
Madden NFL 16 CFM Impressions - Confidence, Goals, Hub & More (MyMaddenPad)

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Old 06-08-2015, 12:14 AM   #81
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Re: Madden 16 CFM initial impressions by Shopmaster Part 1

Originally Posted by Toupal
I hope the edit player tab on there allows us to FULLY edit the player, as opposed to change his equipment.
Hopefully we can edit CPU players again too, like we could before Madden 15. At least give online commissioners an option....
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Old 06-08-2015, 02:09 AM   #82
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Re: Madden 16 CFM initial impressions by Shopmaster Part 1

Originally Posted by N51_rob
But JP real progression and regression aren't tied to stats and metrics. It's player development, position coaching, film work, age, injury etc.

Just because a WR fails to catch 120 passes in a season doesn't mean his is going to regress. Lots of guys have average to below average 1st or 2nd seasons and still have breakout years in their 3rd or 4th season.

If that is what Josh Looman said about progression/regression I'm utterly stunned and speechless.
I do agree that actual skill progression/regression aren't tied to stats and metrics, but Madden ratings are a direct result of actual players on field performance (Donny increases/decreases ratings after checking stats and watching players).

It would be nice if progression/regression was a compilation of player development, position coaching, film work, age, injury AND stats and metrics. That would give us a more comprehensive picture of a players Ratings.

I also agree that the Goal system in regards to Confidence is silly. If "a WR fails to catch 120 passes in a season doesn't mean his is going to regress", is a true statement. But if a WR drops 50 passes in a season he should regress. I am in your camp that that Confidence and progression/regression should be based off of positive and negative plays, injuries, and training, not a goal system.

Confidence should be like RAM where Progression/Regression should be like a HD. EX: If my QB throws a pick on his first throw, he should get a -5 CON (45). But if his second throw is a completion he should get +1 (46), and the next throw a TD he would earn a +5 (51). If my QB throws 4 INT's and 0 TD's, with a completion percentage of less than 50% in one game, it should affect his regression (in AWR & Accuracy), and possibly (depending on the QB's experience and mental toughness) have an effect in Confidence for the next weeks game.

Dips in regressed ratings should be able to be trained up in game prep activities like workouts, position drills, and going up against the scout team (made up of Practice Squad guys and 2nd/3rd stringers). And the amount of improvement should be directly tied into the quality of the coaching staff, and the players dedication, experience, and mental toughness (Resilience rating?). Confidence could be improved by film study and team meetings.

I am not a big fan on using XP to purchase ratings points. I feel that if, for example, you have a QB that practices on arm strength, and throws a good deep ball, his ratings in throw power and deep accuracy should reflect his skills on the field. I don't see how playing a good game, throwing a good deep ball, you earn XP, and you can buy speed (DOH! it just isn't logical).

Last edited by Reejer; 06-08-2015 at 02:28 AM. Reason: Added last paragraph.
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Old 06-08-2015, 09:37 AM   #83
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Re: Madden NFL 16 CFM Impressions - Confidence, Goals, Hub & More (MyMaddenPad)

Can you continue your franchise from M15 franchise file to 16 like you can in the show??
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Old 06-08-2015, 09:41 AM   #84
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Re: Madden 16 CFM initial impressions by Shopmaster Part 1

Thanks for answering questions JP. I've got a couple on the things that Shop touched on.

1. Is it still possible to see a spread sheet view of ratings for multiple players somewhere? The Visual depth chart looks nice but when I'm comparing players to make decisions on my depth chart or which free agents to add I need to be able to see their ratings next to each other. Thats something that the MUT visual DCs lack and would be a major disappointment for me if I couldn't do that in CFM anymore.
Also is there still a spread sheet view of player contracts? Sorting by cap penalty or freed up funds was the best way to make tough salary cap decisions in my opinion.

2. If I understood one of your replies correctly then its great news that Confidence resets for all players to 50 after each season. I was hoping for a bit of moderation like a max of 66 and min of 33 to start a season but 50 sounds good too. My question about Confidence then is do players that you resign after the season still lose Confidence because they suddenly "don't know the playbook" anymore?

3. When creating coaches is there anyway to assign a new coach a specific rank or packages? Two problems in online CFMs this year were generally poor teams stayed bad because of the Confidence hole that they couldn't crawl out of and that new coaches that enter the league a season or two after the CFM began were at a significant disadvantage because of their coaching level and lack of packages. This has lead to a lot of players who joined our league late just quitting after a while because they felt they couldn't catch up.

4. It looks like the Twitter feed and Stories were completely scrapped based on the New CFM Hub screenshots. Is this true?

5. Is there a way to see all the players who are on the Trade Block? This is shown as an option on the player card but I don't see anywhere that just shows all the players around the league who are on the block.

6. Is there a slider for XP and Confidence so commissioners can adjust how much XP and Confidence is given out? There are so many varying opinions on how fastor slow players should progress/regress. By adding a slider for it EA could make everyone happy by allowing them to set the progression rates on their own.

7. This is a draft question so it will have to wait but please confirm whether we finally have a customizable draft board/player rankings again. And whether the CPU will draft based on your customized board if you can't make the online draft.

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Old 06-08-2015, 09:46 AM   #85
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Re: Madden 16 CFM initial impressions by Shopmaster Part 1

Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Like I said the way it was implemented was poorly done in M15, when you say this year that is M16 to me, I'm not thinking about last year as much. The whole concept being based on real nfl stats and metrics comes directly from Josh who designed the system. The idea was to create something that simulated progression and regression of players based on real nfl stats and metrics.
But real players don't improve on real stats and metrics. Real players improve for other reasons and then have a higher % chance of reaching their goals. So when you make statements about real players and XP, your statement becomes inherently flawed.
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Old 06-08-2015, 09:50 AM   #86
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Re: Madden 16 CFM initial impressions by Shopmaster Part 1

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
Yeah, the current XP-based progression system quite obviously wasn't designed with realism in mind.

It's a great user feedback loop which preys on human psychology - user achieve victories and earn rewards, user applies rewards to make his characters stronger, user repeats against tougher opponents. Tons of video games do this, and I'm personally fine with Madden operating this way. From a video game standpoint, I'm actually really curious about the goal chaining mechanic, I think that could be a lot of fun depending on how well that is executed.

It's not realistic, though. That doesn't bother me as much as it does other people, but I'm just one person.
This is absolute truth. It all comes down to personal preference. Some like the unrealistic/arcade/gamey RPG (how ever you want to describe it) progression and some like realism. Neither side is right or wrong. Wish we had both.
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Old 06-08-2015, 10:09 AM   #87
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Re: Madden 16 CFM initial impressions by Shopmaster Part 1

Originally Posted by Danish ram
You can just play the game and forget all the goals in game, it's not mandatory, it's just something to make the game more fun. I'm not crazy about the xp system myself but there has to be a progression system somehow otherwise everyone would stay the same as they are in year one.

As i said, progression should be cpu controlled, based on player talent, age and ingame stats.
Look no further than fifa, and you get the general idea

The problem I see here though, this is the system we used to have in Madden. Then people complained it wasn't good enough for whatever reasons they thought. People complained they wanted control over it, rather than the CPU just being "random" about it.

Personally, I don't have an issue with the system as it is. I play the game as if the XP doesn't exist in game. I call my plays as if I would as the coach. I throw to the open guy based on the read I made, not based on who needs a number of catches in a game, or drive or whatever to hit a goal.

Then you take your XP, weekly, bi-weekly, whatever... for me it's every 4 weeks, and I apply it in the area's I want my players to improve as if I was serving the coach/GM role. So, if my WR's have poor hands... as a coach, I'd be putting them on the jugs machines daily to work on their catching, so... I'd dump my XP into them there. If they were poor route runners, and not able to get open, well, now as a coach, I'd be working on the release techniques, their route running etc.. So that's where my XP would go.

Now, to me, that system works great. My guys get whatever they get by the way I play the game. I'm an offline player, so it's easy for me. I can understand though where it's an issue for online guys, because I'm sure there's guys in leagues that are just taking advantage of the system. However, with the trend shifting towards everything online, that's where the problem lies IMO. That's another rant for another day though.

While the XP system works for me, because of how I choose to play within it, and use it. I completely understand why you'd want to base it on Fifa types, with potential, and age, etc, etc, etc. However... the big drawback there, if someone at EA decides that DeVante Parker, the rookie WR for Miami gets only a B potential, and will be maxed at an 80 OVR, then I've got, and many others have a big problem with that. Because, lets say I put up back to back to back 100 catch, 1200 yard, 12 TD seasons with the WR... he's clearly filling a superstar role on my team, yet the system is prohibiting him from his ratings advancing. To me, that's an issue.

Bottom line is, nobody is every going to be happy with it.
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Old 06-08-2015, 10:17 AM   #88
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Re: Madden 16 CFM initial impressions by Shopmaster Part 1

Originally Posted by brandon27
Because, lets say I put up back to back to back 100 catch, 1200 yard, 12 TD seasons with the WR... he's clearly filling a superstar role on my team, yet the system is prohibiting him from his ratings advancing. To me, that's an issue.

Bottom line is, nobody is every going to be happy with it.
I guess I would look at this and say, if someone is getting 100 catches, 1200 yards, and 12 TD's a season with an 80 rated player....
1) does the player really need his ratings increased?
2) is a system broken if a player performs far better than their abilities (ratings)?
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