
What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

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Old 09-02-2015, 04:05 AM   #97
lakers24's Arena
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

Originally Posted by LeonLeroy
I would like to see a bunch of 2k players that care more about physics, gameplay, realism, intelligent cpu opponents, and reactive, precision controls that affect defenders--along with real post play, two guards that don't score 40 every game, 3rd quarter comebacks for the cpu--ALWAYS...

than they do about lame tattoos, gear, accessories, and BS player packs...

in fact. Just get rid of my player altogether.

MAke a my player game. Go be some lame, tattoo'd punk in a different game.

All I want is Franchise, great online competition, and solid sim realism.

Tattoos. Spike lee????? I want to know about Czar's play developments. I want to feel like I am playing against a unique personality with every single player and team I encounter.

It's laughable that people concern themselves with armsleeves and compression whatevers.

I want a game fresh out the box that I don't have to spend months tweaking.
Again, not everyone likes everything you like which is why the game has to have variety. Also, can we PLEASE stop acting as if there's only one department that works on this game. Goodness gracious...
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Old 09-02-2015, 04:42 AM   #98
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

Originally Posted by lakers24
Again, not everyone likes everything you like which is why the game has to have variety. Also, can we PLEASE stop acting as if there's only one department that works on this game. Goodness gracious...
You mean the art department -DOESN'T- work on animation or sound?
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Old 09-02-2015, 08:34 AM   #99
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

I do have some concerns for sim nation

1. The game reacts to slow . For those back door cuts , and stopping lobs you only have a split second but sometimes the reaction is way to slow .

2. players fumble too often I can see those passes into traffic being fumbled but not wide open under the basket or wide open in the corner . Some times it looks like I'm watching Kiddie ball when that happens . Also elite ball handlers shouldn't get stripped that often driving . Who doesn't know to protect the ball ?

3. Big men are soft simply put the post moves are there . But the blocking isn't dominant enough . All star Big men blow a lot of gimmes too often . Whereas guards can finish the craziest lengthy animations

4. Baseline animations are OP 2k already acknowledged this

5. Shooting for patch 4 I hope the shooting for patch 4 doesn't carry over to 2k16. You literally can't dare anyone to shoot even bad players like Tony Allen. People are hitting threes with centers on me its that bad .
6. Offense recording tipped, blocked , loose balls the offense wins this way too often. This throws the defense way off track . The ball could be right in front of me and the offensive player will react way faster
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Last edited by Rockie_Fresh88; 09-02-2015 at 08:44 AM.
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Old 09-02-2015, 10:01 AM   #100
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

I wholly agree with some of the great points made in this thread, and since my basketball tactical knowledge is far lower than most of you in here, I'd like to comment on some of the more layman issues:

- I would love to see your progress in MyCareer actually reflect how the game responds to you. It's weird when you are a 4th season superstar and your coach and teammates talk to you as you were a rookie. If I've worked hard to become a LeBron'esque player I don't want to hear "Come on son, let's see what you got" and such crap. And the option to skip the pre-sub sequence, of course. It needs to be a reason to become a superstar, now it's like the game isn't meant to be played beyond season three. I have no problems with not having an endless supply of different press conferences, post-game interviews, arena tunnel talks and such, but at least it needs to reflect your status.

- More interaction/communication. I would love to be able to scold both teammates as well as opponents, and be able to talk back to the coach when he coughs up "Cover somebody" after you played your arse off, especially after your stock has risen. The Twitter feedback just feels artificial and corny, and doesn't reflect what you really want to say. Please bring back the option to influence teammate's playing time too.

- More variety on the gen-players would be nice. It's bad enough to watch the 3pt-any CPU-player kick-out hand in face cheese without all the rookies having the same neandertal look too. And while this is certainly a bug, I have multiple James'es and Curry's in my Tweet, and all the rookies are named A.Jones, A.Smith, A.Whatever.

- The inhuman CPU reaction and loose ball recovery is very frustrating. I understand that the game has to "even out" in some way, but please make this less significant on lower levels. Now it feels like those old driving games when someone fell too far behind, they've suddenly warped right behind you. I don't like but can live with some of the steamship-like off-ball response time, but what I react strongly to is my 230lbs SF coming to a dead stop by brushing Isaiah Thomas's shoulder.

- Make ratings and badges actually count for something. Now the game seems to adjust the tendencies according to your rise in skill points. I have no less horrible row-Z passes with full playmaking abilities than with none. The "passing IQ" ability obviously isn't in sync with how the rest of the world measures IQ, and it's made even worse with teammates cutting AFTER the pass is made. And what's the point of forcing you to play like an utter **** for 10-12 hours just to get deadeye if the computer nerfs your shot whenever it feels like it? I don't complain about missing, it's about WHEN you do it and that it's quite predictable.

- Teammates. There is too little intelligent movement, and even on rookie they are absolutely useless in defence. This is clearly not a technical issue, as the CPU has no problems with this, whether they are D.Jordan or A.Scrub. By all means, throw the "kitchen sink" at HoF, but please make the lower difficulties about experience, not scores.

- Make the reward greater than the punishment. Even though I have no problems winning MC games, even blowouts on HoF, I find myself often playing at Pro and even Rookie level to avoid the frustration, this game has literally cost me over $100 in broken controllers. The surefire CPU post fadeaway and 80-90% 3pt shooting is one thing, but the game "fabricates" the box score ever so often by making the game seemingly miss every 3pt while you are on the bench, no matter what position you play or what level. I don't mind losing or having a "realistic" fg%, but when the CPU sinks everything unless the CPU decides to not sink everything (which is very predictable) it ruins the immersion. And I'd like to see the "Allow man to score" feedback to be either more precise or ditched alltogether.

Still the game is fantastic. Visually the game is already ahead of almost any sports game on the market, and puts behemoths like FIFA to shame. I just hope that some of the more frustrating balancing issues could be adressed and the immersion being better, the latter which I have high hopes for with Spike Lee being involved. It has to be said that some of us probably has played the game to pieces, after 1000+ hours I think you have exhausted most of the game mechanics. That's why the "experience" is so important for me, even more so than the match being (artificially) tight, without it the game has little to fall back on. But with 1000 hours of gameplay I should probably just shut my gob and give up my money for 2K16.

Sorry for the long-windedness, it's just everything I wanted to say over the last year condensed into one long boring post.
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Old 09-02-2015, 10:19 AM   #101
hedop's Arena
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

My concerns are:

More VC bull**** by which I mean that we will get charged for even more rubbish in every area of the game even though we payed 60 bucks and more for the game. Which leads to the game becoming Pay2Win online in most modes.

Another rubbish MyCareer attempt which a supposedly big name running the show even though the guy is a talentless, overrated hack. But yeah let's have some dude like that ruin the game instead of Jay-Z or LeChoke.

Still no implementation of the salary cap increase and thus making MyGM pretty stupid again.

Still a rubbish AI that leaves your Player in even though it's scrub time, doesn't assign you sets based on your ability, doesn't adjust the gameplan even though you are the greatest player who ever lived, substitutes your scrubs in on Auto-Sub even though you clearly assigned minutes only to 8 guys on the team, trades away picks and picks and more picks for rubbish bench players and then trades them back from you for their star player so that by the end of the first season you hold 15 first round picks and have an allstar calibre roster, makes Lebron leave Cleveland after one season to join Orlando or Detroit or Philly or some other dumb ****.

My hopes are:

None of the above happens.
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Old 09-05-2015, 04:56 AM   #102
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

Curious to hear what you guys think regarding your concerns and if at least the majority were addressed?
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Old 09-05-2015, 04:56 AM   #103
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

Curious to hear what you guys think regarding your concerns and if at least the majority were addressed?
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Old 09-05-2015, 05:06 AM   #104
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

My main hope was for there to be some sort of hand-to-ball tracking when attempting a block. On many occasiins, my defending big man would miss a block because the animation didn't allow him to adjust his reach.

It seems like they've implimented something similar so I think i'll be good.
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