
Patrick Williams: Can I Have My Money Back?

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Old 03-23-2008, 07:07 PM   #209
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Re: Patrick Williams: Can I Have My Money Back?

Originally Posted by DMB82
The difference is that the NFL wanted the monopoly on their game and approached EA. 2K went and threw money at the MLB because their inferior product couldn't compete. Big difference and something 2K fans never want to remember when they bring up the Madden situation.
Interesting version, but unfortunately, not a fact as others have pointed out.
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Old 03-29-2008, 04:32 PM   #210
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Re: Patrick Williams: Can I Have My Money Back?

Originally Posted by roadman
Interesting version, but unfortunately, not a fact as others have pointed out.
Go back and read the press releases from when both deals were made. NFL shopped around an exclusive contract, EA was chosen. In return, 2K's feelings were hurt and threw more $ than they could afford at the MLB to get a 3rd party exclusive. Now they are hemmoraging cash and hopefully will cease as a company very soon.

This is fact and I challenge any of you to provide evidence this was not what actually happened. I remember the details behind these deals quite clearly.
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Old 03-29-2008, 05:51 PM   #211
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Re: Patrick Williams: Can I Have My Money Back?

Originally Posted by baa7
LOL. Not even close to what happened. We know it, and you do as well
Know what? That the NFL opened up the license for bid?
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Old 03-29-2008, 06:06 PM   #212
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Re: Patrick Williams: Can I Have My Money Back?

Originally Posted by DMB82
Go back and read the press releases from when both deals were made. NFL shopped around an exclusive contract, EA was chosen. In return, 2K's feelings were hurt and threw more $ than they could afford at the MLB to get a 3rd party exclusive. Now they are hemmoraging cash and hopefully will cease as a company very soon.

This is fact and I challenge any of you to provide evidence this was not what actually happened. I remember the details behind these deals quite clearly.
Your original quote mentioned the NFL approached EA only. The NFL approached 2k as well as EA. The one with the deeper pockets won out.

I'm sure MLB approached EA and 2k just as well. 2k threw more $ at MLB vs EA. Again, the highest bidder won.

Pretty much cut and dry.
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Old 03-31-2008, 02:36 AM   #213
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Re: Patrick Williams: Can I Have My Money Back?

Originally Posted by roadman
Your original quote mentioned the NFL approached EA only. The NFL approached 2k as well as EA. The one with the deeper pockets won out.

I'm sure MLB approached EA and 2k just as well. 2k threw more $ at MLB vs EA. Again, the highest bidder won.

Pretty much cut and dry.
The MLB was NOT shopping their contract, 2K approached them after they lost the NFL contract. EA declined to match what 2K offered them because based on the absurdity of the amount of $ 2K was throwing at the MLB, they'd lose money on the deal like 2K is now. As much as we love baseball games, they aren't as lucrative to the developers as NFL games so the incentive wasn't there for EA to match.
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Old 03-31-2008, 08:12 AM   #214
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Re: Patrick Williams: Can I Have My Money Back?

Originally Posted by DMB82
The MLB was NOT shopping their contract, 2K approached them after they lost the NFL contract. EA declined to match what 2K offered them because based on the absurdity of the amount of $ 2K was throwing at the MLB, they'd lose money on the deal like 2K is now. As much as we love baseball games, they aren't as lucrative to the developers as NFL games so the incentive wasn't there for EA to match.
You're not taking into account the climate at the time. It wasn't just the NFL deal that occurred; it was the NFL deal, then the NCAA, ESPN, and Arena League deals all in relatively quick succession. While most of this is theorizing on our part, it's a stretch to say it was some weird occurrance that all these deals happened at the same time without relating to each other in some way (namely, EA trying to drive competition out of the sports game business). Also taking into account EA already had the NASCAR and FIFA licenses exclusive, most of us understood that TT/2K needed to do something to just remain relevant.

If anything, they were criticized more because they didn't take the EA route and go for a pure exclusive as all of EA's exclusives were. I don't know how fiscally bad the MLB exclusive is for TT/2K (if it is), but it's forgotten that the MLB deal is far, far more consumer friendly than any of the other exclusive situations.

And to speak to the thread topic - isn't this the same dude that just wrote "NCAA '09 - A Reason for Hope"? What kind of joke is this? I'm not much of a knowledgeable baseball fan (or college football for that matter) but I think MLB2K8 is far more representative of the game of baseball than NCAA '08 is of college football particularly from a gameplay standpoint.
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Last edited by spankdatazz22; 03-31-2008 at 09:04 AM.
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Old 03-31-2008, 09:00 AM   #215
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Re: Patrick Williams: Can I Have My Money Back?

Originally Posted by DMB82
The MLB was NOT shopping their contract, 2K approached them after they lost the NFL contract. EA declined to match what 2K offered them because based on the absurdity of the amount of $ 2K was throwing at the MLB, they'd lose money on the deal like 2K is now. As much as we love baseball games, they aren't as lucrative to the developers as NFL games so the incentive wasn't there for EA to match.
So, wait, let's say your right. You did say EA did decline to match 2k, so, in other words, the MLB did ask all parties.

Just like football, MLB went to the highest bidder, whether EA thought it was worth it or not.

The above poster is correct, we have choices for baseball games, we don't for football games.
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Old 03-31-2008, 06:00 PM   #216
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Re: Patrick Williams: Can I Have My Money Back?

"Pitching takes too long to keep me interested though. Waiting for the catcher to give the sign and set up takes a little too long, and then just the act of pitching is pretty drawn out itself."

This echoes my opinion of the pitching as well. Just too slow and random. It seems as if the Ai just decides randomly to swing or not and then the game randomly calculates contact or no contact. Location and type of pitch seemingly makes no difference.
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