Classic, Broadcast View. Love the reduction in screen clutter with the combination of Classic, Cursor Fade On, Vibration On...just the quick view of where the ball is going to go and then on my own using vibration if i need to paint the corners of the it.
One thing I can get past...I could swear I'm adding some user input holding the pitch button versus tapping the pitch button. For example, right handed pitcher vs right handed batter...I could swear that let's say it's 0-2 (me vs cpu batter) and i aim a sinker low and outside...if i tap the button it has break to it, but if i hold it down and release right before the vibration, it has more break to it and could end up in the dirt (as desired at times
)...has a dev ever confirmed this (tap vs hold = level of break/effort/accuracy) or is this just my imagination...if the latter i've been in dreamland several years
edit: my example assumes same exact pitch location / break point