
Normal/All Pro/Realism

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Old 11-13-2011, 12:10 PM   #753
dfos81's Arena
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Re: Normal/All Pro/Realism

Originally Posted by Jdoug312
Be careful that you don't change too much too soon bro. I can't speak for others, but for me, the set you had yesterday, before the mid day updates were feeling spot on

The only change I ended up making after a few games was lowering the user/cpu wr catching from 75 to 65, and now I'm seeing beautiful animations, smooth gameplay, and lower completion percentages. Outstanding!

My only question is what caused the newest coaching scheme changes? 100/1 for runningback, 100/2 for olb, 100/1 for mlb as opposed to the 0/1, 0/2, 0/3?
Well Im leaving the Equal Base listed for sure.
I was just giving updates for those that felt the CPU was lacking and the Pass rush.

I'm going to test a game w/ the Equal base set and up the offensive and defensive aggression in the coaching schemes.
Instead of raising ints, pass rush, etc. or raising the run blk. Just see if the aggression silder will do that globally for us.
Thanks for feedback bro!

Last edited by dfos81; 11-13-2011 at 12:18 PM.
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Old 11-13-2011, 12:27 PM   #754
dfos81's Arena
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Re: Normal/All Pro/Realism

May go with 15min qtrs for a full season. (Apx 2.5-5.0 more plays per qtr.)
Would like to see where my tackles stand when I'm getting the same time as the simmed stats time.
Also bc fatigue would be more important, you could see more pancakes, brk tackles. Then I could put the tackle slider equal with the brk tackle 15. Also fumble @ 15. which should mean less assist tackles and more solo.

Now I'm going to leave the Equal Base Set.
To improve the frequency of Sacks and Ints I will now test the Equal Base below w/ Offensive/Defensive aggression @ 50/50.
I did put the pass blk/pass rush back to equal 10/10, and int 15.

Reason: the aggression sliders along with priorities @ 100 should allow the CPU a.i to play @ maximum abilities(based off ratings). Now these small tweaks along w/ Updated Equal base tweaks below.
For guys wondering why 100 priority now. The set yesterday w/ some @ 0( wr, Tes, Lbs, etc) they really didn't do what the should based off ratings.
I saw some CPU A.I. performance issues when it was 0. HBs not making any moves, stuff like that. May want to put all the skill positions on 100.

I'm going to restart my Redskins franchise 15mins qtrs. If it means possibly my players will progress more acurately, hell yeah!
Equal Base:
Same for both User and CPU
QBA: 30
PBlk: 10
WR: 75

Brk tak: 15
Run Blk: 25
Fumb: 15

Pass Rea.Time: 5
Ints: 15
Pass Rush:10

Rush ReaTime: 10
Blk Shed: 20
Tackling: 11
Offense/Defense aggression testing @ 50 now!

Last edited by dfos81; 11-13-2011 at 04:20 PM.
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Old 11-13-2011, 05:26 PM   #755
dfos81's Arena
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Re: Normal/All Pro/Realism


Now I'm going to leave the Equal Base Set.
To improve the frequency of Sacks and Ints I will now test the Equal Base below w/ Offensive/Defensive aggression @ 50/50.
I did put the pass blk/pass rush back to equal 10/10, and int 15.

Reason: the aggression sliders along with priorities @ 100 should allow the CPU a.i to play @ maximum abilities(based off ratings). Now these small tweaks along w/ Updated Equal base tweaks below.
For guys wondering why 100 priority now. The set yesterday w/ some @ 0( wr, Tes, Lbs, etc) they really didn't do what the should based off ratings.
I saw some CPU A.I. performance issues when it was 0. HBs not making any moves, stuff like that. May want to put all the skill positions on 100.

I'm going to restart my Redskins franchise 15mins qtrs. If it means possibly my players will progress more acurately, hell yeah!
Equal Base:
Same for both User and CPU
QBA: 30
PBlk: 10
WR: 75

Brk tak: 18
Run Blk: 25
Fumb: 15

Pass Rea.Time: 5
Ints: 15
Pass Rush:15

Rush ReaTime: 15
Blk Shed: 15
Tackling: 15
Offense/Defense aggression testing @ 50 now

Starting my Franchise over w/ 15mins qtrs and just a few tweaks to coaching schemes from defaults

Aggression 50 on both Offense & Defense
Leaving Priorities @ default too(mine was all 100)

Turned OFF Sim injuries and Simmed through preseason(remember to turn back on for reg. season).

1st game Giants @ Skins(me)

Will update stats tonight!

Last edited by dfos81; 11-14-2011 at 02:10 AM.
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Old 11-13-2011, 05:40 PM   #756
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Re: Normal/All Pro/Realism

Priority at 100 does not mean maximum abilities. Same with higher aggression.

Priority is the "range" a player of that position can force animations to trigger on other players. Aggression seems to influence the speed of play development (players are more intent on getting where they want/need to be) but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a modifier to ratings or their effectiveness.
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Old 11-13-2011, 08:34 PM   #757
prey2god's Arena
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Re: Normal/All Pro/Realism

Originally Posted by KBLover
Priority at 100 does not mean maximum abilities. Same with higher aggression.

Priority is the "range" a player of that position can force animations to trigger on other players. Aggression seems to influence the speed of play development (players are more intent on getting where they want/need to be) but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a modifier to ratings or their effectiveness.

This is true. dfos, with all due respect, I don't think you should change too much until another patch comes out. Doing that, you're going to get lost in the sliders and find yourself trying to back track to where you had them on point.

I tried the 14 min w/ your recent coaching sliders at the 100 and there were some descrepancies in the game play. RBs broke for big runs, big passes were being made and I adjusted my defense properly.

I had to quit because the game was getting ridiculous. At half time, I took a quick look at the stats and they were a bit wonky.
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Old 11-13-2011, 10:13 PM   #758
prey2god's Arena
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Re: Normal/All Pro/Realism

Quick Question:

how do sliders work? When they're higher are they easier or vice versa? Thanx in advance!
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Old 11-13-2011, 10:42 PM   #759
dfos81's Arena
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Re: Normal/All Pro/Realism

Just held off an Eli Manning 4th qtr comeback!

It was a quick adjustment in the redzone that made the difference. My rookie LB R. Kerrigan picked it off for the game winner!
He was player of the game with 8 tackles a sack and a pick!

I hot routed him into a middle yellow zone, right before the snap. Also bc Orakpo forced Eli to hurry the pass for the int to happen.

Final Giants 24 v. Skins 30(user)

Both teams had the exact same Tot offense
My 3 leading tacklers were R. Mcintosh(mlb) w/ 12 and O. Atogwe(FS) 10, Kerrigan 8.


I kept an extra blocker in on almost all passes, line adjustments, etc.
I ran 33 and passed 33. So stayed well balanced.
Really the difference was turnovers, they had 2 to my 1.

Another reason why I like 15min qtrs is bc my backup Rbs 2nd and 3rd played. I just rotated them and also the autosub w/ Rb2/Rb1 slider adjusted. They all get touches now!
I'm loving the 15mins so far!

This was on 15mins. They also held Hightower to 24 att for 88yds. 3.6avg.

This was with the above setup.

Broken tackles

Both Qbs had 100qb ratings.

Eli Manning: 106qbr
Rex Grossman: 100qbr

Really the interception, quick user adjustment in the redzone was the ONLY difference.
I threw 69%( short passes) they were 60% they had the better avg.

All with the Equal Base setup above!

Last edited by dfos81; 11-13-2011 at 10:50 PM.
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Old 11-13-2011, 11:45 PM   #760
Obnoxious's Arena
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Re: Normal/All Pro/Realism

Started over with 14 min quarters. Chose the cowboys because my gf is from texas and her family likes them.

I went through 3 mlb. 2 got broken collarbones. Odd. But combined they got 20 total tackles with 11 solo.

Beat the jets 24-22. Would of been overtime but they failed the 2 point conversion with 1 second left so the onside kick sealed the game. Stats were average but Sanchez was on beast mode in final 5 minutes. Our defence gave up over 500 yeards but I don't care about team stats.

I will post all my settings I have when I get on a laptop
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