
FIFA 20 OS Community Sliders

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Old 09-19-2019, 07:57 AM   #1
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FIFA 20 OS Community Sliders

Once again, welcome to the OS Community sliders thread for FIFA. This is FIFA 20 now, which makes it 6 years of slider collaborations. I believe last year's FIFA 19 sliders thread was one of our most successful as we finished all necessary testing and set creating by February, and never needed to adjust any further as a whole.

Brief History and Origin:
People ask me how this idea was started. It basically came down to myself and good friend Orion, who were working on our own FIFA sliders separately. Someone in one of my Twitch streams made the suggestion to maybe collaborate. I had not thought if that would be possible considering I didn't really know his approach, and if he knew mine. This difference of approach though allowed there to be a good balance in the sets we created. I would always test the absolute thresholds, while Orion would stay within/near default values. This ended up working great, and we have been working together since FIFA 15.

How we test:
Always in Career Mode. You are investing in sliders for a reason, and most of the time that is to play in Career Mode. So, it only makes sense to test in that same environment. With so many values to be looked at, and those values being in 1 point increments, it is very easy to come up with multiple versions of sliders. We will always test on Default first, then identify the main areas to look at. From there, it's about collaborating and finding workarounds for those problem areas. With sliders, it is always a balancing act, fix one thing - potentially break the next.

Version Format:
As I said this thread moves fast, and versions get updated. My goal is to always make less versions, but we're at the mercy of 1) EA's updates, and 2) Our own curiosity in determining the best values.

Similar to last year, I will be using the format in which the Version number is determined first, then a Beta number follows. For example, the first version will be Version 1, Beta 1; so it will read as : "V1B1", and down the road Version 6, Beta 2 will read "V6B2". As soon as it is determined that the version is "final", it will simply, for example, be called Version 6 Final, or "V6Final". I will make sure the OP is updated in a log format, so everyone is on the same page.

Helpful Reminders:
As always, remember that the thread moves very fast. I will do my best to update this Original Post as much as possible. I have learned a lot about how to be the "project manager" of this whole thing, so if I do not respond to every post, it is either because it got lost in the shuffle, or that replying to it would deter the thread from achieving the goal of establishing a slider set.

The Main Rules of the Thread:
1. Do not post your own full set. This deters the entire thread. All slider values are relative to one another, so if we see a value like 30 pass speed with a line length of 70, then that's not relevant to someone using a 50 pass speed with a line length of 35. It's better to leave it out of the thread, and create your own.

2. Feedback in Animation. The Match Stats only give so much information. Telling us the CPU has 99% passing is not helpful. Were they passing the ball through the backline the entire time? Details are important, and throughout the years I have asked for details in animations. What this means is simply "What do you see"? Is the CPU having that high passing because your defending players are too slow? Too far away? Too wide? In the end, VIDEO NEVER LIES, so if you have video to provide - please do so. That will save so much time and less of a Q&A.

3. We are not your customer service. This is a collaboration space. Noone is being paid here by EA. Provide feedback because you want to help, not because you feel entitled to let us do all the hard work and you sit back and criticize.

4. Respect eachother. Thankfully, we have not run into this issue as much, but there have been times where it's close. First, regarding myself, I am the project manager here. What that means is I am going for a goal, and discussion about conspiracies, theories or ET is not going to be helpful. Secondly, we all have opinions and some know how to filter them, some do not. There is a message there, so do not get offended if someone disagrees with you. We love the game, and just want what is best for it - so keep it civil!

Changelog & Updates:

Timestamp: 4/27/2020 | 8:09 PM CST --- Updated Harder Legendary Set run frequency from 20/20 to 5/10. The finding was that the higher marking + RF was pulling the defending players out of position too easily, make it a bit less resistance through certain channels. OP updated.

Timestamp: 4/23/2020 | 5:52 PM CST --- Over a month ago, and things are quite different for a lot of us. For one, Ultimate Difficulty is completely worthless - to the point that I've removed it from this update (it's in the archives). I believe most, if not all, are working from home - or at least spending a lot more time at home. This means more career mode, right? Personally, I've actually been able to get going a lot on my own career mode, which is something I haven't been able to do for a number of FIFA iterations.

So, this update is one that I have been wanting to do for quite a while. I mentioned it in the thread, but I receive about 3-5 messages a day asking about different suggestions on playing with our sliders. The top two questions are "What do I need to do if playing on [] minutes?" and "How can I make the game more challenging/harder?" I've given a bit of my insight individually, but now it is time to offer it in a more structured form. No matter what suggestions you can make, it is human nature to want an itemized list of "exactly" what is being used. Of course we always recommend personal preferences, but the goal here is to create that baseline - then adjust as you see fit (as always!).

With that said, here are 3 versions of the OS Sliders. Each version addresses a possible solution to those who are looking for the current set, a harder set and a set that is customized for those who play on under 10 minutes. If you look through the values, you will see that the base of the OS slider set is still there, and the values presented have been suggested throughout the thread by others and myself in various outlets (this thread, social media, youtube videos, reddit, etc).

FIFA 20 Operation Sports Sliders |||Version 3, Harder Legendary and Shorter Halves Set||

Controls: Manual/Semi/Assisted, Handball On (including PKs)
► Note that there has been good reception in turning off "Pass Block Assistance", which has helped keep the user's defensive line in-sync, making things less chaotic.

Explanation of each value listed in Spoilers:

Version 3 - Work in Progress Set

Harder Legendary Set

Shorter Halves Set

Streamers (Twitch, YouTube, etc): Please message me or post in the thread to be added!
- On this one you can type in !sliders in the chatbox, and the most recently streamed set will show.


Version Logs:

Previous All Versions and Streamed Sets:

Version 2 Final, Ultimate (discontinued)

Version 2, Beta 1

Final Version 1

Version 2, Beta 3 (V2B3)


Version 2, Beta 2 (V2B2)


Version 2, Beta 1 (V2B1)





FIFA OS Sliders Archive:
FIFA 19 OS Sliders
FIFA 18 OS Sliders
FIFA 17 OS Sliders
FIFA 16 OS Sliders
FIFA 15 OS Sliders
Youtube - subscribe!

Last edited by Matt10; 05-13-2020 at 11:46 AM.
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Old 09-19-2019, 07:58 AM   #2
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Re: FIFA 20 OS Community Sliders

Starting early bud lol here we go again lol

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Old 09-19-2019, 08:57 AM   #3
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Re: FIFA 20 OS Community Sliders

ahhhh a return to my sweet sweet nightmare. LETS HAVE FUN BOYS!
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Old 09-19-2019, 09:58 AM   #4
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Re: FIFA 20 OS Community Sliders

Hoping we get an EA Access this weekend. I haven’t touched the demo, as I heard it’s nowhere near the final product.

EA need to blow me away this year, I bought the “other” game, and am having a freaking blast with it.

Excited to hear from you all again.
I’ve tentatively got the champions edition pre ordered so my streams will start from the 24th.
Twitch: Goblue81188
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Old 09-19-2019, 10:01 AM   #5
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Re: FIFA 20 OS Community Sliders

Originally Posted by lhsballa11
Hoping we get an EA Access this weekend. I haven’t touched the demo, as I heard it’s nowhere near the final product.

EA need to blow me away this year, I bought the “other” game, and am having a freaking blast with it.

Excited to hear from you all again.

I’ve tentatively got the champions edition pre ordered so my streams will start from the 24th.

Yeah I’ll be picking mine up on the Friday as I don’t pre order things anymore don’t see the need to as not fussed by having it 3 days early and I prefer a hard copy incase it’s pants lol but no doubt we will be here for months of fun and updates from EA, hopefully they have pulled there finger out abit more and not just copied and pasted the game lol

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Old 09-19-2019, 10:05 AM   #6
adoptedscouse's Arena
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Re: FIFA 20 OS Community Sliders

We’re back................. and it’s live

Have ea access this year so I’ll have used up my 10hrs by the end of the weekend.

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Old 09-19-2019, 10:10 AM   #7
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Re: FIFA 20 OS Community Sliders

I have Origin Premier Access or whatever it's called, so I'll be starting my play today after work.
Youtube - subscribe!
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Old 09-19-2019, 10:15 AM   #8
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Re: FIFA 20 OS Community Sliders

Originally Posted by Matt10
I have Origin Premier Access or whatever it's called, so I'll be starting my play today after work.

Let’s hope the lines don’t need much tweaking and hope to god FULLBACK POSITIONING is improved haha are you streaming?

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