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Old 11-07-2011, 07:18 PM   #49
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Re: Great article re: online play

Originally Posted by TNT713
Adaptive AI might be a tremendous idea for offline play against the CPU, but you know how I feel about 1v1 play. I don't need the AI to adapt, that's my opponent's job. If I call slant after slant, I would expect someone to change something.
See I believe your missing the point of adaptive AI. Say you call slant over and over again, and I adjust by bumping and playing zone (which for some reason still doesn't take away the slant which it's designed to do), the corner should still adapt to the slant because you ran it over and over again successfully. I believe it should be a two way street though. Say you ran a sluggo route after running several consecutive completed slants; I fully expect my corner to jump the slant and you to be able to throw down field if it's open. Almost all of the NFL play calling on offense is doing one thing to set up another, think pass to set up run or vice versa. Also the slant is still coverable with good DBs in man.

IDK, I'd like to ask if you play on the xbox if we could set up a time to play. I'd love to put my wits against yours because you seem knowledgeable about football. A lot of people quit on me because I run the clock vs their hurry up offenses, sometimes I feel like that's a cheap tactic. Also would like to add I fully expect to lose but I would like to play you.
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Old 11-07-2011, 08:21 PM   #50
Big FN Deal's Arena
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Re: Great article re: online play

@TNT, the funny thing is, from the way you describe how you play Madden, we play a very similar style. We both mostly play with one team that we know intimately and apply simple problem solving to be successful against a myriad of "tactics". The problem solving aspect hardly seems unique to just us, considering most people, including the writer, seem to know how to win at Madden. Where opinions differ are, if playing Madden, regardless of the outcome, provides a reasonable NFL experience.

In your opinion it seems it does and in mine, it doesn't, given it's undeniable NFL football inadequacies. I honestly think it's great and respect that you are satisfied with the challenge Madden offers in Head to Head matches. However, I don't get why you seem to have such difficulty accepting or believing that there are people probably just as football savvy and potentially Madden skilled as you, that expect way more from a NFL simulation video game.
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Old 11-07-2011, 08:24 PM   #51
Aolian_Am's Arena
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Re: Great article re: online play

Originally Posted by justud
  • Tuned down the frequency to block field goals by users running off the edge.
pretty much sums it up there, big guy. they dont patch these things if they're not exploits.

but this "also how ofetn do you see 2rb 2wr twin formations in the nfl, the answer is you don't it rarely happens, and when you do see it cb aren't switching sides to line up on wr. cb's practice playing on one side of the field, they rarely move from it." pretty much ends your reign as any kind of football brain. thats hilarious. so tell me? is that formation just the new wildcat of the nfl? hahaha! that formation just that unsuccessful that teams never run it huh? the right answer is we see it every sunday. 1) the corners arent switching sides they're going into the slot where its more difficult to cover. 2) they follow their receivers into the slot if they're in man.

if anything, twins gives offenses clues about if a defense is running zone. even my lil nephew knows that, O great mid of football.

in the end sometimes its better to be silent and thought a fool.
lol, i think if you read back a little farther you'll see that i've already pointed out how dumb i looked, but in all fairness, i still would have to say that twin formations are not typically ran as much as they were in the past. just probally a lot more often than i was eluding to.

if anything, twins gives offenses clues about if a defense is running zone. even my little nephew knows that, Oh great mind of football.

i think it is funny you know that, but can't see why the safety/lb would line up on the slot reciever in a twin 2rb formation. i'm not going to tell you the answer, but i'm sure you'll come to the conclusion pretty quick. by the way what have you added to this conversation but
  • online is full of glitchers/cheesers
  • everytime you catch a defense in quarter with a run it should always an explosive play
  • you can't kick field goals because ea can' fix a "glitch"
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Old 11-07-2011, 09:12 PM   #52
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Re: Great article re: online play

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
@TNT, the funny thing is, from the way you describe how you play Madden, we play a very similar style. We both mostly play with one team that we know intimately and apply simple problem solving to be successful against a myriad of "tactics". The problem solving aspect hardly seems unique to just us, considering most people, including the writer, seem to know how to win at Madden. Where opinions differ are, if playing Madden, regardless of the outcome, provides a reasonable NFL experience.

In your opinion it seems it does and in mine, it doesn't, given it's undeniable NFL football inadequacies. I honestly think it's great and respect that you are satisfied with the challenge Madden offers in Head to Head matches. However, I don't get why you seem to have such difficulty accepting or believing that there are people probably just as football savvy and potentially Madden skilled as you, that expect way more from a NFL simulation video game.
Well said... We probably are more alike than it seems. I really HATE when people run plays they think are glitches, exploits, cheese, etc... If they run something because they understand the football that makes it go - that's one thing. If they are running it because they heard it would work, that irks me.

But I'm not what I call "skilled" at Madden. I'm an above average player at best (.600 winning percentage). My skills lie in my uncanny ability to recognize patterns and analyze what those patterns mean in relation to how my opponent plays the game. I'm good at getting into someone's head and literally "seeing what they see." the more I play, the better I get at predicting when they will call plays - even if they haven't run them yet.

The 'Madden' part comes with a ton of work trying to figure out exactly HOW to translate the knowledge of football to this electronic environment. Over the years, the skills I've mixed what I'm naturally able to do with skills that didn't come naturally - like focusing for a full hour.

As far as the authenticity of the NFL experience - I guess it depends on how much you put into it. I do the electronic equivalent of what real coaches and players do to get ready for opponents (including have nightmares about tough strategies). When playing someone that puts forth the same effort, the games are miraculously close to what I imagine the NFL game to be like - despite Madden's inadequacies. Games where my opponent isn't as dedicated, aren't nearly as NFL-ish.

One thing is sure - I wouldn't expect a casual Madden player to be competitive online any more than I would expect a dude who played a few games in high school to be competitive in an NFL game.

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