
Beware The Ides Of March For The NFL Exclusive License

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Old 09-01-2012, 10:06 AM   #329
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Re: Beware The Ides Of March For The NFL Exclusive License

Originally Posted by prey2god
Here's another perspective. I used to play football games since back in the days. 10 Yard Fight was my very first football game and boy that sucked. But at the time, it was legit.

Then I saw an arcade version of Tecmo Bowl. After that, I was hooked. Tecmo Bowl then made games on Nintendo for years. It was basically the football game everyone played. People didn't play Madden back in the days like they do now. EA was barely on the come up.

Tecmo started slowing down around 95 after Super Tecmo Bowl or something of that nature. EA then started becoming big creating a new sim type game. Games like Gameday, NFL Fever, couldn't even compete.

But 2k came along and EA finally found it's competition. It was as if EA had a flashback, this time EA being Tecmo and 2k being the EA on the come up. EA knew they had to do something.

Unfortunately, their time is running out. It's the evolution of sports games. It happens everytime. It's inevitable another gaming company will do that much better leaving EA exhausted and giving up.

It's what it is.
NFL Gameday had some good years, and if Sony were allowed to put their resources behind the NFL license, im sure Sony San Diego can make a good simulation of the NFL, they do a pretty good job with MLB.
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Old 09-01-2012, 10:37 AM   #330
KBomber's Arena
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Re: Beware The Ides Of March For The NFL Exclusive License

Originally Posted by The ArkanSaw
I pray every day on 3 things:

1.Me and my loved ones survive the day.

2.I become prosperous.

3.2K gets the chance to make another football game.

If for nothing else, EA would have to begin to respond by providing a quality gameplay experience. Too many loose ends and flawed pieces in the current offering, which has been the trend now for far too long...
Basketball made me the man I am today; Arthritic and Bitter...

What I think I think:
• Y'know, I've never played less NBA 2K than I did with NBA 2K12
• Sports VG titles were REALLY disappointing in 2011-12
• Thank Heaven for ME3 and Arkham City -- saved my winter
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Old 09-01-2012, 10:39 AM   #331
KBomber's Arena
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Re: Beware The Ides Of March For The NFL Exclusive License

Originally Posted by Clemmie
Well i dunno if its simply a money issue, just goes to the highest bidder, or if tje NFL has a certain loyalty to EA at this point, but this is one way to win a "console war". If Sony or MS ever bid and got it could u imagine the implications? "The NFL, ONLY ON "insert console here".
At this point if console exclusives could do for NFL football what they did for MLB baseball, then at least that would be forward progress. The exclusive deal that 2K Sports has with MLB is at least mitigated by the availability of The Show on the PS3.

That's a win for overall product quality...
Basketball made me the man I am today; Arthritic and Bitter...

What I think I think:
• Y'know, I've never played less NBA 2K than I did with NBA 2K12
• Sports VG titles were REALLY disappointing in 2011-12
• Thank Heaven for ME3 and Arkham City -- saved my winter
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Old 09-01-2012, 10:45 AM   #332
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Re: Beware The Ides Of March For The NFL Exclusive License

Originally Posted by KBomber
At this point if console exclusives could do for NFL football what they did for MLB baseball, then at least that would be forward progress. The exclusive deal that 2K Sports has with MLB is at least mitigated by the availability of The Show on the PS3.

That's a win for overall product quality...
Not in 2k's case.

The deal expired and they didn't reup, so, xboxers are left out in the cold.
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Old 09-01-2012, 10:56 AM   #333
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Re: Beware The Ides Of March For The NFL Exclusive License

Originally Posted by SickDL
Ea will never give up the nfl license
If you are talking about an 'exclusive' NFL license, this simply isn't true. EA will give up the exclusive NFL license the nano-second that they believe it is in their best financial interests to do so. Whether that happens in the near future remains to be seen.

If the EA bean counters analyze and project their sales numbers versus licensing costs and come to the conclusion that selling less units with competition is more profitable than selling more units with a massive upfront non-compete contract with the NFL... then they allow others back into the market. It's that easy.

I believe that 2K could have an NFL product on the shelves, and make money, for the 2014 release cycle. Even if they just slapped a quick and dirty update to APF 2k8 and shoved it out the door... it would sell respecably just because OMG 2K IS BACK IN TEH GAME!! MUST BUY!! I WILL BREING DOWN TEH EVUL EA EMPIRE!!
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Old 09-01-2012, 11:13 AM   #334
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Re: Beware The Ides Of March For The NFL Exclusive License

Originally Posted by Nunyerbiz
I believe that 2K could have an NFL product on the shelves, and make money, for the 2014 release cycle. Even if they just slapped a quick and dirty update to APF 2k8 and shoved it out the door... it would sell respecably just because OMG 2K IS BACK IN TEH GAME!! MUST BUY!! I WILL BREING DOWN TEH EVUL EA EMPIRE!!
I would buy it just to encourage competition, not because of being against EA. I just want a realistic NFL licensed game with an in depth and very customizable franchise mode. I don't care who makes it. So far, EA/Tib has been a major disappointment this console gen.
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Old 09-01-2012, 11:19 AM   #335
KBomber's Arena
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Re: Beware The Ides Of March For The NFL Exclusive License

With respect to roadman's comment -- true -- but The Show was why I wound up buying a PS3, along with the Uncharted series.

Interesting piece on the whole MLB 2K mess and some of the other positives that it created
Basketball made me the man I am today; Arthritic and Bitter...

What I think I think:
• Y'know, I've never played less NBA 2K than I did with NBA 2K12
• Sports VG titles were REALLY disappointing in 2011-12
• Thank Heaven for ME3 and Arkham City -- saved my winter
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Old 09-01-2012, 11:26 AM   #336
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Re: Beware The Ides Of March For The NFL Exclusive License

Originally Posted by prey2god
Here's another perspective. I used to play football games since back in the days. 10 Yard Fight was my very first football game and boy that sucked. But at the time, it was legit.

Then I saw an arcade version of Tecmo Bowl. After that, I was hooked. Tecmo Bowl then made games on Nintendo for years. It was basically the football game everyone played. People didn't play Madden back in the days like they do now. EA was barely on the come up.

Tecmo started slowing down around 95 after Super Tecmo Bowl or something of that nature. EA then started becoming big creating a new sim type game. Games like Gameday, NFL Fever, couldn't even compete.

But 2k came along and EA finally found it's competition. It was as if EA had a flashback, this time EA being Tecmo and 2k being the EA on the come up. EA knew they had to do something.

Unfortunately, their time is running out. It's the evolution of sports games. It happens everytime. It's inevitable another gaming company will do that much better leaving EA exhausted and giving up.

It's what it is.
Just wanted to say that whether it was Montana on Genesis, Tecmo Super Bowl on SNES, NFL GameDay 96, 97 and 98 on PSone or NFL 2K on Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox, etc., the competition to EA has always been the better and more fun football game. I have personally always preferred the competition over EA because I knew that the Madden series was overrated and simply, relies on the name to sell as opposed to the actual quality.

Madden NFL 13 sold 900,000 copies on release day but out of all those copies, how many people knew about the problems before buying the game? I would say 1/3rd if that at best and of course, how could anyone know when every single review doesnt mention a damn thing.

Either, every reviewer is paid off by EA to not mention anything negative and the huge problems or they have a different copy than we do. Either way, not good for us, the consumer.

I for one hope, wish and pray that 2K returns in two years but i honestly dont see that happening.
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