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Old 05-21-2011, 03:19 AM   #401
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Re: Fictional Rosters

Originally Posted by raleigh mcclure
I don't know how many side-arm/submarine pitchers there are in the majors, but I would imagine that if there is one per team in our league, that would be more than enough. Then you could certainly just go ahead and change whatever pitch types you think are necessary.
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Old 05-21-2011, 06:18 PM   #402
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Re: Fictional Rosters

Originally Posted by TripleThreat1973
That's what I was asking. I was just asking "how".

It would be interesting to see how much a player's bar jumps with "10 points" of the various rating categories. My guess is power and clutch increase the bar the most.
Sure, here is an example of an edit I've already made.

Arturo Valentin (ATL 1b) is either the highest or second highest overall rated first baseman on our fictional roster. Here are his pre-edit stats:

C/R = 77
C/L = 66
P/R = 99
P/L = 77
Pl. Vis. = 49
Pl. Disc. = 50
Clutch = 75
Dur. = 82
Spd = 44
Arm St = 40
Arm Acc = 40
React = 52
Fld = 55
BR Ab = 41
BR Agg = 59

I compared him to the numbers 1-5 (or so) first basemen on an SCEA spreadsheet, which were (excluding Pujols, since I didn't figure our first basemen necessarily ought to be held to such a standard) Cabrera, Adrian Gonzalez, Teixeira, and a couple others. Here are Gonzalez's stats (he's #4 in terms of overall rank) just for comparison:

C/R = 87
C/L = 77
P/R = 90
P/L = 70
Pl. Vis. = 58
Pl. Disc. = 95
Clutch = 92
Dur. = 98
Spd = 29
Arm St = 63
Arm Acc = 65
React = 82
Fld = 88
BR Ab = 3
BR Agg = 1

That's just to get a general sense. Of course, when I'm editing, I try to look at about 5 to 10 different players in the appropriate range and then only make changes with consideration for the kind of player I'm editing. I also don't make the same edits to each player, as in, "all players get +5 to plate discipline". I try to get a sense for, say, how many slugging 1B's have good plate discipline and then I adjust a few of the fictional players with already good discipline and just bump them up to what looks like the correct levels. It's really not an exact process, I'm keeping in mind lots of considerations and then adjusting by "feel" more or less.

Anyways, here are the adjustments I made to Arturo Valentin:

C/R = 87 (+10)
C/L = 86 (+20)
P/R = 99
P/L = 92 (+15)
Pl. Vis. = 49
Pl. Disc. = 70 (+20)
Clutch = 85 (+10)
Dur. = 87 (+5)
Spd = 44
Arm St = 71 (+31)
Arm Acc = 70 (+30)
React = 62 (+10)
Fld = 65 (+10)
BR Ab = 24 (-17)
BR Agg = 16 (-43)

That's just an example. With many of the other players, I either kept their splits the same or increased them a bit, I didn't do that to the contact or power ratings for Arturo since he's the number 1 or number 2 first baseman in the entire league. I knocked down his baserunning ratings to be more in line with speed, though I didn't do that to all of the first basemen. I didn't increase his plate vision at all, but I increased some for the others. He got a boost to his discipline, but not as high as some of the others (though I also decreased some of the others). Arturo got pretty good bumps to all of his fielding ratings because the best players at any position on the SCEA roster are both good hitters and fielders. There are probably 5 or 6 of the best overall first basemen in our league that are better fielders. There might be some other better defensive first basemen among the back-ups, but I haven't gotten that far.

Hopefully that provides some sense of what I'm doing, or how high the increases are for some of the top players.

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Old 05-21-2011, 06:24 PM   #403
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Re: Fictional Rosters

Originally Posted by sluggbugg
I would agree with this statement. I know clutch increases it a great deal both for pitchers and hitters.

I would also like to point out though that just like in NCAA Football, "Overall" can be "Overated" depending on what you need and like in a player. One rating can sometimes raise or lower an "overall" but that might not necessarily be the most important rating for the teams needs.
I would agree with the comment about the problem with overall ratings. In this case, however, it was an indication of a discrepancy between the best players on the fictional roster and the SCEA roster. Or a discrepancy between fictional pitchers and batters, which is more important in terms of the balance of our roster.

You can especially see some of the ways that the overall ratings mislead when you see shortstops with 99 arm stg, arm acc, react, and fielding ratings, but because of a weak bat the overall bar looks like it belongs to a minor leaguer. Of course every team would like a great hitting shortstop, but as a manager I would be more than happy with a defensive stud hitting just above the Mendoza line. Though of course that's a debatable matter of preference. Anyways, lots to consider...
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Old 05-22-2011, 12:06 PM   #404
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Re: Fictional Rosters

Hey I'm a Braves fan so I love those adjustments to Arturo "Pee Wee'' Valentin but remember he hit like .312 43hr 119rbi with the initial ratings. Not bad for a 22yr old. What kinda numbers is he gonnna put up with those new ratings?

Last edited by sluggbugg; 05-22-2011 at 12:10 PM.
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Old 05-22-2011, 12:11 PM   #405
sluggbugg's Arena
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Re: Fictional Rosters

James Rodriquez of the Angels won the Triple Crown in the first season with .337 52 151...What are his ratings? He's not a "full bar" guy, I know that.

Edit: I checked his ratings

R con 85
L Con 73
R Pow 79
L Pow 61
PV 65
PD 78
CL 79

I do some simming of franchise before I changed much.

Last edited by sluggbugg; 05-22-2011 at 12:15 PM.
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Old 05-22-2011, 12:21 PM   #406
sluggbugg's Arena
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Re: Fictional Rosters


Oh and Statdude, I'm confused by ur Fictional roster A/B totals. They are way off. You have no A potential 2B? I saw a couple by just checking a couple teams. Same for 1B, I didn't bother checking other postitions. Am I missing something?
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Old 05-22-2011, 12:54 PM   #407
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Re: Fictional Rosters

Originally Posted by sluggbugg

Oh and Statdude, I'm confused by ur Fictional roster A/B totals. They are way off. You have no A potential 2B? I saw a couple by just checking a couple teams. Same for 1B, I didn't bother checking other postitions. Am I missing something?
I was confused by that too, but I don't think he's talking about potential grades. If you open up a player's "card" I think it gives the player an overall rating "grade". So it's another way of checking overall rating.
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Old 05-22-2011, 12:57 PM   #408
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Re: Fictional Rosters

Originally Posted by sluggbugg
James Rodriquez of the Angels won the Triple Crown in the first season with .337 52 151...What are his ratings? He's not a "full bar" guy, I know that.

Edit: I checked his ratings

R con 85
L Con 73
R Pow 79
L Pow 61
PV 65
PD 78
CL 79

I do some simming of franchise before I changed much.
Do you mean to say, "I would do some simming before changing much, if I were you"? Or are you saying that you personally sim a lot before you make changes?

Since I'm making changes that will bring our roster in line with an SCEA roster, I expect season stat totals to mirror an SCEA roster. So I didn't think it was necessary to sim first.
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