
EA Sports PGA TOUR Impressions (Console)

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Old 05-12-2023, 02:36 PM   #1329
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Re: EA Sports PGA TOUR Impressions (Console)

Originally Posted by golfnut67
If they don't add it, this game is going to get pretty stale for me just playing career mode. There's literally no reason to play online for me at all right now, with the lack of turn play and not being able to play the occasional match play.
Maybe @Oblong could chime in and give us "two winks and a nod" on some of this?
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Old 05-12-2023, 02:36 PM   #1330
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Re: EA Sports PGA TOUR Impressions (Console)

Originally Posted by kamackeris76
Do you have the meter off? I don't have it on as I felt like this... I find it gives me more of a feel

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Yes,the first thing I did was rurn the swing meter. It feels like I'm swinging the club underwater.
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Old 05-12-2023, 02:47 PM   #1331
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Re: EA Sports PGA TOUR Impressions (Console)

Originally Posted by scagwi
Maybe @Oblong could chime in and give us "two winks and a nod" on some of this?
That would be nice. Aside from that, I'm *really* hoping there's some patches/fixes and new content coming next week with the Oak Hill drop. If it's just a drop of that course, I think a lot of people are going to be disappointed. There are so many posts everywhere about how lacking the store is, for instance. I don't really care about apparel and brands, I just want turn play and different game modes when playing online.

And for them to finally fix match play scoring when you're playing 1v1 vs cpu Pro. That's been broken from day one and it's the only way to play match play at all in this game right now.
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Old 05-12-2023, 02:53 PM   #1332
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Re: EA Sports PGA TOUR Impressions (Console)

Originally Posted by golfnut67
That would be nice. Aside from that, I'm *really* hoping there's some patches/fixes and new content coming next week with the Oak Hill drop. If it's just a drop of that course, I think a lot of people are going to be disappointed. There are so many posts everywhere about how lacking the store is, for instance. I don't really care about apparel and brands, I just want turn play and different game modes when playing online.

And for them to finally fix match play scoring when you're playing 1v1 vs cpu Pro. That's been broken from day one and it's the only way to play match play at all in this game right now.

All over reddit and EA forums I keep seeing how we should be praising EA for their "great communication!"

It'd be nice to see some of that.

Would it really hurt them to discuss what features/fixes/additions are coming in the next update? The game is out -- why keep quiet?
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Old 05-12-2023, 02:55 PM   #1333
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Re: EA Sports PGA TOUR Impressions (Console)

In hindsight now, regarding the release, it does seem that there was some astroturfing going on in defense of EA and this game.

Many commenters across forums have seemingly "disappeared" now that the pre-order push is over and the game is out.

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Old 05-12-2023, 03:21 PM   #1334
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Re: EA Sports PGA TOUR Impressions (Console)

Originally Posted by scagwi
In hindsight now, regarding the release, it does seem that there was some astroturfing going on in defense of EA and this game.

Many commenters across forums have seemingly "disappeared" now that the pre-order push is over and the game is out.

Personally, I stopped checking this thread when the game came out because I was playing the game and could come up with my own conclusions, not to mention this thread went off the rails about 60 pages ago. Pretty sure I stopped checking and responding when someone tried to tell me the game looked like it was being played on an Amiga lol.

I'm all for constructive discourse, but that wasn't it lol
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Old 05-12-2023, 03:41 PM   #1335
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Re: EA Sports PGA TOUR Impressions (Console)

So they made a point in the promo vids before release of showing a Mizuno bag.
Where is it?
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Old 05-12-2023, 04:40 PM   #1336
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Re: EA Sports PGA TOUR Impressions (Console)

Originally Posted by Freakywwe
Personally, I stopped checking this thread when the game came out because I was playing the game and could come up with my own conclusions, not to mention this thread went off the rails about 60 pages ago. Pretty sure I stopped checking and responding when someone tried to tell me the game looked like it was being played on an Amiga lol.

I'm all for constructive discourse, but that wasn't it lol
100% agree. I was real active but now the threads feel more like beating a dead horse most of the time so I just play lol.

Have 168 hours on steam so I'd say I'm still going strong.

As far as my opinion of the state of the game now a few weeks in:

You can say what you want about EA. They can be sketchy. They usually lack innovation. They are money hungry. They don't care. I could have a real conversation with someone about any of those.

What they aren't, is dumb.

Even the biggest fans of this game, myself included, can fully agree that the game came out undercooked. It had to be released when it was. I can see the argument to delay it a bit more than they did but I still believe it had to happen at Masters time. The people that think it should have been delayed 6 months need to understand that it would mean they release it in the winter which makes zero sense.

You could argue that they wait a year. Ok that's fair. For me though I'm happy enough with what I have that I'm glad I didn't have to wait another year. I feel like I'm just super realistic with my expectations. Should I have to be? No probably not. This cost the same amount as any fully completed game but again I'm just happy to be playing it now for what it is and not waiting a year.

As far as communication from EA. Their track record isn't good. I'm not trying to defend them but I will say this after being around gaming for 40 years. We live in a world where their is very little forgiveness, benefit of the doubt, or just general understanding towards complications. Companies can't even acknowledge that they are working on bugs or issues any more because every DIY YouTube software developer loses it if it's not fixed tomorrow. Every company knows if they say something is coming out and it's on this day, it really needs to happen. I'm sure EA is dotting every I and crossing every T making sure what they are telling us is realistically happening before they tell us anything.

All just my opinion though. EA could be dragging their feet and/or completely incompetent for all I know lol.
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