
MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

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Old 12-31-2011, 08:06 PM   #225
tnixen's Arena
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

I think the new Scorebar looks nice.

The only thing I would have liked is Dots for the pitch count and outs also the number of pitches thrown by the pitcher and maybe a tad smaller in size.

Othe then that its just fine to me.

Last edited by tnixen; 12-31-2011 at 08:12 PM.
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Old 12-31-2011, 08:09 PM   #226
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As for all this clutter discussion, I'm not a huge fan, but I'm ok with it looking like a video game. Most games I grew up with have had some form of this.

As long as its not pitch cursors flying across the screen in opposite directions four meters bouncing for "power ups" I'm ok with it. Don't love it, but I've always found the empty screen approach "dull".
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Old 12-31-2011, 08:10 PM   #227
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

You know...after skimming through this thread and the others with topics on mlb game play, stances, stadium upgrades, batting helmets and etc., I honestly don't know why Ramone constantly comes back here to give out information. It seems like no matter what he does, he gets attacked from various individuals that don't like a certain thing. Like earlier this year when people were complaining about something insignificant as to why there is a dog at Turner Field instead of the cow or whatever the issue was and Ramone snapped that he wouldn't provide anything Braves related again. No other company is as freely with information about an upcoming game as Ramone is for Sony but some of these people here seem to think they deserve more. I don't know. If nothing else, Ramone definitely is a patient individual.

Anyway, I'm wondering why types of things has been added to RttS since it got a major overhaul in last years game..

Last edited by dalger21; 12-31-2011 at 08:13 PM.
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Old 12-31-2011, 08:31 PM   #228
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
The score bar, pitch info, and swing info box is completely redesigned new art. The default camera view is also a very big change from last year. It would be great if someone could take a picture using the same teams from MLB 11 so you can see side by side just how different the art is.

As far as 3D grass not going to happen anytime soon it takes up to much memory.
Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I wouldn't term this as a "big change" from last year's default camera. The default camera has been raised and panned out a bit. [Thanks to Blzer for the comparison.]

Give us something new to get excited about Russell?!

Give us a better broadcast presentation, a deeper franchise and additonal fielding and batter animations on the field, and I'm going to be one happy guy!
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Old 12-31-2011, 08:33 PM   #229
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

Originally Posted by Peter_OS
Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I wouldn't term this as a "big change" from last year's default camera. The default camera has been raised and panned out a bit. [Thanks to Blzer for the comparison.]

Give us something new to get excited about Russell?!

Give us a better broadcast presentation, a deeper franchise and additonal fielding and batter animations on the field, and I'm going to be one happy guy!

I don't think he means "big change" in terms of the game....he means in respect to last year's default camera.

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Old 12-31-2011, 09:03 PM   #230
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

Originally Posted by dalger21
You know...after skimming through this thread and the others with topics on mlb game play, stances, stadium upgrades, batting helmets and etc., I honestly don't know why Ramone constantly comes back here to give out information. It seems like no matter what he does, he gets attacked from various individuals that don't like a certain thing. Like earlier this year when people were complaining about something insignificant as to why there is a dog at Turner Field instead of the cow or whatever the issue was and Ramone snapped that he wouldn't provide anything Braves related again. No other company is as freely with information about an upcoming game as Ramone is for Sony but some of these people here seem to think they deserve more. I don't know. If nothing else, Ramone definitely is a patient individual.

Anyway, I'm wondering why types of things has been added to RttS since it got a major overhaul in last years game..
Dalger, I cant find it, but i think RTTS added starting as a higher ranked prospect or something of that nature.
someone who knows will chime in I am sure.

As far as the brave thing. One of the funny moments was Braves fans seeing a Cyber photo of Jason Heyward in one of the screenshots and worried there would be no real photo for him, then later Russ dropped a phot with smile like he swallowed a piano pointing at a screengrab of the J-hey kid with his stock photo, with a caption like 'gotcha' or something to that effect.
Ahh even after 1,049 hours working on the Show, he can still let loose and have fun with us.

he's been cool in my book ever since that one.
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Old 12-31-2011, 09:09 PM   #231
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Screenshots - Your New Default Camera View and Other Tidbits

Originally Posted by heroesandvillians
He didn't say that exactly.

He implied that it wasn't tops on their list of priorities (while making a JOKE about hating rainouts in real life).

If I'm not mistaken, in the same thread, he mentioned that they haven't agreed upon a method to incorporate rainouts that made SENSE for the series. If done, it would have to be functional and enjoyable for the player (thus, a lot of brainstorming on a way to execute it, coding it in to the game itself and schedule, and so on). Considering where it falls on their priority list, I can't find any fault in the way he explained it in the post mentioned.

Guys, SCEA would give us the world if they could. But time and resources force them to have to set things aside or further down their list (especially one's such as this that would require a lot of work). Though we want rain delays, it wouldn't necessarily be "fun" for a lot of the casual gamers out there to have to restart a game after 4 innings. OS only represents a small portion of this series' consumer base.

I'll go out on a limb here and say we'll see it eventually. But it has to be done practically, and if done, it HAS to be done right. Ramone alluded to that while giving HIS opinion on it.

Re-read his post(s) on the subject and I'll think you'll see what I'm getting at.
You might want to read one of his more recent posts as you will see that is what he is saying.
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Old 12-31-2011, 09:15 PM   #232
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Russ knows what this board is. He knows what we "do" although we do it more than we used to. It's not ideal but we're here (mods) to make sure it doesn't get personal.

That's why I hope people use the report feature. I've already said in numerous threads I'm buying the game , but I don't have to like everything that is in it, and neither does anyone else.

I find a lot of the stuff that gets brought up sort of crazy, but I have my own "well-publicized" nitpicking as well. Look at the thread I just locked. I realized I had said that before and it would probably turn into piling on anyway.

I do wish every thread wouldn't turn into "I'm not buying unless _____"
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