
Madden NFL 19 Bugs/Glitches Thread

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Old 08-05-2018, 10:51 PM   #57
Cato06's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 19 Bugs/Glitches Thread

Bug: fans sat motionless when the home team made the winning touchdown at Gillette stadium with under a minute left. You could hear fans cheering but no one was standing or jumping around. They all sat motionless almost as if they were rooting for the away team or frozen. This is Not an opinion. Literally not one fan was standing or moving. It was definitely a bug.
Game mode:franchise
I will have to play more games to see if it keeps happening.

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Old 08-06-2018, 04:08 AM   #58
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Re: Madden NFL 19 Bugs/Glitches Thread

Bug (Be Specific): Custom Playbook: Adding Shotgun Spread formations.

Xbox One.

Various Shotgun Spread formations are glitched when added to a base playbook that doesn't already contain the formation "Shotgun Spread" base formation. For example, The Texans playbook contains "Shotgun Spread Y Slot formation. If you try to add Shotgun Spread (Base Formation) or Shotgun Spread Y Flex (etc...), when you go to play or practice mode, the formations added are glitched (the play art is jumbled, plays are missing, or the entire formation is missing all plays.). Sometimes it will glitch non-Shotgun Spread formations (as long it is a Shotgun formation). Happens in playbooks such as the Ravens, Browns, etc...

Now...if you choose a base play book with "Shotgun Spread" base formation in it, such as Oakland or Denver and add Shotgun Spread Y Flex or any other Shotgun Spread formation....the formations do not glitch in game or practice.

Game Mode Experienced In:

Practice/Play Now.

Custom playbook creation.

Can you reproduce it? How?:

Create a custom playbook with Texans, Browns, Ravens, etc... that doesn't have the base "Shotgun Spread" formation. You will see the glitch when you go to practice or in game.

Then create a playbook with Oakland or Denver (or any playbook that has the base "Shotgun Spread" formation). The glitch is not present in practice or game.

The bug is sometimes random, but it seems to always do it with the Texans' playbook.

Video/Picture of Bug (attach to post or link to media):

Last edited by bigboyc; 08-07-2018 at 04:50 AM.
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Old 08-06-2018, 10:53 AM   #59
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Re: Madden NFL 19 Bugs/Glitches Thread

In PC Having to Manually Kick in Coach Mode
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Old 08-06-2018, 11:34 AM   #60
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Icon3 Re: Madden NFL 19 Bugs/Glitches Thread

Originally Posted by PhillyPhanatic14
Bug (Be Specific): Created coach models look horrible. Many look like they have compound fractures in their wrists. The hair on some of the models is super pixelated too.

Game Mode Experienced In: CFM, Xbox

Can you reproduce it? How? Pick a coach when starting a CFM and try not to throw up because of how disjointed they look.

I attached a picture of one of the coaches wrists so you can see it. Didn't get a picture of the one dude's hair. Sorry it's sideways... I'm a noob at posting pics.
I have been begging for years to get the game-face back in so we could use our own face for custom coaches/owners, at a minimum. With all the sophistication in the new systems is this something that could be tweeked back in with a Patch?
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Old 08-06-2018, 03:49 PM   #61
GrayDawg's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 19 Bugs/Glitches Thread

Bug: When drafting in offline and online franchise cpu does not trade picks.

Can I replicate it? Yes happens every time. This function use to work. Not sure why its not happening now.

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Old 08-06-2018, 03:52 PM   #62
GisherJohn24's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 19 Bugs/Glitches Thread

Bug (Be Specific): Not sure if a bug, but when the players leave the huddle after you choose your plays, there are some framerate issues where I actually see frames skipping as they walk to the line to snap the ball, everything is fine once the ball is snapped.

Game Mode Experienced In: All

Can you reproduce it? How?: play the game

Video/Picture of Bug (attach to post or link to media): None
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Old 08-06-2018, 04:08 PM   #63
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Re: Madden NFL 19 Bugs/Glitches Thread

[quote=PhillyPhanatic14;2049450745]Xbox One X

Any mode

Bug- Daytime lighting is insanely broken. I have to squint to see things properly because of how weirdly dark and shadowy it is in the 1pm lighting. I'm squinting while sitting 5 feet away from a 50" 4k tv..... I've never seen a game with lighting this horrible. 1pm games are unplayable and upping the brightness with accessibility settings just washes things out more.[/QUOTE

Hopefully this is something that is fixed with a day 1 Patch because it's bad
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Old 08-06-2018, 05:38 PM   #64
CT Pitbull's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 19 Bugs/Glitches Thread

Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Hoping it's a "bug" and not a design decision:
There seems to be no player lock with D cam.
Even when playing a D player role CFM, there is no D cam lock.
i posted this on the first page of the thread i will be livid and heartbroken all at the same time if EA for some reason did this purposely. It makes playing defense from that perspective a "switch to closest player" fest because the camera follows the ball once the play starts, not the player you selected.

Basically if it's not a bug they have removed how guys like us prefer to play defense for years now.

cross your fingers my man i have tweeted EA about this and have yet to get a response.
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