
Gamespot give MLB 2k9 a 4.5

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Old 03-07-2009, 07:37 PM   #57
FedEx227's Arena
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Re: Gamespot give MLB 2k9 a 4.5

Originally Posted by tj1182
I don't base anything off of Gamespots reviews anymore, ever since they gave GTA: IV a perfect 10, how ridiculous is that?

To me, this game is fun, it's not broken like 2K8 was, it's actually playable, I played 12 games already and I only played a total of 8 throughout all of last year with 2K8. Sure, it's not the best Baseball game, but it is fun and the bugs aren't that bothersome, and with great sliders, like BFJ's this game plays great.
That's my thoughts. Is it perfect? Of course not. Is it even close to perfect? Probably not.

It's playable though, and that's a lot more than we could say about the past two games. (Both were absolutely terrible, 2k7 was iffy and 2k8 was just a mess, I probably played about 5-6 games of 2k8 before returning it).

The game has a ton of potential, already we've seen some pretty good sliders that seem to make a bit of a difference, all we maybe need is a patch and this will be a very solid baseball game.
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Old 03-08-2009, 12:25 AM   #58
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Re: Gamespot give MLB 2k9 a 4.5

I dont think there's any reason to get into a debate on what the final score of this game's review should accurately be, because, quite frankly....what's the point?? Who's to say what constitutes the differences between a 4, 5, 6 or 7....and what does it matter?

Just focus on the facts rather than the numbers.

There are glaring problems with the game's ability to play strategically fundamental baseball, the gameplay engine is still a mess, and the AI lacks the ability to manage its own rosters with common sense.

These facts are enough for me to summarize how upset and disappointed I am with this game...you can attach any number you want to the end of that.
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Old 03-08-2009, 12:37 AM   #59
*t's * 'B*rgh Th*ng!
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Re: Gamespot give MLB 2k9 a 4.5

Their review is utterly ridiculous. I have the PC version and play on Legend with some tweaked sliders and I get a pretty decent game of baseball. Yes, the AI is too aggressive and there are a couple of annoying stuttering outfielders on occasion, and that damn first basemen doesn't always touch the bag. But, having said that...a 4.5??? C'mon. If you play on "Pro" with default settings, you can homer almost every at-bat. I agree. But, a 4.5? WSB 2k1 for the Dreamcast was a 4.5. This is light years ahead of that.
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Old 03-08-2009, 01:10 AM   #60
bubba4's Arena
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Re: Gamespot give MLB 2k9 a 4.5

Obviously this game has issues. But it is clear to me that this game is much better than last years effort. Some here have said that this years game is the worst game they have ever played. And yet, it is STILL better than MLB 2K8? A lot of hyperbole here.

2K9 is not that bad a game. I also have the holy grail of baseball games in The Show 09. It is quite an exquisite masterpiece! But... I am spending most of my time with MLB 2K9, and I don't know why. I think it's because I get more into the games with 2K9 than I do with The Show. 2K9 has stats problems, some fielding issues, and a few other bothersome things, but I am enjoying my time with it.

I can certainly see where this game is headed and I like it. Perfection it surely is not. But a score of 4.5, 3.0, or 1.1 would not blind me to what's really going on here. And that is the simple fact that one year is not enough time to get all the things done that VC has in mind, and they still did a great job of turning this franchise around. From their track record, I am banking on 2K10 to step it up big time.

Last edited by bubba4; 03-08-2009 at 01:29 AM.
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Old 03-08-2009, 01:32 AM   #61
Arod2k9's Arena
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Re: Gamespot give MLB 2k9 a 4.5

I watched the World Baseball Classic games all day long! Then I played 2K9 in order to compare real baseball vs video game.

I came to the conclusion that 2K9 plays a very good game of baseball. I'm very happy with it, specially with OS/bigfnjoe96 sliders giving me good stats and scores losing 5-3, 7-0, 3-1. I hit using the zone/cursor in classic mode and it feels realistic. I'm getting looked strikes by the AI.

A poster here said that even though he has the show, 2k9 is the game he plays. 2K9 just feels fresh and different each and every game. I'm not saying the show is a bad game but I thinks is an 8. The show is very predictable in my eyes. 2K9 is not perfect but will be a true sim when is completely patch.

I guess is become pop to knock 2k9 but please can we get genuine opinions!

Last edited by Arod2k9; 03-08-2009 at 01:52 AM. Reason: Spelling
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Old 03-08-2009, 05:57 AM   #62
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Re: Gamespot give MLB 2k9 a 4.5

That review is a hundred percent accurate. Two years in a row of releasing a broken game for 60 dollars is unacceptable. This game has regressed and anyone thinking about buying this game, stick with or pick up 2k8 because it has the custimization of all the tweakable sliders , superior player animation, collision detection, and a better pitching and batting interface. 2k9 is really half the game and nothing but an unfinished lazy product.
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Old 03-08-2009, 02:23 PM   #63
yoyoctw's Arena
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Re: Gamespot give MLB 2k9 a 4.5

Originally Posted by jfrost32
You know it is quite sad with this whole issue between The Show and 2K9. Besides The Show, I dont see any other reason to get a PS3. There are alot of 360 gamers out there that would die to have a great baseball game. Overall console wise, the 360 is so much better especially with the other games. Just unfortunately for us 360 users, the baseball game sucks lol. Its like the 360 is a smart kid with down syndrome...very sad

As an owner of both consoles I just don't see this at all. They share 99% of the same games and the multiplatform games for the past year have all been equal quality on both systems, and the PS3, at least lately, is getting amazing stuff like Killzone 2 and MLB 09. I probably would have agreed with you two years ago though.
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Old 03-08-2009, 03:11 PM   #64
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Re: Gamespot give MLB 2k9 a 4.5

MLB 2K9 is not perfect, but it generates hatred for reasons that have nothing to do with its gameplay.

The biggest issue with 2K9 on the field is over-aggressive CPU hitters. That's pretty much it

I am obviously aware of issues with the first baseman's foot coming off the bag, but it has happened to me once in ten games. That's a lot of put outs at first for it not to happen. I am also aware of complaints about fielding. But in the same ten games I've played, I've never experienced an outfielder not catching a ball or line drive. I don't know what I'm doing differently than many of you, but I'll keep doing it.

The hit variety is terrific (the best since ESPN 2K4, in my opinion). I've seen liners, bloops, choppers, moon shots, pop-ups -- everything. BFJ's sliders produce great, realistic results. The best this series has seen in years.

The presentation is incredible and the game plays smoothly. Yes, there are occasional glitches (managers stuck in dugouts, etc.). But it does so many things right. The camera angles, the commentary, I could go on and on. Visual Concepts is ridiculed for minor real-time world glitches (that don't effect gameplay, mind you). At the same time, managers change skin colors during scripted cut scenes in The Show, and it's excused.

I think people are still bitter and upset about the exclusive license. If gamers had the chance to chose between All Star Baseball, MLB 2K, MVP and High Heat... people would be less angry. But they don't.

I also think people are frustrated, on some level, that MLB 2K9 isn't as good as they wanted it to be. Or it's not as good as The Show. I understand that. But the game is world's better than last year. And mark my words, MLB 2K9 has laid a foundation for a terrific baseball game.

If I had to, I'd give MLB 2K8 a C- letter grade. If the over-aggressiveness is patched, 2K9 is a solid B. That is a lot of improvement in just one year -- during a developer switch. I'm happy with that.
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