This is the truth of the matter above ^ . Those who have found it impossible to get people to schedule games in a 32 man league , have been in leagues with crappy commish's who dont know how to handle things.
We have had a 32 man league since madden 12. It works well. I dont personally know any of those guys, well i didnt before we started. Have had some leave and new come in , we keep it moving. It comes down to commish setting a rule on it, and enforcing it . If guys want to get their games in they will schedule times , and if they dont , they get removed and replaced with someone who will.
In our league , we have 72 hour Max advance period, however, our system is set up, where at least one team from each game must post their set time in our shoutbox. We always know at the least of 12 hours ahead of next advance , what time it will be. So we have a rule that requires communication about next weeks game must happen before advance. We allow up to 12 hours after advance to have either a set time posted, or let league know the two are still trying to figure out a time and will update soon. That means normally people have over 24 hours to get in touch with each other and figure out a time. If communication isnt done before advance, and they cant start before the lastest game time that was posted, they get simmed. If one guy texts opponent before advance and opponent slacks and doesnt get back to him before 12 hours after advance, the one who texted before advance gets a sim win. This gives people incentive to keep up with whats going on , and to communicate quickly. If they miss two week due to lack of communication, they are removed and really need to be in an offline league.
It can be done, we have guys on the east & west coasts, middle of the country and even Hawaii. It works, if the people in the league truely like CFM and want to be able to play in a well organized one.Often times, if you find yourself in a league that is not being managed well by commish and admins, like not enforcing some communication rules, you might as well not join or leave it because its going to fail. When your dealing with 32 dif people, with dif schedules and in different timezones, it has to be structured and organized or it will never work . 1 it takes dedicated owners who love the mode, 2 it takes commish and admins who enforce rules , and enforce communication.
One thing many dont understand if they have never run one. It takes alot of work and dedication from a commish to keep a league moving and going , while keeping it fair for all and dealing with 31 other personalities and managing them.Which is why many leagues fail, people think its easy and not much to it other than playing games, then they start one up and try it, and find out , alot is demanded of you as a commish , if you want to keep it going. Normally if a league lasts 4-5 seasons, then its probably a good chance its a fine league. Those first 1-3 years is what will really test a commish and his own dedication to making it work, figuring out what works best, and keep it moving. Once you pass that threshold , then its like anything else in life, you know what your doing now, know what to expect and can plan around it well.
The 32 man leagues are great if you find one with a good commish and admins not set out to bend everything so they can be the ones winning superbowls.DaddyLeagues hosts a ton of leagues on xbox 1,xbox 360, PS3, PS4 you can find one there pretty easy, they even have an area for people to search for leagues that has post openings to their leagues. DaddyLeagues is an awesome site, run by 1 guy on the side. He does an amazing job with it, better than EA can even have done with their own CFM website( which i think they may have forget they even have ). It really adds alot to online leagues in so many ways. There is an awesome Xbox1 league called MBL there, if you have never checked them out, i suggest you do and see what a 32 man league full of dedicated owners can really achieve. While most dont get into that much detail ,its cool to see what those guys are doing with it.