
What if I told you....

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Old 11-25-2019, 04:15 PM   #1
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What if I told you....

Everything you see in UFC 3 could be better by just tweaking a couple settings?

I get more ragdoll KOs (not good enough but fairly better)
I get more realistic striking exchanges (exchanges of 4-5 strikes + leg kicks)
I get more realistic fight outcomes
I get better more realistic stun reactions
I get more realistic follow up strikes and recovery time during follow up strikes.
I get less rocks in round 1, but more in round 3, 4 and 5 (depending on stamina and health)
I get realistic stamina loss
I get taken down by khabib and Im in big trouble in his dominant positions Mount, back mount, side control, crucifix)
I get bloody as hell fights where the blood is flying around like in UFC 2

I could go on, but I'll get to the point now... I have not really anything good to say about UFC 3 apart from the new moving striking mechanic, but with these settings, I actually have fun playing the game.



I dont have anyone in my area code that plays UFC 3. I cant test it myself.

Take the red pill and keep playing the game as it is...

Take the blue pill and enter the settings into custom fight now...

Play on Legendary (or Pro/Hard if you are not that good)

Play on a real time clock.

Turn: Grapple Advantage OFF.

Put CPU/YOUR Stamina cost on zero and then 2 ticks up. (Right)

Put CPU/YOU Damage on zero and then 6 ticks up.(Right)

CPU Sub speed 2 ticks down from the original settings. (Left)

And there you go. Middleweight - featherweight settings.

Also try to fight realistic. Everything you know from UFC 3 is no more with these settings. No more block break combos, no more 20 rocks per round, no more grapple advantage, more striking stamina and less damage but realistic cuts. You have to find a way to break the block and sweep your opponent.

Please test it out and tell me what you think about the settings. Thanks.

Last edited by That Ragdoll Guy; 11-25-2019 at 04:55 PM.
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Old 11-25-2019, 04:42 PM   #2
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Re: What if I told you....

In a 1000 uppercut KOs Ive never seen such a ragdoll. 90% of the time the CPU lands on his back flat. At least when I play.

This just looks beautiful, but its just a TKO animation. Noticed the follow up strikes? I usually get 2 strikes at best. I get more time to recover as well. It works both ways.

For heavyweight settings put the damage for CPU/YOU on the normal damage settings. But Im still testing it so it might be too much. IDK 100% yet.

Last edited by That Ragdoll Guy; 11-25-2019 at 04:54 PM.
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Old 11-25-2019, 06:09 PM   #3
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Re: What if I told you....

So biggest problem here is the damage feels waaaaaaay to low for me. I even think the regular game settings has too low of damage. Also I did not see any more ragdolls than normal unfortunately.

That being said these settings do have some interesting things going on that make me think.

The low short-term stamina cost felt really good actually, because the new combo system still keeps strikes in controlled exchanges rather than constant throwing. I think a much lower short-term stamina cost (like these settings) combined with a much higher long-term stamina cost would be awesome. This way you could choose to go crazy and turn up the heat much more than you can now, but just like in real life you risk blowing your load early. With these settings the long-term stamina is way too high, but obviously that is because you cannot change short-term and long-term stamina independently.

The other thing that felt good as a result of the lower short-term stamina cost, was longer exchanges. Again the damage in these exchanges was terrible in my opinion, but it was cool to see extended exchanges for once. Now the issue here is that we don't have proper striking accuracy in the game, so its either small exchanges (regular settings) or much too low of damage (these settings). That being said I doubt accuracy is ever going to be fixed considering the franchise is taking the ultra competitive MLG pro route, because if some top 5 player lost due to his fighter missing a hook they would cry about it and claim the game is trash. Any sort of RNG is pure evil apparently.
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Old 11-25-2019, 06:23 PM   #4
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Re: What if I told you....

Originally Posted by Reinfarcements
So biggest problem here is the damage feels waaaaaaay to low for me. I even think the regular game settings has too low of damage. Also I did not see any more ragdolls than normal unfortunately.

That being said these settings do have some interesting things going on that make me think.

The low short-term stamina cost felt really good actually, because the new combo system still keeps strikes in controlled exchanges rather than constant throwing. I think a much lower short-term stamina cost (like these settings) combined with a much higher long-term stamina cost would be awesome. This way you could choose to go crazy and turn up the heat much more than you can now, but just like in real life you risk blowing your load early. With these settings the long-term stamina is way too high, but obviously that is because you cannot change short-term and long-term stamina independently.

The other thing that felt good as a result of the lower short-term stamina cost, was longer exchanges. Again the damage in these exchanges was terrible in my opinion, but it was cool to see extended exchanges for once. Now the issue here is that we don't have proper striking accuracy in the game, so its either small exchanges (regular settings) or much too low of damage (these settings). That being said I doubt accuracy is ever going to be fixed considering the franchise is taking the ultra competitive MLG pro route, because if some top 5 player lost due to his fighter missing a hook they would cry about it and claim the game is trash. Any sort of RNG is pure evil apparently.
For the missing striking power it only feels low in the beginning of the round/fight (but I agree it feels way different from the current settings) rocks and stuns and knockdown dont happen often, unless you really hit the spot at the right time. This works incredible good with Ngannou, but Im not done testing HW yet. Give a little more time. I mean there isnt really anything else to play atm, amirite?

I would implement pressure points to get flash knockouts early for power punchers. The longer you play on these settings the better it feels tbh. Im not a fan of UFC 3, I wouldnt make a thread about the feeling of a game that I really never liked.

I have also no idea how the settings would work against a real opponent keep that in mind.

Imo it feels more realistic (but it lacks power in the 1st round for sure)

EDIT: I have two accounts Ive just noticed that I have it 7 ticks on damage on my other account. Thats a little bit more.

Last edited by That Ragdoll Guy; 11-25-2019 at 06:28 PM.
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Old 11-25-2019, 06:25 PM   #5
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Re: What if I told you....

Another downside of the missing power is that the cage tko triggers way too often. Tbh I would take that animation completely out of the game.

Last edited by That Ragdoll Guy; 11-25-2019 at 06:29 PM.
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Old 11-25-2019, 07:39 PM   #6
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Re: What if I told you....

Originally Posted by That Ragdoll Guy
Everything you see in UFC 3 could .
I don't know if your interpretation of realistic combat aligns with mine.

You said 4-5 strikes is realistic, that's extremely unusual unless you have a guy hurt.

The damage should be increased imo, the problem is that the meta would still basically be the same, it just happens faster now and probably no decisions.

And I felt that first ragdoll looked bad, a little cartoony. Second was good
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Old 11-25-2019, 08:18 PM   #7
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Re: What if I told you....

Originally Posted by UFCBlackbelt
I don't know if your interpretation of realistic combat aligns with mine.

You said 4-5 strikes is realistic, that's extremely unusual unless you have a guy hurt.

The damage should be increased imo, the problem is that the meta would still basically be the same, it just happens faster now and probably no decisions.

And I felt that first ragdoll looked bad, a little cartoony. Second was good
Im not saying a realistic fight depends on 5 strike combos, you can and you should pick your shots. Its just this... its possible on these settings, unlike on the regular settings. You can have these exchanges now.

I guess you havent tested it yet?

Cartoony? Ngannou hits like a cartoon character. lol

Honestly though... I cant change the ragdoll physics from my living room... I just found a way to trigger it more often.
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Old 11-27-2019, 01:57 PM   #8
EA Game Changer
Solid_Altair's Arena
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Re: What if I told you....

Is this supposed to change the ragdolls, somehow?
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