
Madden 22 XP Sliders

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Old 10-05-2021, 11:53 PM   #17
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Re: Madden 22 XP Sliders

I'm willing to get you a copy, your a long standing OS'er my sincere regards to your trials through these trying times.

We're a community at OS. I know a few posters also wouldn't mind chipping in either so you can have the full game at your arsenal.

Stay well!

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Old 10-06-2021, 02:59 AM   #18
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Re: Madden 22 XP Sliders

Originally Posted by King Gro23
I'm willing to get you a copy, your a long standing OS'er my sincere regards to your trials through these trying times.

We're a community at OS. I know a few posters also wouldn't mind chipping in either so you can have the full game at your arsenal.

Stay well!

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Old 10-07-2021, 06:20 AM   #19
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Re: Madden 22 XP Sliders

Originally Posted by King Gro23
I'm willing to get you a copy, your a long standing OS'er my sincere regards to your trials through these trying times.

We're a community at OS. I know a few posters also wouldn't mind chipping in either so you can have the full game at your arsenal.

Stay well!

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Thank you. I'm back to work full-time and I finally did just pick it up. I appreciate the offer!
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Old 10-14-2021, 08:34 AM   #20
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Re: Madden 22 XP Sliders

Are these for CG or NG? Or will they work on both?

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Old 10-15-2021, 01:10 PM   #21
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Re: Madden 22 XP Sliders

Originally Posted by adembroski
I hate the xp system with a passion and I actually got into a shouting match in the office when we were designing it. I hate it. However, they did a great job polishing the turd this year by eliminating drive goals (which introduced a more-or-less untunable complication) and doing a great job of balancing the draft classes.

The biggest remaining problem is still the rich-get-richer issue. Higher rated players are more likely to achieve milestones and win awards. Thus, good players improve and lesser players stagnate. There is little we can do about that.

Overall, the system is better balanced than it has ever been, but it's a flawed system. If you're on PC I highly recommend tdawg's progression mod (did he release it this year? I honestly don't know).
TDawgs progression tool is the primary reason I wanted the next gen version on PC. Obviously there are other perks to it as well, but I also loathe the XP system and long for something more dynamic like what you once had in the game. I love the ambiguity of TDawgs tool. No player is guaranteed any type of progression arc and that's something I think is necessary in a franchise mode. If you can accurately predict how everyone will progress, like you can with the XP system, then the GM side of the mode, which is why many of us play the mode, loses a ton of its luster.

I want guys to come out of nowhere and be stars. I want my first round picks to bust every so often. I want late bloomers, I want guys that progress big time in year 1 and get hyped up, but they never get better after that. Those stories make sports special. We don't get that with an XP system.

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Old 10-15-2021, 01:34 PM   #22
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Re: Madden 22 XP Sliders

Originally Posted by canes21
TDawgs progression tool is the primary reason I wanted the next gen version on PC. Obviously there are other perks to it as well, but I also loathe the XP system and long for something more dynamic like what you once had in the game. I love the ambiguity of TDawgs tool. No player is guaranteed any type of progression arc and that's something I think is necessary in a franchise mode. If you can accurately predict how everyone will progress, like you can with the XP system, then the GM side of the mode, which is why many of us play the mode, loses a ton of its luster.

I want guys to come out of nowhere and be stars. I want my first round picks to bust every so often. I want late bloomers, I want guys that progress big time in year 1 and get hyped up, but they never get better after that. Those stories make sports special. We don't get that with an XP system.

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What you're saying here is why a lot of people are moving towards bumping the XP sliders to 300 during camp (and moving it back for Week 1). It's an intriguing theory and I can totally see how it can play out and make it more dynamic.

But you do kind of contradict yourself by saying there is no guaranteed progression arc yet you can accurately predict progress. I actually think the XP system, now that they've tweaked it, has the potential to be more random, especially with the fatigue system worked in and other stuff, because a lot more factors can affect it.
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Old 10-15-2021, 01:41 PM   #23
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Re: Madden 22 XP Sliders

Originally Posted by Gambo
What you're saying here is why a lot of people are moving towards bumping the XP sliders to 300 during camp (and moving it back for Week 1). It's an intriguing theory and I can totally see how it can play out and make it more dynamic.

But you do kind of contradict yourself by saying there is no guaranteed progression arc yet you can accurately predict progress. I actually think the XP system, now that they've tweaked it, has the potential to be more random, especially with the fatigue system worked in and other stuff, because a lot more factors can affect it.
I didn't contradict myself at all. I said I love TDawgs progression tool. In that tool there are no guaranteed progression arcs. A superstar dev trait player isn't guaranteed to even progress 1 point in their career with his system.

The vanilla Madden experience with the XP system is what is predictable.

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Old 10-18-2021, 07:28 PM   #24
Landonio's Arena
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Re: Madden 22 XP Sliders

Quick question. How exactly does progression work for the CPU teams? In previous years there was an option to determine when the CPU progressed. I don't see that option this year. So how does it work exactly? How often do their players progress? What is it based on (winning, stats, etc.)? What about CPU regression? Really curious about this.

EDIT: Also did they really get rid of the mid-week drills? I actually kinda liked those.
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Last edited by Landonio; 10-19-2021 at 05:38 AM.
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