed.

It could go higher, and now has. The goal here is just to create a bit more chaos in the midfield and separate the elite from the best, the best from normal, and normal from mediocre. It makes for some entertaining and random play - which is something FIFA always needs.


Common Q&A:

Why did we go back to under 55 Sprint?
As explained, the threshold between the CB/FB sprinting to hurt the defensive line integrity by running backwards towards their goal was found to happen at higher Sprint values. We needed to create the point in which the CB jockey/shuffle actually helps in this case, and to do that, Sprint had to be lowered.

The run frequency and marking values will also help keep the defensive integrity in check.

Can I still play with 55 Sprint to avoid the CB jockey/shuffle?
You may, but you may also see more instances in which the CB/FB start to sprint towards their goal more often, as in every counter and ever attack defended.

My players stamina are very high through 90 minutes, what gives?
Acceleration at 48 is a great feel for the game, but it always results in less stamina depletion. Feel free to raise it if you would like. I personally believe that you still "feel" the players fatigue regardless of their stamina bar indicator.

I feel shot speed is so fast, my keeper can't save anything!
A couple options, raise shot error, raise GK ability or lower shot speed. Honestly, it's personal preference. As we focus on animations, some of them just started to take a toll - and the modification to shot speed has helped reduce them.

I don't want to use those control settings!
That is perfectly fine. This is why the word "optional" is written everywhere in that section. We merely want to provide transparency on what control settings the sets were tested with.
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- On this one you can type in !fifa_sliders in the chatbox, and the most recently streamed set will show.


Version Logs:

Previous All Versions and Streamed Sets:

Version 10

Version 9 - Beta

Version 8 - Complete Set #1

Version 7
Version 6
Version 5
Version 4

Version 3
Version 2 Beta (V2B)

Version 1 Beta

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Last edited by Matt10; 07-20-2022 at 08:24 PM.
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Old 09-21-2021, 10:44 PM   #2
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Re: FIFA 22 OS Community Sliders

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Old 09-21-2021, 10:46 PM   #3
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Re: FIFA 22 OS Community Sliders

Once more unto the breach, dear friends.....

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Old 09-21-2021, 10:50 PM   #4
adoptedscouse's Arena
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Re: FIFA 22 OS Community Sliders

Like someone asked on another thread, will there be separate sliders for next gen & current gen as it seems the games plays a lot different with hypermotion & other new stuff current gen doesn’t get?

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Old 09-22-2021, 01:06 AM   #5
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Re: FIFA 22 OS Community Sliders

Originally Posted by adoptedscouse
Like someone asked on another thread, will there be separate sliders for next gen & current gen as it seems the games plays a lot different with hypermotion & other new stuff current gen doesn’t get?

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Yes I believe so. I haven't played the current gen version yet, but I will have it on PC/Stadia.
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Old 09-22-2021, 03:42 AM   #6
adoptedscouse's Arena
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Re: FIFA 22 OS Community Sliders

Originally Posted by Matt10
Yes I believe so. I haven't played the current gen version yet, but I will have it on PC/Stadia.

No me neither but what I saw on beta forums were most people’s complaints about the game seem to stem from current gen & next gen were definitely seeing a different game.

Going to cause a massive headache then for you Matt to keep track of everything.

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Old 09-22-2021, 05:11 AM   #7
1860fan's Arena
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Re: FIFA 22 OS Community Sliders

Hi Matt, I'm really excited about it wanted to ask, will you be streaming live tonight ..?
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Old 09-22-2021, 10:56 AM   #8
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Re: FIFA 22 OS Community Sliders

After taking 21 off, I'll be giving 22 a go with the EA Play trial. Hoping you wizards can cook up a decent experience

I have been watching some streamers with early access, and the game does look improved. A bit more willingness to get back in defense from the AI. I also really like how the ball looks in the air this year, excited to see how the weight of passes feel.

The only concern I've seen in limited views, is the AI does not want to cross. I watched games where the user was Arsenal vs. Chelsea, and then City. 2 games, 0 AI crosses. They get in terrific spaces, with intelligent passing. They'll be looking to cross, then poof they go into the little dribble dribble, pass back animation.

My eyes will be glued to this thread, hoping we get a really good on field product this year for FIFA.
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