
Patrick Williams: Can I Have My Money Back?

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Old 03-23-2008, 10:27 AM   #193
Re: Patrick Williams: Can I Have My Money Back?

I'm sorry, but this whole thing with people expecting their money back is just ridiculous. Despite how lackluster this game may be, 2K didn't FORCE anyone to buy this on day one, without having rented first or waited for review/impressions.

If you took the plunge without waiting, then be willing to accept the consequences
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Old 03-23-2008, 12:28 PM   #194
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Re: Patrick Williams: Can I Have My Money Back?

Originally Posted by DLaren
FYI: Madden wasn't given preferential treatment. That thread was put-up because it was requested by people who were enjoying the game who had grown tired of having the forum flooded with the same complaints every-day (and the 'complaint thread' wasn't opened until 10-days after the game came out, not before). If the forum go-ers here want an all-encompassing thread for complaints then maybe they should try their hand at asking a mod to open one up.
Thx for the clarification. I wasn't going to post anymore on the subject, but did want to say I didn't think I had implied the Madden all-negatives-here thread was done prior to Madden releasing. I was saying that it came out shortly after the game released. I didn't prowl the forum that much after the game released so I wasn't aware that it was posters that requested the thread. I remember the threat of any thread devolving into a Madden vs. APF or Madden vs. 2K5 thread was pretty much grounds for the thread being closed. Which is completely different than what goes on here.

The litmus test I usually think of when judging sports games is how well does the game emulate the sport. I think it's remarkable that complaints about the game usually fall into one of four categories:

- "The framerate... etc."
- "The graphics took a hit... etc."
- "The Show is perfect and you need to play it... etc."
- "This game is the worst ever created/Brinkman should be embarrassed... etc." [specifics not necessary]

Never really much discussion about how well the game emulates the sport, which apparently it does fairly well. Which is why I think it's ridiculous OS sees fit to post an opinion thread thread as this one. So I don't think people here will request a separate thread for negative posts; when it comes down to it the game can stand on it's own merits. imo of course
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Old 03-23-2008, 12:58 PM   #195
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Re: Patrick Williams: Can I Have My Money Back?

I think this game is finally a step in the right direction with hitting and pitching as well as fielding. I love it, I think the hitting with the swing stick is really a great simulation of hitting, much more than moving a cursor and hitting a button.
I find flaws in this game with some freezing and stuttering as well as the presentation being boring, but I find this game is much more a simulation of baseball than what has been offered in the past with the push button controls.
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Old 03-23-2008, 01:06 PM   #196
aenggeorge's Arena
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Re: Patrick Williams: Can I Have My Money Back?

i lvoe ths game to but hey maybe next year instead of the mogul enjine lets geet the ootp engine!
the new BTL blog: http://blogs.ign.com/hokieballla
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Old 03-23-2008, 01:21 PM   #197
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Re: Patrick Williams: Can I Have My Money Back?

Originally Posted by Ckhoss29
I think this game is finally a step in the right direction with hitting and pitching as well as fielding. I love it, I think the hitting with the swing stick is really a great simulation of hitting, much more than moving a cursor and hitting a button.
I find flaws in this game with some freezing and stuttering as well as the presentation being boring, but I find this game is much more a simulation of baseball than what has been offered in the past with the push button controls.
Absolutely agree--Of course this game isn't perfect, I've yet to come across one that is perfect; but the bottom line to ME, personally, is...is this game fun to play and are the flaws able to be overlooked for the most part? Yes. The freezing every now and then gets to me a little, but I find myself saving more and more to prevent a total loss of stats...You just have to find ways to adapt to the flaws rather than letting it consume you.

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Old 03-23-2008, 03:38 PM   #198
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Re: Patrick Williams: Can I Have My Money Back?

Originally Posted by CowherPower
Nintendo,as well as Microsoft can make an MLB game if they so desire. This is so far from a "monopoly",it's not even funny.
2k's deal only locks out 3rd party,but 1st party is still able to make an MLB game.
Do you know how much it would cost in time and resources for Microsoft to start a baseball game from scratch and have it be a quality game? It's just not feasable, so in reality 2K does have a monopoly on the 360. EA had a great baseball franchise that was just getting ready to peak before this horribly anti-consumer practice by 2K and the MLB.

My point was since 2K was unable to compete with the MVP Baseball series, they went and bought off the MLB to kill their competition. Little did they know at the time what a powerhouse Sony's MLB game would become by now. I love the fact that 2K is losing $ on this deal.
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Old 03-23-2008, 03:41 PM   #199
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Re: Patrick Williams: Can I Have My Money Back?

Originally Posted by roadman
In all fairness, I'd say EA football is much closer to a monopoly vs 2k baseball .
The difference is that the NFL wanted the monopoly on their game and approached EA. 2K went and threw money at the MLB because their inferior product couldn't compete. Big difference and something 2K fans never want to remember when they bring up the Madden situation.
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Old 03-23-2008, 03:52 PM   #200
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Re: Patrick Williams: Can I Have My Money Back?

Originally Posted by DMB82
The difference is that the NFL wanted the monopoly on their game and approached EA. 2K went and threw money at the MLB because their inferior product couldn't compete. Big difference and something 2K fans never want to remember when they bring up the Madden situation.
Which one happened first? Do you think there could be some causality here? Magic 8-ball says LIKELY SO.
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