
Fictional Rosters

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Old 05-13-2011, 04:51 PM   #321
sluggbugg's Arena
OVR: 5
Join Date: Aug 2003
Re: Fictional Rosters

"As long as the file structure is like this....

BCUS98251_ROST_00000000EF6D22BC(FOLDER) *I substituted the real folder name so as not to confuse*
then the actual files that you download in there you should be okay.

Just make sure...no extra PS3 or any of the other folders....sometimes that happens when unzipping...it creates another PS3 folder and puts all three folders in that....that would screw you up."


Here is Knights "official" explanation. In case anyone is having trouble with RM's or my description.

PS: Files are on the first page!!!

Last edited by sluggbugg; 05-13-2011 at 04:54 PM.
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Old 05-13-2011, 08:45 PM   #322
OVR: 6
Join Date: Feb 2008
Re: Fictional Rosters

you guys completely changed my rosters? what for? i understand when i put music artists but taking me and my brother out of the giants was wrong were still fictional it just doesnt say our last name...the ratings were in par with all others teams yet some were changed? i thought you guys wouldnt mind because i posted and no one wrote back..this is hurtfull i devoted a lot of time to that..yeah its just a video game roster but i still take a bit of pride in my art...now i have to spend a whole night finding all the changes to get my teams back to where they were...in case you cared i added my bro and i because baseball has long been about brothers and father son combos both which i represented in that team...i was just giving it charecter because the generic roster from ootp wasnt realistic enough to be considered..thanks for all the other teams and keeping the son of the father son combo in there

i think that im going to re-haul these rosters to give them a more authentic baseball feel these feel wrong to me the stats seem too low and teams dont have a personality per se..so im gonna go about this using your wonderfully crafted teams and change some names just because i dont like how generic this is...if you wanna know how im doin this just drop me a pm..slugg if you ever find yourself bored and in a roster mood let me know this will take me some time because of a new work schedule...

Last edited by MR.RANDOM; 05-13-2011 at 09:54 PM.
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Old 05-13-2011, 11:40 PM   #323
BoSoxPujols's Arena
OVR: 7
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Re: Fictional Rosters

I might do some Ken Griffey Jr type stuff to these rosters....

However I have one issue....

I can load the rosters fine and they look great but I can't save them to a new roster profile..odd.

Is it something I'm doing wrong when I loaded them?
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Old 05-14-2011, 12:16 AM   #324
sluggbugg's Arena
OVR: 5
Join Date: Aug 2003
Re: Fictional Rosters

"Start the game....immediately go to SAVE ROSTER and save the default roster.
Now load the OSFM roster and go to SAVE again....this time overwriting the save you just made of the default roster.
Start your franchise with that saved roster(the OSFM one that you wrote over the default one.)
That should work for you."

Thanks to Knight for that tip.
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Old 05-14-2011, 03:25 AM   #325
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Re: Fictional Rosters

Wow, you guys are awesome. I went with a fantasy draft, and chose Seattle as my team. Apparantly I drafted better than I realized because I was going for hitting, and I am #3 in hitting, #1 in pitching and overall #2. Guess I slid a few pitchers in there!

Just out of curiousity, why the pajama pants on so many people? This is only a trend in baseball maybe 10 years or so, if that. There were about 100 years of stirrups or high socks, so I was surprised that the vast majority of these guys were pajamas.

Personally, I think it is one of the dumbest looking trends ever to happen to a uniform in any sport. It looks dumb, and uncomfortable...stirrups, now that is baseball.

The rosters are great. We won our first game 3-1 against Oakland, though it was 1-0 into the eighth for them. They only had 2 hits, both in the 6th and got the run. I got one in the 8th, and then 2 on the road in the 9th. Good game, but was a 1-hitter/no-hitter up until the 6th. I thought maybe there was no hitting, but it ended up with 6 hits for me and only the 2 for them.

Should be fun, and thanks so much for all of your effort here guys (RM, Slugbugg, GoCubsGo, and any others)!
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Old 05-14-2011, 06:47 AM   #326
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Re: Fictional Rosters

Loving the Rosters so far...

I played as the Mets vs Astros and got absolutely dominated by their #1 starter. He piched a 3 hit shutout through the first 8 innings. In the 9th he finally left a sinker up in the zone and I crushed it. He was pulled from the game and the closer came in and gave up another 2 runs before he was able to finish me off. Final score 7-3 Astros, it was a pitchers duel until the last of the 7th when I repalced my starter trailing 3-0.

Once again, Loving these and I cannot wait to start my franchise. I will edit a few players to add some much needed power to the rosters. I think they are in need of a few "steriod era" players....
Beware of the Milky Pirate...
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Old 05-14-2011, 10:54 AM   #327
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Re: Fictional Rosters

Originally Posted by JoeJoeJoeJoeJoeJoe
Wow, you guys are awesome. I went with a fantasy draft, and chose Seattle as my team. Apparantly I drafted better than I realized because I was going for hitting, and I am #3 in hitting, #1 in pitching and overall #2. Guess I slid a few pitchers in there!

Just out of curiousity, why the pajama pants on so many people? This is only a trend in baseball maybe 10 years or so, if that. There were about 100 years of stirrups or high socks, so I was surprised that the vast majority of these guys were pajamas.

Personally, I think it is one of the dumbest looking trends ever to happen to a uniform in any sport. It looks dumb, and uncomfortable...stirrups, now that is baseball.

The rosters are great. We won our first game 3-1 against Oakland, though it was 1-0 into the eighth for them. They only had 2 hits, both in the 6th and got the run. I got one in the 8th, and then 2 on the road in the 9th. Good game, but was a 1-hitter/no-hitter up until the 6th. I thought maybe there was no hitting, but it ended up with 6 hits for me and only the 2 for them.

Should be fun, and thanks so much for all of your effort here guys (RM, Slugbugg, GoCubsGo, and any others)!

Huh, sorry about all the pajama pants. At least for the players I made, you're absolutely right. I alternated between high socks, long pants and baggy pants. I had to wear stirrups one year for the VW baseball team back home and I hated them. I thought they looked awful. So I didn't even touch the low socks or stirrups for these rosters.

To each his own, I suppose. On the plus side, it will only take a few minutes to go in and change all of the pants options for any of the teams in your division. Or you could change the options for each team before you play a game against them.

There are bound to be other things that might need some polish. I haven't replied, but sluggbugg was running some test sims to check stats. He said only 20 or so hitters had averages over .300. I was concerned that the pitching might be overpowering and also that some of the hitters in the "above average" category could get some bumps to things such as contact. I'll try to write a thorough explanation of the process on the first page of this thread, but I don't have time at the moment. TripleThreat's spreadsheets were converted from an OOTP roster. It was a great way to quickly generate hundreds of players that tended toward an average but also had a variety of different skills. One thing I've noticed though is that players close to average are very close to their SCEA counterparts. For example, a number 5 starting pitcher whose ratings are close to league average, compares very well to a number 5 starter on an SCEA spreadsheet. The rotation aces, or number 1 starters, on the other hand, needed a fair amount of tweaking. If I screwed up anything, it's that I didn't track the overall numbers of number 1 starting pitchers or elite relief pitchers, so that our fictional league may have ended up a bit top heavy.

That's something that will be borne out by simulating some seasons. I'm considering this a "Beta" roster. I'm not going to have much time, but I'm going to try a more systematic method compared to the final edits I made, which happened in a mad dash to increase CF speed ratings, exaggerate some of the splits (this could probably happen more), increase some of the corner OF speed ratings (there could also be a handful of corner OF's that get a bump in order to account for guys like Crawford and Pierre), and I did a handful of other things I can't remember off the top of my head. I have a host of other things I'd like to check into. If I understand correctly, simulated stats are based on ratings only. I don't believe that sliders change season stats for simulated games. So what I've had in mind is to tweak our fictional roster to be closer to an SCEA roster. I think the pitchers for our roster are very close. If anything, only the number of elite pitchers might have to get cut down just a bit. That includes the second closer listed on every team. I wanted to have some up and coming closing prospects, but I think we got too many. And since the only ratings that progress for pitchers (I'm pretty sure this is correct) are h/9 and stamina, even when scaling the pitchers back for progression they still had high overall ratings. I'm not sure I ever came up with a satisfactory solution for that.

So, if anything needs a bit more polish, it's the hitters. I started a spreadsheet of an SCEA roster that includes all players with any MLB experience. I might stop with 15 teams, since that's enough to generate some averages. My hope is that I can break down the SCEA roster by position and role (for example, position = 1b, role = starter; or, position = 1b, role = veteran pinch hitter) and break down the fictional roster along the same lines and compare ratings that way. We're talking about pulling ratings 0 to 10 points in any direction, but when you have 900 players are whatever we ended up with, those ratings have a huge impact on things such as season stats.

Anyways, I just wanted to offer a sense for some of the things I'm seeing. If you want to tweak some ratings at all, those are some ideas to begin with. Maybe I'll finish some of these tweaks in the next month or so and try to post another version of the roster.

Thanks everyone!

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Old 05-14-2011, 11:08 AM   #328
OVR: 3
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Location: Albuquerque
Re: Fictional Rosters

Originally Posted by leoalure
Loving the Rosters so far...

I played as the Mets vs Astros and got absolutely dominated by their #1 starter. He piched a 3 hit shutout through the first 8 innings. In the 9th he finally left a sinker up in the zone and I crushed it. He was pulled from the game and the closer came in and gave up another 2 runs before he was able to finish me off. Final score 7-3 Astros, it was a pitchers duel until the last of the 7th when I repalced my starter trailing 3-0.

Once again, Loving these and I cannot wait to start my franchise. I will edit a few players to add some much needed power to the rosters. I think they are in need of a few "steriod era" players....
Sounds good. I was concerned, and still am a bit, that the hitters on our roster didn't include enough elite players in the Pujols, Tulowitzki, Hamilton, ARod categories. I'd like to change that a bit, but it has also started to seem like a plus to me. Since I imagine that most people that will play with these rosters will like to generate some players of their own, and since those players are often elite hitters (I'd like to play with some guys like "Paste" and "Fendy" as others have mentioned), there is plenty of room in this roster for adding those kinds of players. Rather than wrecking the roster balance, adding some elite hitters should actually increase the balance of the roster. So when our fictional roster ended up a bit low on elite hitters, that started to sound OK to me.

By the way, once PSN is up I'm hoping some people will start to create "Paste" and "Fendy" and some others and post here to let us know. It probably takes a couple to get the ball rolling, but maybe it will start a trend and we'll have lots of fun players to choose from. Then a person can download the roster and have their pick of "add-ons" to give a bit more character to the roster.
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