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Old 06-07-2011, 03:36 PM   #433
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Re: Fictional Rosters

2 Things I've noticed ....

[1] Too many SP's throwing 88-90. They should be 90-93.

The fastest averaged fastball velocity for SPs are Strasberg (96), Jiminez and Verlander (95) ... so I wouldn't have many throwing over 94mph.

[2] There are some guys that have changeups ~20mph slower than fastball. Average is around 10-12 difference. 20mph difference is simply unhittable in the game. It's almost a gimmick or exploit. I don;t know if I had it that way in the spreadhseet, for whatever reason, or if it happened during data entry.

I faced a starter that was throwing 97mph fastballs and 77mph changeups. Absolute nightmare.

I went through and edited players as well (just in my franchise), and I did the same thing you did ... bunt ratings based on player types, and I looked at "role players". If a guy was on the major league roster and had poor batting ratings, then I made him have decent/good fielding ratings ... to mimic his role ... "utility fielder" with no bat. If he had a bat, he'd be a starter. For example, a guy that can't hit or field, isn't on an MLB roster ... Yuneisky Betancourt aside.

The baserunning ratings also seemed a bit high. There were guys with medium speed that had high ability and aggressiveness. Again, it's probably how the games rate things differently. In SCEA, if a guy doesn't steal or have speed their Ability/Aggressiveness ratings are almost nonexistent.
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Old 06-07-2011, 07:38 PM   #434
sluggbugg's Arena
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Re: Fictional Rosters

I think where you are seeing those 97-77 guys may be from the guys that got ported over as generic SCEA guys. That is kinda common for SCEA roster pitchers. Originally those guys were just gonna be roster fillers, but we needed SOOO many of them some of those guys squeaked their way into the line-ups.

The guys I input from the spreadsheets should be around 10mph difference. I don't believe i would have made a mistake like that, but I guess its possible with the sheer number of guys I did in a short time.
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Old 06-07-2011, 08:24 PM   #435
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Re: Fictional Rosters

Originally Posted by sluggbugg
I think where you are seeing those 97-77 guys may be from the guys that got ported over as generic SCEA guys. That is kinda common for SCEA roster pitchers. Originally those guys were just gonna be roster fillers, but we needed SOOO many of them some of those guys squeaked their way into the line-ups.

The guys I input from the spreadsheets should be around 10mph difference. I don't believe i would have made a mistake like that, but I guess its possible with the sheer number of guys I did in a short time.
It's also possible that it was in the spreadhseet, I used a modifer (% of max velocity + another factor -- like half the number of wild pitches, and the highest number of WP I saw was "4"). So, the max difference should be 90% of max velocity + 4 ... so, basically 14mph shoulda/coulda been the max difference in FB and CU velocities. But that doesn't mean something did not occur where I didn't see. Looking at 40 columns of 2000 rows ... and it can be difficult to pick up abnormalities.

I'm also not looking to pin blame on anyone, just trying to figure out where the hiccup might have been .... so, if we ever do this again, we don;t make the same mistake twice (not that I want us to make new mistakes either. *big grin*)
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Old 06-10-2011, 03:41 PM   #436
sluggbugg's Arena
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Re: Fictional Rosters

So did anybody ever get around to making Paste and some of those other VG legends people were talking about?
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Old 06-12-2011, 05:06 AM   #437
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Re: Fictional Rosters

For my franchise with these rosters I came up with a little league history, just to add some more immersion/depth to the rosters.
Only going back 10 years though. So far this is what I have.

Any feedback is welcomed.
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Old 06-12-2011, 11:17 AM   #438
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Re: Fictional Rosters

I can't wait for the finial roster. I am holding off on my franchise for now and will just wait for the finished product. I think this time I will not be doing a fantasy draft and will just pick an AL and NL team respectively. The teams have so much personality already and I should just build on that.

I am making a few "elite" players. There are a few guys that remind me of real players like the first baseman for St. Louis. He reminds me of Albert Pujos and my wife has a crush on Pujos so that means that I hate his guts and cannot be reminded of him in a fictional roster or anyone that looks like Derek Jeter and A-Rod. Yes, I know I have issues so no comments please.

Anyway, keep up the good work and looking forward to the pending release.
Beware of the Milky Pirate...

Last edited by leoalure; 06-12-2011 at 11:20 AM. Reason: spelling
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Old 06-12-2011, 12:12 PM   #439
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Re: Fictional Rosters

Originally Posted by leoalure
I can't wait for the finial roster. I am holding off on my franchise for now and will just wait for the finished product. I think this time I will not be doing a fantasy draft and will just pick an AL and NL team respectively. The teams have so much personality already and I should just build on that.

I am making a few "elite" players. There are a few guys that remind me of real players like the first baseman for St. Louis. He reminds me of Albert Pujos and my wife has a crush on Pujos so that means that I hate his guts and cannot be reminded of him in a fictional roster or anyone that looks like Derek Jeter and A-Rod. Yes, I know I have issues so no comments please.

Anyway, keep up the good work and looking forward to the pending release.
Haha....funny stuff....

I too am putting some more players in and switching around some elite players to get a different feel from current franchise plays.
I'm nearly done with the entire N.L.
Here is what I have done in some very limited spare time.....and this was to bring the set into the late 50's early 60's as a "starting point".
-Rid the entire league of all "ghost" players.(they are all on the FA list now...I swapped and edited the players that WERE on the FA list and imported players from the fictional set I was working on).
-Changed a lot of the Latin and Black players to White players(no I'm not one of those ...like I said, I'm trying to mimic the 50's 60's to start...as I progress through the decades, the game(or I) will introduce more and more minority players to represent the times of my franchise)
-Gave all players stirrups and removed any extra equipment(arm/leg shields, batting gloves(some will have none-some one-some both...mostly all white or all black)....changed all cleats to all black with white shoelaces and white heels
-Gave teams like Pitt..Oak some elite bats to see them high in the standings for a bit at least....
I'm nearly done with the N.L. and think that when I finish the N.L. completely, I'm going to start my franchise and do the A.L. as I go along.
-I haven't really changed the ratings yet(the pitch speeds) and I'll probably do that as I go along as well.

If slugg and raleigh allow, I'll post it here if anyone wants a little "old school" fictional set to play up to current times.

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Old 06-12-2011, 04:19 PM   #440
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Re: Fictional Rosters


Please post those rosters as well. This would be a great addition and your right it would create a much different feel than current day rosters. I may finally buy the dlc stadium pack and use it to fit the atmospher...
Beware of the Milky Pirate...
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