
Great article re: online play

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Old 11-03-2011, 06:28 PM   #1
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Great article re: online play

this guy hit the nail on the head on a number of points. the only thing he forgot was the toss play...is anyone else still have the problem with the announcer still calling the wrong names?

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Old 11-03-2011, 07:42 PM   #2
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Re: Great article re: online play

I am not a Madden online veteran, but this year I have continued to play online "ranked" matches. I have never been glitched, but played against folks that have different game plans. The author of the article doesn't like players who audible, run no-huddle, etc. To me none of those are cheats just my opponents strategy that I have to thwart.

I have not faced a situation that I did not adapt to using what is considered on OS "sim" football strategy. Madden has many options on defense most people don't know how to use or when to use them; same on offense.

Online play is a sensitive subject to many on this site, but it usually only after they lose facing a strategy they couldn't immediately stop. So they come here and call it a glitch.
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Old 11-03-2011, 08:09 PM   #3
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Re: Great article re: online play

Originally Posted by Sausage
I am not a Madden online veteran, but this year I have continued to play online "ranked" matches. I have never been glitched, but played against folks that have different game plans. The author of the article doesn't like players who audible, run no-huddle, etc. To me none of those are cheats just my opponents strategy that I have to thwart.

I have not faced a situation that I did not adapt to using what is considered on OS "sim" football strategy. Madden has many options on defense most people don't know how to use or when to use them; same on offense.

Online play is a sensitive subject to many on this site, but it usually only after they lose facing a strategy they couldn't immediately stop. So they come here and call it a glitch.
This!!!! Very great and truthful points!!
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Old 11-03-2011, 08:50 PM   #4
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Re: Great article re: online play

i'm lost. he won tho...i dont think he was saying no-huddle was a glitch. he just said it should be limited. the fact that quarter blitz stops the run, man align doesn't work and that corners are clueless vs twins burns me up tho.

no one else having problems with the wrong names?
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Old 11-03-2011, 09:31 PM   #5
Aolian_Am's Arena
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Re: Great article re: online play

there is a lot of stuff in there this guy complains about, that, if he was more knowledgeable, he wouldn't have had know problem with. no huddle is a stupid thing to complain about. it is very easy to audible your defenders, people who complain about this, or even the next couple things he complains about, are really complaining about defense. they expect the cpu to do everything for them, it doesn't on offense. why should it on defense? when the guy came out in the spread formation, why not flip the play, that was your real problem. when they came out in the twins formation, did you try flipping your play? that would have solved your problem, but really you should know that the cpu is trying to help you confuse the other guy. the thing people don't understand is, there is no way to stop an offense that knows what there doing, the best thing to do is confuse them. on every play you pick on offense there is always an option to throw to, no matter what play you pick on defense. if you are on defense the only thing you can do is a) if you absolutely know which play they are doing, you can play as the person you know the offense is supposed to attack, i.e playing that middle lb on the te doing the shake route, which he described, b) make adjustments to perfect your play on defense, or c) be a good pass rusher, and another thing to remember is, is that if you give them time, someone will always get open. when you were running your power running, were you audibling your offensive line? were you just trying to break it to the outside everytime? i really think it was your lack of football knowledge on that part that caused your poor running. so many people try to run that as a outside run, but in reality it is a off-tackle play. you can break it to the outside if you get the chance, but your blocking is usually trying to get them up field right at the tackle. onside kicks really? is this your first madden? i'm not gonna tell you how you can stop this, but the answer is in the madden controls topic in this forum. 4th downs, i hate this one too, but just get more adept to making good adjustments on defense, and start to enjoy the good field position you gain. you have to remember your not playing any real nfl coaches, just normal people and there football knowledge, there strategy. if they think they could get it on 4th down, which is the reason they go for it, show them how stout your defense can be. it's funny how people can watch a football game, and that same game looks different to everyone.

Last edited by Aolian_Am; 11-03-2011 at 09:32 PM. Reason: wrong sentance
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Old 11-03-2011, 09:34 PM   #6
Aolian_Am's Arena
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Re: Great article re: online play

Originally Posted by Sausage
I am not a Madden online veteran, but this year I have continued to play online "ranked" matches. I have never been glitched, but played against folks that have different game plans. The author of the article doesn't like players who audible, run no-huddle, etc. To me none of those are cheats just my opponents strategy that I have to thwart.

I have not faced a situation that I did not adapt to using what is considered on OS "sim" football strategy. Madden has many options on defense most people don't know how to use or when to use them; same on offense.

Online play is a sensitive subject to many on this site, but it usually only after they lose facing a strategy they couldn't immediately stop. So they come here and call it a glitch.

all this, is a lot more what the online really is.
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Old 11-04-2011, 12:18 AM   #7
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Re: Great article re: online play


It was difficult trying to finish reading this. Like most 'great articles' that get posted in the forums here, this writer isn't a Madden player. I could tell in 4 lines. He's a football fan that bought the NFL video game.

I can tell he knows quite a bit about some overall details of football. More than most writers with issues about Madden's exploits, but he seemed to have little understanding about WHY his run formations were getting stonewalled OR what to do when he notices his linebacker was too far away to cover his man.

He wanted to rely on the CPU to do everything. He didn't seem to be aware enough of his coverage decisions to be able to react to his opponent's 'exploits.' His slow reaction and lack of familiarity with his coverages was exploited.

Throughout this article I was thinking about the things I would have done against that opponent. Needless to say, the outcome when a MADDEN PLAYER meets these type of players the outcome is completely different.

Only casual players get exploited this way. Probably because they are casual players.

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Old 11-04-2011, 12:20 AM   #8
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Re: Great article re: online play

Having reread the article again... It is my opinion that the writer SUCKS at Madden because he's overwhelmed by all the adjustments he has to make.

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