
Coors Field gameplay is a disaster

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Old 04-22-2022, 02:33 PM   #41
DarthRambo's Arena
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Re: Coors Field gameplay is a disaster

Paying attention to the blue confidence rings around each pitch type is vital using classic. You can also just go by feel. Some games the SP can't locate his 4seam but is able to locate his slider. Whatever pitch isn't working from the start you do what they do irl. Just gradually work it into your repertoire for the game. If I can't locate a slider at all I will use it on a 1-2 count. If they chase and strikeout now the confidence ring is more full so I am that much more likely to be able to locate it where I aim the next time.

Once you learn the rhythm of classic pitching and how to get the feel behind it I don't think very many people ever go back to anything else. It's extremely rewarding to strikeout a guy on a backdoor slider after struggling with finding that pitch all game long. Very gratifying when you pitch a shutout and your SP went 6ip and had 10 or 11K. Not sure how this became a classic pitching conversation but here we are lol

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Last edited by DarthRambo; 04-22-2022 at 02:35 PM.
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Old 04-22-2022, 09:25 PM   #42
AUTiger1's Arena
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Re: Coors Field gameplay is a disaster

Originally Posted by Instant C1a55ic
I am gonna try the fielder adjustment, I seen that in my last game where the CF was just everywhere and caught 3 balls that should have been doubles.

Personally with any mode you can paint the corners and be successful. Like with meter, if you miss high or low on the accuracy part you get a feel of where the pitch will go, and you adjust accordingly. Does classic give a pitchers release grade? If so, you could manipulate that as well and adjust your placement depending on how the pitcher is doing with his release points.

Meter works for a lot of people I know because of the error factor. I had Alek Manoah cruising last night with a no hitter against the Reds going into the 5th. Hung a slider, and Votto made me pay for it. Killed Manoahs confidence, and I had a hard time getting him to settle down. I had to hit pin point accuracy pitches or they were going everywhere. Not sure if any of the other types do that, and if they do, I may give them a shot for something new. I am just saying what works for me as a casual player that does franchise, and encourage others to try if they are having a hard time.

I use meter pitching and timing hitting because it's what I've used forever. I tried the analog pitching with MVP Baseball 06 (the college version) and didn't really care for it, although I will say the analog hitting on that game was cool because it was different. But I remember it being extremely hard to hit. Tried the analog pitching again when The Show first introduced it and didn't really like it. I've also tried the pulse pitching when it was introduced too. Again, didn't like it. I'll stick with meter. I rarely hit the sweet spot and I get pretty realistic results I believe. Sometimes I pitch good and other times I can't get my spots and I'll get jacked up. It also isn't perfect because you can do perfect timing and the ball still doesn't end up where it's supposed to and I think that's pretty realistic too.
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Old 04-22-2022, 09:31 PM   #43
AUTiger1's Arena
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Re: Coors Field gameplay is a disaster

Originally Posted by IrishSalsa
You still aim the pitch. There are just a lot more factors that play into accuracy and effectiveness using classic than say meter pitching. You absolutely can pitch a gem with your #5 SP and next game your #1 SP gets lit up. That type of disparity possibility from game to game is why a lot of players use classic. The other pitching mechanics can be mastered with enough practice.

I posted box score of another game using same thing. Mets had 18 hits and DeGrom was DeGrom allowing 3 hits in 7ip.

I'm not saying games like this don't ever happen or never should. But I am 100% saying that box score of 30 runs and 40 hits combined with all those homeruns aren't happening anywhere except Coors Field. I feel like if not using great pitchers I would always have one team or both hit for 12+ hits on average with ease. It is what it is. I'm using Seattle in franchise so I'll never play there.

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I remember a game back in 2008 in September of that year where the Braves and Marlins played to a 16-14 final score at old Pro Player Stadium (which was anything but a good hitter's park). There were 36 hits in that game, 4 homeruns.

Now, you might be only talking about happening on the video game, but just felt like sharing this weird game that happened in real life.
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Old 04-22-2022, 09:46 PM   #44
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Re: Coors Field gameplay is a disaster

I think I've said I'm classic all the way. But I did use meter for years. I think it is probably the second most realistic interface for pitching. That's just my opinion. It's all personal preference in the end.
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Old 04-22-2022, 10:54 PM   #45
Lil Worm's Arena
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Re: Coors Field gameplay is a disaster

Originally Posted by IrishSalsa
Paying attention to the blue confidence rings around each pitch type is vital using classic. You can also just go by feel. Some games the SP can't locate his 4seam but is able to locate his slider. Whatever pitch isn't working from the start you do what they do irl. Just gradually work it into your repertoire for the game. If I can't locate a slider at all I will use it on a 1-2 count. If they chase and strikeout now the confidence ring is more full so I am that much more likely to be able to locate it where I aim the next time.

Once you learn the rhythm of classic pitching and how to get the feel behind it I don't think very many people ever go back to anything else. It's extremely rewarding to strikeout a guy on a backdoor slider after struggling with finding that pitch all game long. Very gratifying when you pitch a shutout and your SP went 6ip and had 10 or 11K. Not sure how this became a classic pitching conversation but here we are lol

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Classic pitching is the only option for pitching IMO.

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Old 04-23-2022, 12:26 AM   #46
KnightTemplar's Arena
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Re: Coors Field gameplay is a disaster

Originally Posted by Therebelyell626
Quick question about classic pitching. When you use this interface do you use the left stick to control location? Or is it basically just time the meter and it goes wherever the CPU AI decides to put it based on attributes?
There is no meter. You aim with the stick and pitch. Outcome is influenced greatly by the pitchers attributes/stamina/confidence. I keep an absolute clean screen also, no pitch select/hot cold zone displays,etc. All done by feeling which pitch works/doesn’t.

Last edited by KnightTemplar; 04-23-2022 at 12:42 AM.
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Old 04-23-2022, 03:26 AM   #47
DarthRambo's Arena
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Re: Coors Field gameplay is a disaster

Originally Posted by AUTiger1
I remember a game back in 2008 in September of that year where the Braves and Marlins played to a 16-14 final score at old Pro Player Stadium (which was anything but a good hitter's park). There were 36 hits in that game, 4 homeruns.

Now, you might be only talking about happening on the video game, but just felt like sharing this weird game that happened in real life.
Yeah just speaking about the video game. 40 hits. 15 singles, 13 doubles, 11 homeruns, 1 triple. No wind. A line like that isn't happening in the game anywhere except that park. And this is power slider at 4 and solid hits at 4, and baserunner speed at 1. If that was default you may add a few more homeruns, doubles and probably another triple on default baserunner speed. I think it's more hilarious the way the game plays there. No, not every game. But every game certainly feels different and the ball flight is noticeably visually different. That I strongly dislike.

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Last edited by DarthRambo; 04-23-2022 at 03:57 AM.
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Old 04-23-2022, 07:03 PM   #48
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Re: Coors Field gameplay is a disaster

Originally Posted by Instant C1a55ic
Classic focuses on just the players attributes to determine where the ball will go. So, essentially it is kind of a coin-flip with a lower OVR guy because his accuracy isnt as sharp. That alone is the reason why I dont use it. The higher difficulty you go, you know what happens.

I get it works for you, but for me I would want some control over where the pitch goes, the speed, as well as be able to improve the accuracy by hitting the "window" thats available for the meter guys.

Try another game, record a few at bats if you can. I would love to see your placements, where the balls actually go, and how/why the CPU is crushing them. In all my years playing this franchise, i have never had a game like what you have shown here.
Funny thing is, I used to use classic pitching in franchise and the main issue was you'd never walk anyone so I switched to using analog and just upped the difficulty. I think guys believe that classic plays the same this year as it has in years past and it isn't the same at all. Yeah if you play on HOF difficulty with classic pitching you'll give up plenty of walks alright, you'll get straight lit up with a pitcher with lower control stats. That's what I was saying, didn't mean to trigger a bunch of lads and their chosen interface, it's just not good this year, I've tested it with pitchers of various ratings and want nothing to do with it.

And still not even remotely surprised at that box score just lol
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