
How Should 2k Respond to Community Disappointment over Features Cuts?

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Old 11-25-2013, 01:40 PM   #105
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Re: How Should 2k Respond to Community Disappointment over Features Cuts?

Originally Posted by Athame11
The spinning wheel of our current form of capitalism, shady as it may be, and a large reason of an overall erosion of honour and respect in western culture, both company and people alike?
Is there an alternative you would prefer?
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Old 11-26-2013, 09:55 AM   #106
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Re: How Should 2k Respond to Community Disappointment over Features Cuts?

Originally Posted by Athame11
I hope 2k is using sites like these to identify the fan base concerns with greed over quality. I will not buy another EA tittle because i feel they tipped those scales into a version that i view dishonourable.

On the other hand, probably thanks to mobile gaming, microtransactions are becoming a norm, and a company needs to keep up with some trends, or be left in the dust. The spinning wheel of our current form of capitalism, shady as it may be, and a large reason of an overall erosion of honour and respect in western culture, both company and people alike, is still a deep routed foundation of our current progress.

What i would like to see is a much better balance for people that want to pay to win, and people that want to play to win. As another poster said in a different forum, it should rain vc for certain achievements met after investing time into games like these. Right now, the people that actually want to play to succeed are at a disadvantage, because they needed to invest time into this game, instead of buyinggame, buying upgrades, and playing for a few weekends etc, then moving onto the next flavor. I see this as a version of disrespect the the most dedicated fans to the company, the same ones that got the company to where they were, and u pretty much tell them they meaning as much to u as any other fool that buys the game.

Again, i would like to see companies admit to their goals. Communicate with what would be acceptable balance for hardcores and the others. Items for completing seasons? Special trophies? Certain boosts for finishing played seasons?
I'm with you. For me, it's not just a matter of how much virtual currency one earns for achieving a given goal, but also where virtual currency is included. But you're right, currently, virtual currency doesn't necessarily feel as much like a reward as it does a sub-minimum wage pittance.
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Old 11-26-2013, 11:50 AM   #107
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Re: How Should 2k Respond to Community Disappointment over Features Cuts?

You people need to play NBA live 14 then tell me again your disappointed feelings on 2k. I'm grateful how awesome this game is
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Old 11-26-2013, 12:29 PM   #108
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Re: How Should 2k Respond to Community Disappointment over Features Cuts?

Originally Posted by GisherJohn24
You people need to play NBA live 14 then tell me again your disappointed feelings on 2k. I'm grateful how awesome this game is
So are a lot of people here. And you know how the game got that way over years of improvements?

By listening to core customers, incorporating ideas and suggestions, and building bit by bit.

It never ceases to amaze me how many people just want other people to STFU and accept the world as it is without ever trying to making anything better, even little things like a video game. It's a small thing in the grand scheme of things, but it's a small thing that people who post here enjoy. That's why we're here.
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Old 11-26-2013, 02:36 PM   #109
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Re: How Should 2k Respond to Community Disappointment over Features Cuts?

One of the devs left a comment about a specific effort to tweak player roles in MyGM in another thread:

FYI, we're working on some tweaks to Player Roles for Patch 3. We obviously can't re-design the system, but Leftos has worked on some tunes that we're in the process of testing right now that should improve it.
I thought I would post it here as it relates to the whole conversation about communication from 2k.
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Old 12-12-2013, 01:04 PM   #110
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Re: How Should 2k Respond to Community Disappointment over Features Cuts?

Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
No, I don't. If HBO cancels the Wire or the Sopranos, they don't owe me an explanation why they cancelled it. Sure I'll wonder why, but they don't owe me some detailed blow-by-blow account of what the decision process was.

They don't owe you anything, anymore than a network owes me a detailed rundown on what the decision process was when they cancelled a show.
Nobody asking for a 'detailed rundown'. Just a simple statement.
And btw, it's a good thing that TV networks USUALLY PROVIDE ONE ANYWAY.

Guess why?

Because Commercial television is supported by ‘advertising’ and/or ‘subscriptions’.

And here’s just a few more reasons WHY networks usually tell people WHY shows get cancelled:
  • To promote ‘viewing alternatives’ to the show that got cancelled, in the future.
  • To keep their viewers ‘informed’, which in turn, promotes ‘good will’ with customers.
  • To provide ‘timely information’ for the multitude of companies that report on Hollywood. (i.e. Entertainment Newscasters, Holloywood Magazines, Blogs, etc.)
  • To provide ‘timely information’ for the multitude of companies that work on these TV shows. (i.e. SAG Members, Union workers, TV Writers, Construction Crews, Talent Agents, Casting Agencies, Movie Studios, Production Companies, etc.)
  • To prevent LAWSUITS from advertisers who have 'signed contracts' to advertise their products & commercials to a specific demographic on the Network, during a specific timeslot.

If every single TV show got cancelled without any TV Networks ever giving ANY sort of explanations… there would be an extremely HIGH level of ‘customer dissatisfaction’ with ALL TV Networks, AS A WHOLE. (Plus lawsuits on top of it)

Fortunately, most TV executives do not think like you do.

Let's be clear, do Networks OWE you an explanation?
It all depends on who the ‘you’ in that sentence is.
  • First off, it’s called ‘common courtesy’ if they provide an explanation to their viewers.
  • Which translates into ‘repeat business’ from customers who may be disappointed in the decision, yet very satisfied with the explanation.
  • And for their advertisers (who have signed contracts)… its called ‘dealing in good faith’ in a court of law.
  • So yes, they owe an explanation to their advertisers.

Usually a 'statement' is sent in the form an official ‘press release’ from the PR dept.

That's all it takes.

Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
Again, no. Since when do people expect everything with a launch game other than this year and with this game? By most accounts NBA2K14 made the biggest leap and has the biggest distinction between it's current gen version and the next gen version.
Why do you have such ‘low expectations’ from such talented 2K Developers?

- You have talented game developers...
- Who have a better technology framework...
- And consoles with more powerful processors & computing speeds…
- and YOUR expectations get lower...

And you try to convince everyone else that their expectations should ‘get lower’ also, I see.

Nah man. I ain’t buying it.

Last edited by RogerBlack; 12-12-2013 at 01:06 PM.
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Old 12-12-2013, 01:38 PM   #111
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Re: How Should 2k Respond to Community Disappointment over Features Cuts?

The last time I bought DLC was 6 years ago. I still have never spent money for an in-game item in a game I already paid for. I never will.

The ONLY way that this changes is for the money to stop coming in from these types of transactions. Sadly the only people who refuse them on principle seem to be the hardcore old-school types of gamers. Or at least the hardcore gamers.

This is not going to go away. It's a cash cow.
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Old 12-12-2013, 02:43 PM   #112
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Re: How Should 2k Respond to Community Disappointment over Features Cuts?

Originally Posted by doctorhay53
This is not going to go away. It's a cash cow.
I actually think this will get them up front money and then bad publicity as more consumers get experience with the game. The modes just aren't fun anymore and casual gamers will also resent the pay to win design of the game they bought.

It tends to take sports game reviewers at least a year to catch up to the hardcore buzz about a game's quality and issues. This will be an issue everyone is watching for going forward. 2k15 won't get a pass and it will affect sales. I strongly doubt the market will accept paying full retail price for 2/3 of a game that pushes you incessantly to keep paying to complete the game.

But 2k will not discuss this in public until there are enough pitchforks at the door. I'm frankly surprised Leftos is getting permission to tweak player morale and roles in MyGM, because the morale system of game sabotage is the primary engine driving the VC shakedown in the mode.
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