I wrote:
But you quoted:
I’m not saying you don’t have the right air grievances. But in this thread, in this topic, there is a desire for EA to restore a feature they once had. It clearly only affects sim gamers. Everything about their game design and marketing seems aimed at distancing themselves from hardcore hockey fans. The entire point of the having Matthews on the cover is to play up the flashiness and sick moves.
My point isn’t even about whether the tuners should all be saved. My point is that when you look at the entire game as a whole, along with how they market it, I feel safe in assuming they removed it because it hurts HUT by maintaining a maintaining multiple playing experiences.
So, if you want them to change, you can’t just say you want the game fixed. It’s not broken. It’s on purpose. You have to convince them that you are worth marketing to, and whether you think it is your right or not, how this forum generally goes about demanding features has driven developers away from here. At best, the marketing guys are reading this, and then crafting new plans to convince you the game is not for you.
I don’t see any way that catering to sim gamers improves sales. And hockey will ALWAYS be the most extreme version of this. Video game hockey has traditionally, and continues to be, more popular as a video game than a sport people watch. Making the game more realistic only drove people the NHL wants to market to away from the game.
For me, when I notice that what I want from a business is actually something they aren’t willing to able to offer, I move on. I grew up on sim gaming since the paper and dice years. When I realized I was going to have to hold a controller to enjoy action sim sports, I understood that it meant sharing the space with gamers with far different wants and needs, and that there were WAY MORE of them than there were of us,
What it did was allow me to enjoy what I think has turned out to be fantastic versions of sports games, blending the arcade fun of old with far more control and strategies available. I still play on the “sim” settings for every sports game, although hockey is one exception.
Sometimes, playing on arcade feels as good as blasting aliens in Halo. I mean, last year, I played mostly Threes and Chelsea because it was so much fun. But I’m playing almost all franchise and play now, because it is so much fun.
I stopped asking for home ice advantage on face offs, because it became clear that even the vaunted sim gamers of OS weren’t even aware of it. So I take the games as they make them, and play the ones I find the most fun.
Because, here’s the thing. Once all of our consoles became wired to the internet, what we say in online forums really ceased to matter. They know EXACTLY how many people play the game in different ways. They know EXACTLY how long they stick with it. They know EXACTLY what moments cause them to shut the game off and never come back. They know EXACTLY who comes back anyway.
That’s why the tuners were removed.