
Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

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Old 08-29-2014, 01:59 AM   #473
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

I usually try to backpedal 6-7 yards to draw the D, then put it over their heads. but that doesn't work. I've even had a screen where the CPU was in the backfield so fast, I couldn't even get it off. (And yet it's a HUGE hassle trying to get to the CPU QB on most plays). Does it ever seem like the game's coded to give the CPU an advantage in a situation when said situation is user v CPU or CPU v User? Meaning same situation, but one time you're being pressured, the other, you're trying to create the pressure. Ever feel like it takes you a lot of effort to make the pressure, but the A.I. can do it no problem?
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Old 08-29-2014, 02:01 AM   #474
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Any time I'm in a "screen may happen here" down I look for it and make a call that gets me a decent chance of stopping it or at least limiting it.
I don't do it all the time but a good amount.

Not saying you don't know how to call plays at all so don't take it that way and just making a general statement.

In past Maddens you could pretty much call a couple D plays a game and succeed at stopping everything. Now it's more of what we've always wanted and that's a chess match.

One thing for you to try is to lower pass reaction slider and tackle. See if that helps.
I've lowered the CPU reaction, and made my stuff higher, and it still happens. Maybe I need to just re do sliders and find something in madden share.
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Old 08-29-2014, 02:05 AM   #475
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
I usually try to backpedal 6-7 yards to draw the D, then put it over their heads. but that doesn't work. I've even had a screen where the CPU was in the backfield so fast, I couldn't even get it off. (And yet it's a HUGE hassle trying to get to the CPU QB on most plays). Does it ever seem like the game's coded to give the CPU an advantage in a situation when said situation is user v CPU or CPU v User? Meaning same situation, but one time you're being pressured, the other, you're trying to create the pressure. Ever feel like it takes you a lot of effort to make the pressure, but the A.I. can do it no problem?
If I'm under center the balls gone by step 5.... in Shotgun or pistol 2-3 steps max.
I usually throw a lobbish pass if RB is still heading out.. or a bullet if RB is ready for it.

I honestly haven't felt any CPU AI "cheating" or one sided coding.

I do feel the player speeds need some kind of tuning though.. mainly DL acceleration as sometimes it "seems" too fast.
Some of the lines (well most) I play with aren't the best either so I also look at it in that respect that I need to get them upgraded.
Rather have that than all OL / DL's playing identical to each other.
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Last edited by Skyboxer; 08-29-2014 at 02:08 AM.
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Old 08-29-2014, 02:20 AM   #476
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
Speaking of losses, EA, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! Fix the flat receivers running backwards!!!!!!! If I throw to my check down receiver in the flat, they either run right out of bounds (even if I have room), OR more frequently, they run backwards either to get the ball, or right after reception and I take a loss. NO BUENO! Only time this doesn't happen is if the receivers stopped and he can catch and turn upfield. But if he's still running, it's a loss, every time.
I was messing around in practice mode with this because it kept happening to me and it seems to be all about how much touch you put on the ball. A straight lob won't do it (leads to out of bounds) and throwing too hard results in the backwards animation, but there is a sweet spot in the middle.
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Old 08-29-2014, 02:48 AM   #477
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

Slow speed plays a hell of a lot different then normal speed that is for sure. Outside runs are actually possible now. But EA needs to patch that tackling and block shedding. Running up the middle, the hole will look wide and you would think oh man I am about to bust a 8 yard or more gain, NOPE. As soon as you make it into the hole and take one step passed it, all the defensive linemen and linebackers INSTANTLY shed their block and your tackled for a 2 yard gain.

Even with tackle at 20, the CPU tackles way too good. Now I don't mind LEGIT tackles, but that damn warping and suction tackling needs to go. I was clearly a good 3 yards ahead and 2 yards to the left of the nearest defender. How the hell does my player not only stop running but contorts his body back and to the right into a LB ? That so pissed me off.

And to further prove chase down from behind logic is too powerful in this game, a 97 speed CB Josh Robinson for the Vikings intercepted my pass, how is it a 305 pound offensive lineman, the center Max Unger for the Seahawks chase him down from behind with 54 speed ? I mean there was nobody in front of the CB, clear sailing, he got caught within 25 yards from behind. I was yelled WTF ? How is that possible with 0 speed threshold ?

Pretty much the only special move I can get to work for ball carriers is the spin move. Juke move, nope, tackled. Stiff arm, nope just makes me get tackled even quicker. Trucking, nope, just get tackled quicker. Hell out of 2 dozen games now, I have still yet to see a stumble recovery.

I also noticed the robo QB is a lot stronger on slow speed compared to normal speed. Finally noticed the CPU takes my shots down field deep on slow speed.

The following needs to be patched ASAP:

1. Robo QB

2. Suction tackling

3. That automatic disengage block defensive linemen and LBs do as soon as you hit the hole.

4. The over powered chased down from behind logic. Nobody with 97 speed should be caught from behind in the open field by a 54 speed 305 pound offensive lineman on 0 speed threshold.

5. The flats seem to always be open for the CPU. RB is always left uncovered.

6. Tone down the success rate of 1 on 1 tackles. All tackles seem to be automatic. Hard tackle and conservative tackle both have the same very high level success rate.

7. What happened to stumble recovery and player avoidance ? I have yet to see stumble recovery out of 2 dozen games. Also CPU ball carriers tend to run into the back of their blockers way too often and get tangled in the blockers feet and fall down.

8. Too many times I see WRs flat footed and they just let the DB under cut them because they don't come back for the ball. Or the DB will jump but the WR won't jump for the ball.

9. Linebackers get their hands on too many balls over the middle. Their jumping skills is insane.
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Old 08-29-2014, 02:59 AM   #478
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

Initial impressions after 3 quarters.

-All Madden default has terrible Robo QB.
-You still can't lead a WR downfield.
-Players move a lot better. At least human controlled players and ball carriers. Please get TrueStep in for all 22 next year.
-The lineplay looks so much better.
-The graphics are definitely better.
-Player models alone help make the game look that much better.
-Presentation is finally getting there. It's overall close, the halftime show is not close.
-Penalties do not exist. Though I knew this coming in and can live with it as both the CPU and I gain nothing over the other for it.
-AI ball carriers now utilize their moves again and are dangerous on any part of the field.

Game is an improvement and I am glad I rented it. Definitely need a lot more time before I even think of buying it. I'm glad the game is going in the direction it is, but there is a lot of work to be done still. If every player received TrueStep and penalties worked(all of them, plus missing ones were added) next year, then the game would be great and worth the buy day 1. No need to look forward that far already, need to enjoy my rental and see how much I like the game as is. Right now it's in good shape, but the state of the CFM stats is... a joke really. The game made good strides all over, but then it has a pretty huge problem(IMO) that is inexcusable and just makes me shake my head.

Get the stats fixed and who knows, I may end up buying Madden for the first time in 3 years. Get TrueStep and penalties working next year and I definitely buy it barring no gamebreaking bugs.

Good job EA, you're going in the right direction. Let's see if you can keep it up and not let this be the next Madden 12 where we're left scratching our heads wondering what in the world happened.
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Old 08-29-2014, 03:11 AM   #479
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
Does it ever seem like the game's coded to give the CPU an advantage in a situation when said situation is user v CPU or CPU v User?
I'm definitely starting to get this feeling with my defense in coverage. I've played a bunch of games and I can tell my guys are no where near where the level their guys are in terms of coverage and awareness. I've played 10+ games now and maybe have but a handful of actual knockdowns because of how awful my guys play in coverage. They're never even in position to make knockdowns and are always trailing by five yards it seems. I need to do more slider adjustments and maybe play as a team like the Seahawks to see if my guys just are that bad. If the CPU QB Accuracy slider actually worked it wouldn't be as frustrating either.
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Old 08-29-2014, 03:19 AM   #480
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (XB1/PS4)

The gameplay is incredible, it's not perfect but it's the best I've ever played. Defense is a blast, offense is difficult and fair. The game has a natural sense of balance when playing the AI like it is trying to win. If the commentary was as good as the rest of the presentation it would rival what is on TV.

It looks like football and it plays like football, I can't stop playing it.

Just after posting this I started a new game and Kam comes out of nowhere to lay out Deangelo Williams forcing a fumble and I pick it up with Bobby for a touchdown, beautiful play.

Last edited by USCstreets; 08-29-2014 at 03:22 AM.
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